Spanish painter Francisco Rafael Martinez Yuste under the pseudonym Paco Yuste, was born in Valencia.
From his childhood he felt great predilection for the drawing. In fact drawing was his favorite pastime.
When hi was 12 years old his parents move to Brussels, and he joins an internal college where his artistic interests for the drawing and for the music wakes up.
In this period hi passes most of his free time drawing.
At the age of 17 years he is employed at his parents’ shop.
His artistic interests persists and to satisfy them the same year joins the Academy of Fine Arts, where he starts studying by night illustration.
Since he was undecided between the drawing and the music, after studying one year fine arts, he begins to study music.
After studying music four years he returns to the Academy of Fine Arts to study illustration and design.
In 1988 he returns to Spain.
Two years later he begins to work as freelance illustrator and graphic designer. Later he specializes itself in doing murals of great format (18mx5m).
Also he paints portraits.
Artist Technique Although he had experimented with the oil painting on several occasions, mainly acrylic media was using, liquid inks and watercolors.
But from 1998 he began to paint with a mixed technique based on the technique of the masters of old such as Andrea del Sarto, Correggio, Beccafumi, Rubens, Van Dyck.
They applied a monochrome painting or verdaccio called grisaille oil, obtained with the mixture of white, black and ocher.
In the case of Paco Yuste he applies a watery monochromatic grisaille-like but with modern acrylics specially manufactured for airbrush application with excellent light fastness and very good application with a brush.
Keep working with this procedure using glazes with these colours, alternating brush technique and the airbrush, both freehand and with loose mask.
Once the work has been developed with this procedure in satisfaction, the artist applies a glaze to the entire work with transparent acrylic medium matte finish.
Is then proceeds to complete the work in oil-based glazes, enhancing lighting, shadows and contrast enhancing, adding nuances and so on.
After drying the oil painting, the artist applies to the work a satin varnish finish.
Francisco Martinez Rafael Yuste sotto lo pseudonimo di Paco Yuste è nato a Valencia.
Fin dalla sua infanzia si sentiva attratto dal disegno.
All'età di 17 anni entra a far parte dell'Accademia di Belle Arti, in Belgio, dove la sua famiglia si era trasferita e comincia a studiare di notte illustrazione.
Dal momento che era indeciso tra il disegno e la musica, dopo aver studiato belle arti per un anno, comincia a studiare musica.
Dopo aver studiato musica quattro anni torna all'Accademia di Belle Arti per studiare illustrazione e design.
Nel 1988 torna in Spagna e due anni dopo inizia a lavorare come illustratore freelance e graphic designer.
Successivamente si è specializzato nel fare murali di grande formato, dipinge ritratti.
Aveva sperimentato la pittura ad olio in diverse occasioni, usando anche acrilici, inchiostri ed acquerelli liquidi.
Ma dal 1998 ha iniziato a dipingere con una tecnica mista basata sulla tecnica dei maestri del passato come Andrea del Sarto, Correggio, Beccafumi, Rubens, Van Dyck. Paco Yuste è un artista versatile, tuttavia, è nell'iper-realismo che l'artista mostra il suo pieno potenziale creando opere riccamente dettagliate.
Le sue nature morte spesso materiali come il vetro o metallo, con una precisione quasi fotografica delle sue pennellate.
Le sue opere comprendono fiori, cristalli, nature morte e figure.
Molte delle sue opere sono in collezioni private in Spagna, Inghilterra, Belgio, Francia, Russia, Cina, Giappone e Stati Uniti.