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Lucia Coghetto, 1961 | La nebbia dei ricordi | VideoArt


Lucia Coghetto, in arte «Ghetto», è nata a Mestre.
Vive e lavora in provincia di Vicenza.
Dopo vari anni di tecnica ad olio su tela, con soggetti paesaggistici, si dedica all'acquerello, ottenendo anche premi e segnalazioni.
Affascinata da una tecnica diversa, il dipinto su malta, la sperimenta e la personalizza, dedicandosi interamente alla figura, sua vera passione.

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Lucia Coghetto, 1961 | Figurative painter

Italian painter Lucia Coghetto, known as Ghetto, was born in Mestre, Venice.
She currently lives and works in the province of Vicenza.
Ghetto has been painting all her life, learning side by side with established artists, and following private courses.
For over a decade she has been painting on plaster, in the style of the frescos.

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Peter van der Ploeg, 1954

Dutch painter** Peter van der Ploeg was born in Rhenen, in the Netherlands. Graduated at the Art Academy in Arnhem in 1976.
Independent artist since 1976. The theme of his work is the silence of the landscape and the tension within it.

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Anatoly Piatkevich, 1969 | Figurative painter

Анатолий Петкевич was born in a small town in the heart of Belarus, once a Republic of the former Soviet Union.
The countryside has a mixture of serene forests, rivers, meadows and ruins of old castles and other remnants of his predecessors.
Anatoly recalls fondly that his childhood home was filled with paintings of Belarus landscapes as painted by his mother and grandmother.

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Alexey Tchernigin, 1975 ~ Impressionist painter

Alexey Tchernigin [Алексей Александрович Чернигин] is born in Nizhny Novgorod. He graduated from the College of Arts and Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Construction University degree in "Industrial Design". Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1998. Painter, graphic, an interior designer. The works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
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Timothy Martin | Surrealist painter

Timothy Martin is a classically trained painter and sculptor who first gained widespread recognition when he was selected by Tiffany and Company to display artwork in its Manhattan flagship on Fifth Avenue in 1993. Since that time Martin’s renown has spread internationally with the publication of dozens of reproductions of his charming work, as well as exhibitions from New York to Paris.

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Jorge Maciel, 1972

L'artista Brasiliano Jorge Maciel è nato nella città di Pocos de Caldas. Autodidatta ed amante dell'arte, Maciel sta scoprendo il suo talento essendo critico nei propri concetti, cercando di perfezionare la propria tecnica in ogni lavoro con grande ispirazione ed armonia, giocando con i colori e la nitidezza, dando una distribuzione convincente della luce e dell'ombra, mettendoci tutti i sentimenti e la passione per l'arte.
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Vincent van Gogh ~ Dell'Arte..

"A tutt’oggi, non ho trovato miglior definizione dell’arte di questa:
- L’arte è l’uomo aggiunto alla natura – natura, realtà, verità.
Ma col significato, il concetto, il carattere che l’artista sa trarne, che libera e interpreta".
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Leonardo da Vinci | Il pittore e lo scultore

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /33

Dice lo scultore la sua arte essere piú degna della pittura, conciossiaché quella è più eterna per temer meno l'umido, il fuoco, il caldo ed il freddo, che la pittura.
A costui si risponde che questa tal cosa non fa più dignità nello scultore, perché tal permanenza nasce dalla materia, e non dall'artefice, la qual dignità può ancora essere nella pittura, dipingendo con colori di vetro sopra i metalli, o terra cotta, e quelli in fornace far discorrere, e poi pulire con diversi strumenti, e fare una superficie piana e lustra, come ai nostri giorni si vede fare in diversi luoghi di Francia e d'Italia, e massime in Firenze nel parentado della Robbia, i quali hanno trovato modo di condurre ogni grande opera in pittura sopra terra cotta coperta di vetro.

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Paul Éluard | I love you / Ti amo

I love you for all the women
I have not known
I love you for all the time
I have not lived
For the odor of the open sea and the odor of warm bread
For the snow which melts for the first flowers
For the pure animals man doesn’t frighten
I love you to love

Henry John Stock - The Kiss, 1894
Henry John Stock - The Kiss, 1894

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Geoffrey Johnson ~ Abstract Impressionism painter

Geoffrey Johnson is a contemporary impressionist painter who draws much of his inspiration from his travels and first-hand observations. Using a monochromatic palette of sepia hues, the artist says he always strives to reproduce the places that inspire him while allowing his paintings to "almost dance on the water of abstraction or of just being". In the past, he has often painted New York City, which continues to provide new ideas and inspiration for him.
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Ugo de Cesare, 1950

Ugo de Cesare, Italian painter, was born in a small village near Florence. He studied at the Academy of Naples and Florence, and originally wanted to become an art teacher. To get his degree, he had to create an oil painting, which created such a sensation that he was awarded his degree with distinction.
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Amy Lind, 1983 | Figurative painter

American Awards winning painter Amy Lind studied portrait painting at the Florence Academy of Art under “living master” Maureen Hyde and with Michael Grimaldi at the Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier.
She graduated Summa Cum Laude and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Her eclectic training has provided her with a unique approach and insight to realism, which is visible in both the traditional and contemporary qualities that her paintings possess.

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Grace DeVito, 1965 | Figurative / Still life painter

American painter🎨 Grace Mehan DeVito has spent her life immersed in the art of painting.
Her representational realist skills are equally adept at portraiture, figurative and still life genres.
She love of light and form imbue her work with beauty and timelessness, elevating even the humblest of subjects, bearing witness to the beauty of the world.
A native of Connecticut, Grace studied at The School of Visual Arts in New York City, majoring in Illustration.

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Mihai Olteanu, 1962 | Impressionist painter

Romanian painter Mihai Olteanu was born on the 19th April 1962, Rediu village, Bira commune, Neamt county.
Graduated the High School of Arts Bacau in 1980, Professor Gheorghe Velea and Pinca Petru class.
Works abroad: In private collections from: Canada, the U.S.A, Belgium, Sweden, Iraq, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Spain.

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Franz Guillery | Genre painter

German painter Franz Paul Guillery (1862-1933) was born near Cologne, the son of a mining engineer with upper class pretensions. His family money allowed to study art full time and he spent seven years of his 20s in Rome soaking up the Italian ambiance and honing his style.
Yes, that's Venice above, but I haven't been able to find a painting of Rome.

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Elena Yushina, 1958 ~ Impressionist painter

Ukrainian painter Elena Yushina [Елена Юшина] was born in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine.
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Elena Glushkova

Russian painter Elena Glushkova [Глушкова Елена Юрьевна] was born in 1974 in Saint Petersburg.
Member of the Creative Union Hudozhnikov.
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Michael O'Toole, 1963 ~ Impressionist painter

Michael O'Toole was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1963. He attended BCIT where he studied architectural design and later moved to Toronto to work for several architectural firms. Eventually he was drawn back to the beautiful West Coast where he now resides.
Michael's love for design led him to explore his creativity in variety of media including watercolour, pen and ink, graphite, gouache and acrylic. Currently focusing on acrylics, his diverse subject matter ranges from landscape and seascape, to architecture and portraiture. His vivid and dramatic style is inspired by his former instructor, renowned artist Charles M. Svob and other impressionists. His travels both locally and internationally have also been a tremendous source of inspiration.
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Jiang Guo Fang, 1951 | Forbidden city

Jiang Guo Fang (姜國芳) was born in April 27th 1951 Nanchang, Jiangxi.
In 1978 graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts The oil painting department, school to teach.
In 1979 Central Academy of Drama dance department, Central Academy of fine art in 1984 of Department of oil painting course learning, after graduation to return to teaching at the Central Academy of Drama, now Professor.

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Laurent Botella, 1974 | Figurative painter

French artist Laurent Botella was born in Nantes.
His apprenticeship in painting began in 1989 in the atelier of Maïthé Rovino at Aussonne followed by one year at Beaux Arts in Toulouse.
The training was focused on oil painting and pastel.
Work in charcoal and pencil has always been the basis of his work before and after training.