Abram Efimovich Arkhipov | Genre/En plein air painter
Aбра́м Ефи́мович Архи́пов (1862-1930) was a Russian realist artist, who was a member of the art collective The Wanderers as well as the Union of Russian Artists.
Abram Arkhipov made his name in the history of Russian art of the turn of the century as a sensitive, poetic artist who devoted all his talent to themes from peasant life.
Born in the village of Yegorovo in the Ryazan Oblast Arkhipov (birth name Abram Pyrikov) left for the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 1877, where he would fall under the tutelage of various Russian artists including Vasily Perov, Vasily Polenov and Vladimir Makovsky. In 1883, Archipov went to study at the Imperial Academy of Arts at Saint Petersburg, he would stay there two years, before returning to complete his studies in Moscow.
Arkhipov was accepted into the art collective, The Wanderers in 1889, and joined the Union of Russian Artists in 1903. Themes that occur within his artwork include the lives of Russian women, with some of his realist paintings depicting their grim daily realities.
Arkhipov painted an unusual series of portraits of peasant women and girls from the Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod regions. They are all dressed in bright national costumes. with embroidered scarves and beads. Painted with broad lively strokes, the paintings are marked by their decorativeness and buoyant colours, with rich reds and pinks predominating.
Arkhipov also spent much time and energy on his activities as a teacher. He started teaching 1894 in the Moscow School of Art, Sculpture and Architecture, and carried on there after the Revolution.
Like others in the Union of Russian Artists, Arkhipov also painted regularly En plein air, travelling and painting scenes from the North of Russia and the White Sea coast.
Arkhipov also taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture where he was originally a student, and from 1922 through 1924 taught at Vkhutemas. Arkhipov joined the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia in 1924, and in 1927 was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Arkhipov died in Moscow in 1930.
Abram Efimovič Archipov/Абра́м Ефи́мович Архи́пов (1862-1930) è stato un pittore Russo appartenente alla corrente realista, membro dei Peredvižniki, dell'Unione degli artisti russi e dell'Associazione degli Artisti Rivoluzionari Russa.
Nato nel villaggio Yegorovo in Ryazan Oblast da una famiglia di credo ortodosso Archipov andò a studiare alla scuola di Mosca di pittura, scultura e architettura nel 1877 dove fu istruito sotto gli insegnamenti di vari famosi artisti russi come Vasilij Grigor'evič Perov, Vasilij Dmitrievič Polenov e Vladimir Egorovič Makovskij. Nel 1883 Archipov andò a studiare a San Pietroburgo all'Accademia Imperiale d'Arte, dove rimase per due anni prima di ritornare a Mosca per completare i suoi studi.
Archipov fu accettato nei Peredvižniki nel 1889 e nell'Unione degli artisti russi nel 1903. I temi che ricorrono nella sua arte sono le vite delle donne russe nella dura realtà di tutti i giorni rappresentate tramite il realismo pittorico. Dipinse anche diversi quadri di donne contadine della Russia rurale con i vivaci colori degli abiti tradizionali. Come altri artisti delle associazioni di cui faceva parte, utilizzò regolarmente la pittura En plein air viaggiando e dipingendo scene della Russia del nord e delle coste del mar Bianco.
Archipov insegnò anche alla scuola di Mosca di pittura, scultura, e architettura dove fu originariamente studente. Prese parte all'Associazione degli Artisti Rivoluzionari Russa nel 1924 e nel 1927 fu premiato con il titolo Artista Nazionale dell'URSS.