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Leonardo da Vinci | Differenza infra poesia e pittura

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /18

La pittura immediate ti si rappresenta con quella dimostrazione per la quale il suo fattore l'ha generata, e dà quel piacere al senso massimo, qual dare possa alcuna cosa creata dalla natura.
Ed in questo caso il poeta, che manda le medesime cose al comun senso per la via dell'udito, minor senso, non dà all'occhio altro piacere che se uno sentisse raccontare una cosa.
Or vedi che differenza è dall'udir raccontare una cosa che dia piacere all'occhio con lunghezza di tempo, o vederla con quella prestezza che si vedono le cose naturali.

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Giorgio Kienerk | Post Impressionist / Symbolist painter

Italian painter and sculptor Giorgio Kienerk (Firenze 1869 - Fauglia/Pisa 1948) born to an old Tuscan family. Kienerk began to study drawing and sculpture with the master Adriano Cecioni.
At the age of only 17, he had the opportunity to show his works at the Florentine Promotrice show for new talent.
When his teacher Cecioni died unexpectedly in 1886, Kienerk worked with Telemaco Signorini, who pushed him to master painting as well.

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Kerdalo, 1962 ~ Urban street scene

French painter Kerdalo was born in 1962 in Chamalières. His paintings catch the light and dazzle at first sight as do the town of Paris from which he draws his inspiration. His works often recall the sweet memories of childhood, when time seems to stop. After his studies at the school of Applied Arts and a short passage in the world of Comic strip, he took back his brushes and studied with great interest the Impressionist Masters and so managed to create his own style. Kerdalo knows how to use the slightest lighting and the smallest ray on the street to sublimate the town and to create a serene and calm atmosphere special of Paris.
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Silvestro Lega | Macchiaioli painter

Italian painter Silvestro Lega (1826-1895) was one of the leading artists of the Macchiaioli and was also involved with the Mazzini movement.
Lega was born in Modigliana, near Forlì, to an affluent family.
From 1838 he attended the Piarist College, where his skill at drawing became evident.
From 1843-1847 he attended the Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence, studying drawing under Benedetto Servolini (1805-79) and Tommaso Gazzarini (1790-1853), then studying painting, briefly, under Giuseppe Bezzuoli.

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Jeanie Tomanek, 1949 ~ Allegorical/Narrative painter

American painter Jeanie Tomanek inspired by literature, folktales and Myths, she portrays tall, snow white, bald women in dreamlike settings. A couple of years ago, Jeany left the corporate life behind to follow her passion and fully focus on her artwork. As she explains, painting helps her to develop her inner voice: “I paint to explore the significance of ideas, memories, events, feelings, dreams and images that seem to demand my closer attention”.
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Frits Thaulow | Skagen painter

Frits Thaulow (1847-1906) was a Norwegian Impressionist painter, best known for his naturalistic depictions of landscape.
Johan Frederik Thaulow was born in Christiania, the son of the wealthy chemist, Harald Conrad Thaulow (1815-1881) and Nicoline "Nina" Louise Munch (1821-1894). Thaulow was educated at the Academy of Art in Copenhagen in 1870-72, and from 1873-75 he studied with Hans Gude at the Baden School of Art in Karlsruhe.
Thaulow was one of the earliest artists to paint in Skagen in the north of Jutland, soon to become famous for its Skagen painters.

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Mark Shasha, 1961 | Plein Air painter

Mark Shasha is an Award-winning American artist.
He is also an author, illustrator, educator, actor and a songwriter.
His paintings, drawings and prints are found in public and private collections around the world and have appeared in museums and galleries for more than three decades.
His children's books appear regularly on bestseller lists and have been read by millions worldwide.

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Frank Horvat | Pioneer of digital photography

"In almost 70 years of photography, I had the time to photograph many different subjects, with at least a dozen different techniques. But that’s almost beside the point. The point is that I had the time to play many different games" - Frank Horvat

In 2008, Frank Horvat receives the award of La Fondazione del Centenario, in Lugano (Switzerland), for his contribution to European culture.

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Retro Postcards / Wolfgang von Goethe | Io penso a te..

Io penso a te.. - Wolfgang von Goethe
Io penso a te quando dal seno del mare
il sole sorge e i suoi raggi dardeggia;
io penso a te quando al chiarore lunare
l'onda serena biancheggia.
Io penso a te quando sale la polvere
lungo il lontano sentiero,
e nella notte oscura, quando al passeggero
sul ponte il cuore balza di paura.
I think of you when sunlight on the ocean
Glimmers at noon;
I think of you when shimmers in the river
Mirror the moon.
I see you in the rise of dust that covers
The distant ridge,
In each deep midnight where the wanderer quivers
On the high bridge.
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Igli Jorgo, 1965 | Abstract painter

Igli Jorgo is a modern artist who paints classically in spirit, modern in creation developing a new relation of forms and space.
He gathers an abundance of figure elements from classical images and transcribes them with a descriptive efficacy, which is uncommon to all.
Albanian painter Igli Jorgo was born in Tirana, Albania.
- 1985: Graduate, School of Art in Tirana, with Professor N.Bakalli.

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Luis de Leõn, 1950 | Fashion painter

Son of Spanish political refugees, Luis De Leõn was born on July 14, 1950 in Oujda, Morocco.
He arrived in France at the age of 13 and continued his studies at the Ecole d'Art des Tissages in Lyon.
He became a designer, graphic designer and professor of plastic arts.
He has always been a painter...
Numerous solo and group exhibitions have marked his career in France and abroad: Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the United States, China...
Inspiration principale: The beauty. His work is technically flawless.
Her gesture is sure, and the chromatic palette responds perfectly to her visionary impulses, whose inspiration is obviously the mystery of feminine sensuality..
Love is there but it cannot be seen, it can be guessed.

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Adam Licsko, 1979 | Remember yourself

California artist Adam Licsko has been painting professionally since 2001.
Within the first five years of his professional debut, his unique minimalist style attracted an international following and critical acclaim.
He has collections with Nissan, Amgen Cancer Research Institute, Seagate Technologies, Raytheon, Loyola Marymount University, Cisco Systems and State Farm, to name just a few, as well as numerous celebrity collectors.
Paintings he has donated have raised funds for charities, including Make A Wish Foundation-Miami, Central Coast Wine Classic, and The Ventana Wildlife Society [for the California condor] and Greenspace.

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Catlin Harrison ~ Abstract artist

A Londoner by birth and inclination, the city provides for me a fresh daily helping of eclectic people to watch and wonder about.
'I'm endlessly fascinated with the human form, especially meta-figures like ghosts or dolls or archetypes. Sometimes I think my work stems from a collectors' sensibility - particularly those Victorian do-gooders who pinned butterflies or measured skulls. Each piece of work is an independent specimen, a set of examples of a particular type.
Presence, oddity, beauty and humour are important elements in all my work, as is colour and aesthetics
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Cecilia Paredes, 1950 ~ Body painter

Cecilia Paredes was born in Lima, Peru and currently lives and works between Philadelphia, PA US and Lima, Peru. Cecilia builds objects mainly using discarded natural elements and with her work, re creates another language. She also does performances using make up, body painting or any other resource to create her anthropomorphic images, transforming herself into animals, plants or landscapes. These acts are registered on photography, creating her photoperformances.
She studied at the Catholic University Art School in Lima, at the Cambridge Arts and Crafts School in England and at the Scuola del Nudo in Rome, Italy. Cecilia is a Rockefeller Fellow since 1998.
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Daniel Ridgway Knight | Genre / Figurative painter

Daniel Ridgway Knight’s (15 March 1839 - 9 March 1924) works represent so many aspects of Ninetee­nth Century painting, in­cluding history, genre, landscape, portrait and floral themes.
In each work, all that is aesthetic is recorded with fine detail and skill.In order to faithfully record the scenery, night studied the different phases of the day and their effects on the environ­ment.
Knight built a glass studio outside of his home, enabl­ing him to paint outdoors, even in the dead of winter.
Whether he was concen­trating on the evening with the glow of moon­light upon the Seine River or on a young woman in a brightly colored flower garden at midday, each scene is depicted with great detail and with specific attention to a realistic portrayal of the landscape.

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Paul Gustave Fischer | Cityscape painter

Paul Fischer belongs to the fourth generation of Fischers to live in Denmark. This Jewish family originally came from Poland.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Fischer see:
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Peter Yesis ~ Still life painter

Peter Yesis is a native of New Jersey and works from his home in Searsport, Maine. He renders paintings in a softened, realistic style that leaves space for thought and reflection. Whether he is painting a still-life, a figurative or a landscape, his goal is to draw the viewer into the work and to share his vision of the underlying beauty of everyday life.
Peter's paintings have been purchased by artists and collectors across the world and have been juried into exhibitions by the International Guild of Realism, Salon International, Oil Painters of America, American Plains Artists and C.M Russell Auction. He is presently represented by The Gallery at Somes Sound in Somesville, Maine and Camden Falls Gallery in Camden, Maine. Peter is a member of the International Guild of Realism, Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society and Plein Air Painters of Maine.