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Louis Escobedo, 1952 | Colorist painter

"Color is like a person’s signature, if it’s the right color, I have to have it.
And when I find those colors that ‘work’, I feel it immediately, like hearing music so beautiful that I have to stop whatever else I’m doing and listen" - Louis Escobedo.

He began his painting career at age 6 when he won the best of show in his elementary school in Sweetwater Texas.
In 1974, after graduation from college he began his career as an artist honing his talents to become a freelance illustrator in Texas.
In 1979, he finally achieved his goal.

During his time as an illustrator, he received a gold medal from the Society of Illustrators in New York in 1981 and many other awards from many organizations such as the Dallas Texas Visual Society.
Louis and Yolanda currently reside in Santa Fe New Mexico.
In 1985, he shifted his professional focus, moving from illustration to fine art.
In 1990, Louis and his wife, Yolanda, moved to Denver, Colorado.

During his fine art career, Louis exhibited in many galleries across the United States, including California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, and Maryland.
With a BFA from Sam Houston University, now many years later, the role of painting in his life has not diminished.

"The most important thing in my life is to paint and for people to enjoy my paintings".

Louis Escobedo uses high-intensity colors to energize all of his subjects, landscape, still life and figurative.
As a 'master colorist', Louis’ oil paintings excel with their dramatic lighting effects and tremendous depth.
He looks beyond the usual physical make-up of the painting subject, to the relationships of its forms and colors, creating a compelling visual map in each painting.

"I’ve never seen anybody else with my colors. I’ve seen people who are colorful, but in a different way".

Influenced by many 19th century European artists, Louis is most influenced by Spanish artist Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. It is the famous artist’s bravado and use of color that most impresses Louis.

His pursuit has not been without numerous successes. Louis’ paintings have received numerous awards, including the 'Best of Show' Award from the Oil Painters of America, a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators in New York and the Top 100 in the National Arts for the Parks.
His works have been exhibited at the Hermitage Museum in Norfolk, Virginia, the Colorado History Museum, the Denver Art Museum, and the Phippen Museum among others.

In 1994, Louis was awarded his first Gold Medal from the National Oil Painters of America (OPA) and received his second one with a $25,000 award in 2014.
He is one of only two artists receiving this prestigious award twice from this 27-year-old organization.
In 2019 Louis received the Master Signature status in Oil Painters of America based on his mastery of oil painting and accomplishments in the world of representational art.

Artist Statement

Color is a person’s signature, a personal form of expression and another sense an artist can use to communicate.
I intermingle abstract shapes and color to energize my subjects, which include landscapes, still lifes, and figures.
Sometimes I have to watch myself and not use color as a crutch.
Color are my kids; you have to watch your values before they can come out to play.
Sometimes they want to come out to play really fast, and I have to say, wait until I’m ready for you.

Louis Escobedo è nato a Sweetwater, Texas, e ha conseguito un BFA in arte pubblicitaria presso la Sam Houston State University di Huntsville, Texas.
Ha iniziato la sua carriera pittorica all'età di 6 anni quando ha vinto il miglior spettacolo nella sua scuola elementare a Sweetwater, Texas.
Nel 1974, dopo la laurea, iniziò la sua carriera di artista affinando il suo talento per diventare un illustratore freelance in Texas.

Nel 1979 raggiunse finalmente il suo obiettivo.
Durante il suo periodo come illustratore, ha ricevuto una medaglia d'oro dalla Society of Illustrators di New York nel 1981 e molti altri premi da molte organizzazioni come la Dallas Texas Visual Society.
Louis e Yolanda attualmente risiedono a Santa Fe, nel New Mexico.

Nel 1985 ha spostato il suo focus professionale, passando dall'illustrazione alle belle arti.
Nel 1990, Louis e sua moglie Yolanda si trasferirono a Denver, in Colorado.
Durante la sua carriera artistica, Louis ha esposto in molte gallerie negli Stati Uniti, tra cui California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Virginia e Maryland.

Nel 1994, Louis ha ricevuto la sua prima medaglia d'oro dalla National Oil Painters of America (OPA) e ha ricevuto la seconda con un premio di $ 25.000 nel 2014.
È uno dei soli due artisti a ricevere questo prestigioso premio due volte in questi 27 anni. vecchia organizzazione.
Nel 2019 Louis ha ricevuto lo status di Master Signature in Oil Painters of America in base alla sua maestria nella pittura ad olio ed ai risultati ottenuti nel mondo dell'arte rappresentativa.