Juan Fortuny was born in Badalona, a small fishing town near to Barcelona.
A work of art signed by Fortuny is, first and foremost, a suite of details, each and every one of which is of primary importance. A surprising and outstanding composition, fruit of long years of experience with colours, canvas, techniques, visits to galleries and museums. The route that leads to Juan Fortuny today takes the traveller backwards in time, to his childhood. Four years later his affair with drawings, his passion, triumphed and started a new career as a painter.
A work of art signed by Fortuny is, first and foremost, a suite of details, each and every one of which is of primary importance. A surprising and outstanding composition, fruit of long years of experience with colours, canvas, techniques, visits to galleries and museums. The route that leads to Juan Fortuny today takes the traveller backwards in time, to his childhood. Four years later his affair with drawings, his passion, triumphed and started a new career as a painter.

Fortuny’s surrounding world, his private life, like him, is contradictory, passionate. His house reflects on his personality. It can be completely classical, modern or even vanguardist. His home, a roomy and stately building dating back to before the Twelfth Century, is close the Montserrat Mountain, a natural park where pines and fir trees predominate. Juan Fortuny lives in constant contact with nature.
Realism is a mark of Fortuny’s work. Tidy painting, where the central theme is treated exquisitely, with care, and as if in contrast, there is the background, where the brush and stroke become freer, blending into powerful and intense chromatic abstraction.
As far as subjects go, he feels equally at ease with a floral as with a figurative subject, with a landscape or with horses, which are his weakness. Horses galloping, horses peacefully grazing in a corral. Fortuny has participated in exhibitions all around the world and his work figure in very important private collections in Europe, USA, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia.
Realism is a mark of Fortuny’s work. Tidy painting, where the central theme is treated exquisitely, with care, and as if in contrast, there is the background, where the brush and stroke become freer, blending into powerful and intense chromatic abstraction.
As far as subjects go, he feels equally at ease with a floral as with a figurative subject, with a landscape or with horses, which are his weakness. Horses galloping, horses peacefully grazing in a corral. Fortuny has participated in exhibitions all around the world and his work figure in very important private collections in Europe, USA, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia.


Per compiacere i propri genitori, Juan Fortuny si iscrisse alla Facoltà di Ingegneria di Barcellona, dove, dopo un brillante curriculum accademico, all'età di 23 anni, aveva già vinto il titolo in ingegneria chimica e un lavoro, ma era attratto dalla musica e pittura.
Ha iniziato a lavorare e studiare pittura e disegno presso la Llotja di Barcellona. La prima mostra è stata presentata a Miranda de Ebro (Burgos). Continuava dedicandosi alla pittura e, tre anni dopo entrò in contatto con la Galleria Heller, dove ha esposto ottenendo un grande successo.
Su proposta di Heller si trasferisce a vivere in Germania, l'idea era quella di essere un paio di mesi, ma rimase 15 anni. Dopo questi anni di successi Fortuny sentiva la necessità di un cambiamento di scenario e l'occasione di trasferirsi a Sydney, in Australia, presso il gallerista Buchmann, che fu il primo a commercializzare il lavoro di Fortuny fino a raggiungere una portata globale.
Decide poi tornare in Spagna. Si stabilì in Catalogna in un edificio precedente al XII secolo, ai piedi della montagna di Montserrat, che era stato un luogo di riposo e di ritiro per i monaci.