Edward McCartan | Dream Lady, 1922, Lincoln Park
Edward McCartan | Dream Lady, 1922, Lincoln Park
Eugene Field |
"Dream Lady", also known as the Eugene Field Memorial, is a bronze sculpture by Edward Francis McCartan (August 16, 1879 - September 20, 1947).
It is located in Lincoln Park, Chicago.
Eugene Field (1850-1895) was an author and journalist, and wrote a humor column, "Sharps and Flats", for the Chicago Daily News. He was also well known as an author of poems for children.
The memorial cost $35,000, and was funded by public school children, citizens of Chicago and the B. F. Ferguson Monument Fund. It was dedicated on October 9, 1922.
Erected in 1922 by school children and citizens aided by the Benj. F. Ferguson Fund unsigned | From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia.

"Dream Lady", nota anche come il Memoriale di Eugene Field, è una scultura di bronzo di Edward McCartan. Si trova a Lincoln Park, Chicago.
Eugene Field (1850-1895) è stato un scrittore e giornalista Americano, conosciuto per le sue poesie per bambini ed i saggi umoristici. Ha scritto la colonna umoristica "Sharps e Flats" per il Chicago Daily News. Egli era anche noto come autore di poesie per i bambini.
Il memoriale è costato 35.000 $, ed è stato finanziato dai bambini delle scuole pubbliche, i cittadini di Chicago e la BF Ferguson Monument Fund. E 'stato dedicato il 9 ottobre 1922.
Memoirla for Eugene field Unveiled. The New York Times. October 10, 1922