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Sidney Meteyard | Pre-Raphaelite painter

Sidney Harold Meteyard RBSA (1868-1947) was an English art teacher, painter and stained-glass designer.
A member of the Birmingham Group, he worked in a late Pre-Raphaelite style heavily influenced by Edward Burne-Jones and the Arts and Crafts Movement.
Meteyard was born in Stourbridge, his father was Oswald George Meatyard (d. 4 May 1906) and mother Emma Maria Meatyard, née Rutland (1838-1925).
He studied under Edward R. Taylor at the Birmingham School of Art, where he was to later teach for 45 years himself from 1886.

He exhibited at the Paris Salon and the Royal Academy from 1900 to 1918, was elected an Associate of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists in 1902 and made a full member in 1908.
He was later their Honorary Secretary.
A friend of William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones, Meteyard worked across a wide variety of media from his studio in Livery Street near Snow Hill station.

In 1890 he was one of the pupils at the School of Art to paint a set of murals for Birmingham Town Hall and he later produced works in stained glass, enamel and tempera, and illustrated a number of books including a notable edition of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Golden Legend.

He also illustrated the Roll of Honour, in Birmingham's Hall of Memory.
In 1907 he made a large single-figure enamel of The Angel of the Resurrection in memory of his father, for Holy Trinity Church, Wordsley.
Meteyard was instrumental in facilitating the donation of Elford Hall to the city of Birmingham.
His first marriage was to Lizzie Sarah Wilkes Fairfax Muckley (d. 9 November 1939) by special licence on 16 April 1892.

He then married jeweller Kate Eadie, a Birmingham School of art student and later fellow RBSA associate, who was also his model.
He suffered with poor eyesight late in life and was blind for his final year.
He died on 4 April 1947 at Malt House, Cookhill, Worcestershire and was buried on 11 April at Brandwood End Cemetery, Birmingham, after a service at St Paul's Church, Cookhill.

I am Half-Sick of Shadows - Said the Lady of Shalott, 1913

Sidney Harold Meteyard RBSA (1868-1947) è stato un insegnante d'arte Inglese, pittore e designer di vetrate.
Membro del Birmingham Group, lavorò in uno stile tardo Preraffaellita fortemente influenzato da Edward Burne-Jones e dal movimento Arts and Crafts.
Espose al Salon di Parigi ed alla Royal Academy dal 1900 al 1918, fu eletto associato della Royal Birmingham Society of Artists nel 1902 e ne divenne membro a pieno titolo nel 1908.

In seguito fu il loro segretario onorario.
Illustrò numerosi libri, tra cui una notevole edizione di The Golden Legend di Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, il Roll of Honour, nella Hall of Memory di Birmingham.
Nel 1907 realizzò un grande smalto a figura singola raffigurante L'angelo della Resurrezione in memoria di suo padre, per la chiesa della Santissima Trinità, Wordsley.