Ольга Гуськова was born in Moscow, Russia. She grew up in Belarus.
1985-1992 - Byelorussian Art lyceum, Minsk, Belarus
1992-1996 - Byelorussian Academy of Arts, Design department, Minsk, Belarus
In 1996 she immigrated to Belgium.
Since 2002 she lives in Bruges and works as graphic designer.
Often walking hand-in-hand with controversy is the sensual female form, Russian born, Belgium based - artist Olga Gouskova certainly knows how to capture an audience with her paintings of beautiful and stylish women.
Gouskova's women are sexy, melancholic and mysterious, with a powerful physical intensity and a subtleness of form which almost makes you want to caress them.
Her female figures do in fact caress themselves, almost as if to emphasize the preciousness of the female body - the eternal based source of life and love.
The sinuous lines convey vibrations, memories, ambivalent feelings and deep emotion by means of the positions and expressions of the figures.
Her paintings are about feelings and states of mood, about dreams and expectations. And she express it through the female portrait.
In every painting she tries to capture part of the mystery of the female personality by combining the beauty of the physical with the intensity of the mental.
Her contemporary approach to pose, dynamic composition and colour produces paintings that are modern, proud, vibrant and uniquely individual.
When painting, Gouskova uses two different techniques.
She draws the body with sepia pencil to make it look almost real - warm and soft, giving it a feeling of physical intensity and a subtleness of form, outline and volume.
For the rest of each painting she uses acrylic and all kinds of pens to draw lines and small decorative details.
She doesn't paint the volume, using instead flat washes of colour.
The lines and patterns make the composition dynamic and complete.
Ольга Гуськова è nata a Mosca, Russia. E' cresciuta in Bielorussia ma attualmente, vive e lavora in Belgio.
Dal 1985-1992 frequenta il Liceo Artistico a Minsk, Bielorussia.
Nel periodo 1992-1996 studia all'Accademia delle Arti, dipartimento di Design, Minsk, Bielorussia.
Dal 2002 vive, ama e lavora a Bruges.
La Gouskova utilizza due tecniche diverse.
Lei disegna il corpo con la matita seppia per farlo sembrare quasi reale - caldo e morbido, dando una sensazione di intensità fisica e una sottigliezza della forma, contorno e volume.
Per il resto di ogni dipinto usa acrilici e tutti i tipi di penne per disegnare linee e piccoli dettagli decorativi.
Lei non dipinge il volume, utilizzando lavaggi invece piatte di colore.
Le linee e modelli rendono la composizione dinamica e completa.