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Yuko Nagayama 永山裕子, 1963 | Watercolor painter

Japanese artist🎨 Nagayama Yuka 永山裕子 is a leading watercolorist and teacher known for her easy-to-understand instructional style.
Her paintings are exhibited and sold in galleries across Japan, the United States, and France, and she is featured regularly in Watercolor Magazine.
Nagayama Yuka was born in Tokyo.

In 1985 graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a premium, and in 1987 the School of Arts Department Satoru in Tokyo.
Since 2009 she is a professor at Musashino Art University and presides over the Otsuka Atelier.
She has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in painting from Tokyo University of the Arts.
Together with another watercolorist Kazuo Kasai opened his own school of watercolor, constantly conducts master classes.
Uses French paper Arches, gold paint, salt, concealer, etc. Also writes acrylic.

L'artista Giapponese🎨 Yuko Nagayama 永山裕子 è nata a Tokyo. Nel 1985 si diploma alla scuola d'Arte con un premio, e nel 1987 frequenta la Scuola di Arti Dipartimento Satoru a Tokyo.
Dal 2009 è docente di pittura nel Musashino Art University.
Insieme ad un altro acquerellista Kazuo Kasai, ha aperto la propria scuola di acquerello, dove conduce costantemente corsi di perfezionamento.
Utilizza carta Arches francesi, vernice d'oro, sale, correttore, ecc. Scrive anche in acrilico.