
Abiodun Olaku, 1958 | Waterscape/Cityscape painter


Born in Lagos in Lagos, Nigeria, Abiodun Olaku has his roots in Abeokuta, Ogun state. In his third decade of avid, dedicated and progressive art practice since graduating from the prestigious Yaba College of Technology, Lagos as a painter in 1981, under the supervision and guidance of Prof. Yusuf Grillo, Kolade Oshinowo and late Dr. Isiaka Osunde. Abiodun Olaku has crystallized into one of the ‘exclusive’ masters of his generation.

Nikita Manokhin, 1989 | Palette knife painter

Nikita Manokhin Anatolyevich was born in Mariupol, Donetsk region, Ukraine, in the artists` family.
In 2005 graduated from the Mariupol City Lyceum, language faculty, English speciality.
In 2011 graduated from the Architectural faculty of Donbass National Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

- 'I was born in a small town of Mariupol in Ukraine, in the artists' family. I must admit, I didn't have any affection to arts or painting during my first years. Painting was quite a difficult discipline for me at school, I didn't attend any professional painting classes then. Foreign languages were much more interesting for me, so eventually in 2005 I finished Mariupol City Lyceum, English language faculty.



Archip Ivanovič Kuindži | Landscape painter

Архип Иванович Куинджи ([1842-1910) is considered one of the most talented Russian landscape painters of his generation.
Born in Ukraine, he was associated during the second half of the 1870s with a group of Russian Realist painters known as the Wanderers.
In the 1890s, he was hired to teach landscape painting at the Academy of Fine Arts but was later dismissed for sympathizing with student agitators.



Mosè Bianchi | Genre/Macchiaioli painter

Mosè Bianchi (Monza, 1840-1904) was an Italian painter and printmaker.
Bianchi's family moved from Monza to Milan and he enrolled at the Brera Academy.
Having interrupted his studies to serve in the second war of independence, he returned to attend the school of painting directed by Giuseppe Bertini.



François-Auguste Ravier | Romantic landscape painter


François-Auguste Ravier (1814 - 1895) was born in Lyons in 1814. His father, a confectioner, wanted him to pursue a career as a notary, and the young Ravier went off to Paris in 1832 to study law. His spare time was taken up with drawing and painting, and he has been said to have attended the studios of Jules Coignet (1798-1860) and Aligny (q.v.). But according to Nathalie Favier, an expert on this painter, it is possible that Ravier received advice from a number of artists without having pursued any traditional artistic training. In 1837-38 he painted in the Paris area, in the forest of Fontainebleau, and in the Dauphiné and the Bugey, a region to the east of Lyons. In Royat, in 1839, he met Corot (q.v.), whom he revered the most. Between 1840-1847, no doubt following Corot's advice, Ravier went on a number of lengthy trips to Italy to draw and paint in the Roman countryside.

Arthur Braginsky, 1965

Nato a Mukachevo, Ucraina, Arthur Braginsky è un artista pluripremiato che vive e lavora in Ungheria.
Nel 1982 si è laureato da Mukachevo scuola d'arte.
Successivamente ha studiato a Lviv I. Fedorov Poligrafico Institute.
Dal 1987-1989 ha lavorato come artista delle luci presso la Filarmonica regionale (Uzhgorod), più tardi presso il Teatro Drammatico russo come decoratore.

Marlene Dietrich 1901-1992


John Bramblitt, 1971 | Palette Knife painting from a blind artist


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John Bramblitt is a blind painter living in Denton Texas. He began painting after losing his sight in 2001 after a series of severe seizures. His art has been sold in over twenty countries and he has appeared internationally in print, TV and radio. He has appeared on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, ABC, and BBC Radio, and he's been featured in The New York Times and Psychology Today. He's the subject of the award winning documentary shorts "Line of Sight' and "Bramblitt". His work has received much recognition including the ‘Most Inspirational Video of 2008′ from YouTube and three Presidential Service Awards for his innovative art workshops.

Edgar Payne | Plein Air painter


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Edgar Alwin Payne (1 March 1883 - 8 April 1947) was an American Western landscape painter and muralist. Payne was born in Washburn, Barry County, Missouri, in the heart of the Ozarks. Washburn is in southwest Missouri, only nine miles from the Arkansas border. But that wouldn't stop this turn-of-the-century Missouri teenager from seeing the world. Before Edgar was done he would crisscross the United States, travel to Mexico, Canada, and Europe and even spend the summer in the Alps. But, like John Muir before him, and Ansel Adams after, it was the American West that most appealed to his heart.

Pablo Picasso | The Portraits

The total number of artworks he produced has been estimated at 50.000, comprising 1.885 paintings, 1.228 sculptures, 2.880 ceramics, roughly 12.000 drawings, many thousands of prints, and numerous tapestries and rugs.
At the time of his death many of his paintings were in his possession, as he had kept off the art market what he did not need to sell.
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso was exceptionally prolific throughout his long lifetime. One of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is widely known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore.



Oswald Achenbach | Düsseldorf school of painting


Oswald Achenbach (2 February 1827 - 1 February 1905) was a German painter associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting. Though little known today, during his lifetime he was counted among the most important landscape painters of Europe. Through his teaching activities, he influenced the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. His brother, Andreas Achenbach, who was twelve years older, was also among the most important German landscape painters of the 19th century. The two brothers were humorously called "the A and O of Landscapes" (a reference to their initials matching a common German reference to the Alpha and Omega).

Sanford Robinson Gifford | Hudson River School


Sanford Robinson Gifford was born in Greenfield, New York, in 1823. He attended Brown University from 1842-1844 and moved to New York City in 1845 where he studied drawing, perspective and anatomy under the direction of the British watercolorist and drawing-master, John R. Smith. He also studied the human figure in anatomy classes at the Crosby Street Medical college and took drawing classes at the National Academy of Design. In 1846 he visited the Berkshire Hills and the Catskill Mountains, sketching from nature.

Fabio Hurtado, 1960

Fabio Hurtado is a Spanish-Italian painter and photographer, with an unmistakable style.
His paintings recreate scenes in an almost cinematographic context which are set within the 1920's and 1930's.
His exquisite drawing skills and harmonious use of color are complementary to the overall sense of mystery surrounding his stylish and elegant characters and the roles they play in his paintings.



Franz Richard Unterberger | Romantic landscape painter

Austrian painter Franz Richard Unterberger [1838-1902], a Romantic style painter of waterscapes, landscapes, architecture and Genre, was born in Innsbruck, in what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on 15th August 1838, one of eleven children of a wealthy bourgeois family. He decided to pursue a career as an artist at a relatively young age and enrolled in the Academy in Munich. Here he studied with Albert Zimmerman [1808-1888] a professor and landscape painter at the Academy and with Julius Lange [1817-1878]. It was as a painter of Alpine landscapes that Unterberger first drew recognition, views particularly set in his native Tyrol. In 1860 Unterberger continued his studies in Düsseldorf; in what was to be a particularly significant period he was much taken by the work of Oswald Aschenbach [1827-1905] a landscape painter and his brother Andreas [1815-1910] also a landscape painter who worked extensively in Scandinavia before moving to Italy in the 1870’s.

Alexei Butirskiy, 1974 | Symbolist cityscape painter


Born in Moscow, Russian painter Алексей Бутырский entered Moscow Art College in 1992. In 1996 he completed his studies at the Art College and graduated with an Excellence Diploma. In 1998 he graduated from the Russian Academy of the Arts where he studied under respected professor, L.S. Hasyanova.

Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter | Quotes /Aforismi

'Prendo in prestito dei corpi e degli oggetti, li dipingo per ricordare a me stesso la magia dell'equilibrio che regola l'universo tutto. In questa magia l'anima mia risuona dell'Unico Suono che mi riporta a Dio'.

Andre Dluhos, 1940

Quasi 70 anni di esperienza artistica professionale, Andre Dluhos presenta uno stile audace, a spatola, con una trama pesante e una versione decisamente moderna dello stile impressionista.
Andre Dluhos è nato nella Cecoslovacchia orientale, l'attuale Slovacchia. Andre ha iniziato a dipingere all'età di otto anni.
A quattordici anni vinse il suo primo concorso artistico tra i 400 iscritti della regione.



John Joseph Enneking | Impressionist painter

John Joseph Enneking (1841-1916) was born on an Ohio farm and orphaned as a teenager.
Enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War. Severely wounded in action and discharged from service.
Went to New York and then to Boston to take art lessons. Spent most of his life in Boston and New England area.
Trained in lithography and study in Europe. 1872, went abroad for four years.



Olga Boznanska | Impressionist painter

Polish painter Olga Boznańska (April 15, 1865 - October 26, 1940) was a notable female painter in Poland and Europe and was stylistically associated with the French impressionism🎨.
Boznańska was born in Kraków during foreign partitions of Poland.
She was the daughter of a railway engineer, Adam Nowina Boznański, and Eugenia née Mondan. Boznańska learned drawing first with Józef Siedlecki and Kazimierz Pochwalski locally.
She studied at the Adrian Baraniecki School for Women.
She débuted in 1886 at the Kraków Association of Friends of Fine Arts exhibition.



Hans Zatzka | Madonna with the Infant Jesus, 1930

Austrian artist Hans Zatzka was born in 1859 in Vienna.
He spent his childhood in the 19th district of Vienna, Braytenzeer Strasse, 2.
His artistic talent was noticeable at an early age.
From 1877-1882 Hans Zatska studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, his teacher was Professor Blaas.



Kazimir Malevich | Cubist/Geometric abstract painter


Kazimir Severinovič Malevič | Казимир Северинович Малевич, (born Feb 23 [Feb. 11, old style], 1878, near Kiev-died May 15, 1935, Leningrad), Russian painter, who was the founder of the Suprematist school of Abstract painting.
Malevich was trained at the Kiev School of Art and the Moscow Academy of Fine Arts. In his early work he followed Impressionism as well as Fauvism, and, after a trip to Paris in 1912, he was influenced by Picasso and Cubism. As a member of the Jack of Diamonds group, he led the Russian Cubist movement.

Marie Bracquemond | Les grandes dames of Impressionism

Marie Bracquemond (1840-1916) was a French Impressionist artist described retrospectively by Henri Focillon in 1928 as one of "Les trois grandes dames" of Impressionism alongside Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt.
However, her frequent omission from books on women artists is attributable to the efforts of her husband, Félix Bracquemond, who sought to thwart her development and recognition as an artist.
His objections to her career were not based on gender but on the style she adopted-Impressionism.



Luis Claudio Morgilli, 1955 | Impressionist painter


Luis Claudio Morgilli, known artistically as Morgilli, was born in 1955. Influential artist in the Catanduva region, São Paulo State, Morgilli already become school for many artists in hear area, just to cite some important names of his students as Ronaldo Boner, Rodrigo Zaniboni and Cassiano Pereira.