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L.W.Howard | Figurative painter

We know nothing about the biography of this artist who signed himself L.W. Howard, but one fact is certain: His works lead to the artistic production of the Italian-American painter Pino Daeni (1939-2010).
L.W. Howard is an American painter, known for working in the Figurative style.

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Paco de Lucia, il Maestro del Flamenco

Francisco Sánchez Gómez, in arte Paco de Lucía (Algeciras, 21 dicembre 1947-Cancún, 26 febbraio 2014), è stato un chitarrista e compositore spagnolo. È stato uno dei più più grandi musicisti nella storia del flamenco.
Paco de Lucía (Francisco Sanchez) nasce ad Algeciras, in provincia di Cadice Andalusia (Spagna) figlio di Lucía Gómez e Antonio Sánchez. Il nome d'arte Paco è il diminutivo di Francisco e il cognome de Lucia è in onore della madre. Egli è nato immerso nella cultura flamenca che ha appreso ancor prima gli venissero impartite lezioni pratiche.
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Steve Henderson, 1957 | Realism / Impressionist painter

Steve Henderson is an artist from Washington focusing on landscapes, seascapes and figurative work in a style that fuses impressionism with realism.
A lifetime fine artist, Steve Henderson pursued a successful career in illustration before turning to fine art fulltime. His paintings are sold and displayed nationwide through exhibitions, shows, and galleries.
About his art, Steve says: "I look for, and paint, beauty, as a counteracting effect of our media-saturated fascination with ugliness. Yes, the world is a brutal place, but it is also our home. There is peace, serenity, quietude, thoughtfulness, majesty, grace, joy, and hope in this home of ours -and that is what I paint".

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Paco Yuste, 1958 | Hyperrealist painter

Spanish painter Francisco Rafael Martinez Yuste under the pseudonym Paco Yuste, was born in Valencia.
From his childhood he felt great predilection for the drawing. In fact drawing was his favorite pastime.
When hi was 12 years old his parents move to Brussels, and he joins an internal college where his artistic interests for the drawing and for the music wakes up.
In this period hi passes most of his free time drawing.
At the age of 17 years he is employed at his parents’ shop.

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Sebastiano del Piombo | Mannerist painter

Sebastiano del Piombo (c. 1485-1547), byname of Sebastiano Luciani, was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance and early Mannerist periods, famous for his combination of the colors of the Venetian school and the monumental forms of the Roman school.

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Francesco Lavagna ~ La natura morta Napoletana del settecento

Francesco Lavagna (Napoli 1684-1724) è stato un pittore dalle ottime capacità artistiche, specializzato nel genere pittorico delle nature morte, ma della cui vita conosciamo pochissimi aspetti. Giuseppe Lavagna era discepolo del pittore napoletano Belvedére Andrea, detto Abate Andrea (1652-ivi 1732)
Abate Andrea (1652-ivi 1732)Abate Andrea (1652-ivi 1732)
ma ingrandì un po’ soverchio i suoi fiori e gli dipinse con più libertà. Divenne cieco e morì nel 1724 a quaranta anni.
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Gabriel Picart, 1962 - Realistic Figurative painter

Spanish painter Gabriel Picart, born in Barcelona, has spent most of his life in the same neighborhood. Picart's career as an illustrator blossomed; he worked on commissions throughout Europe. Picart quickly won assignments from all the major publishing houses in America and Canada. Picart worked as well for advertising agencies, graphic design firms and catalogue houses, and began showing his work at the Sala Parés in Barcelona - a very prestigious gallery. In 1996, he had his first show at the WolfWalker Gallery in Sedona, Arizona. This was quickly followed by his participation in a group show of Catalan artists at Ambassador Gallery in New York, where he was among some of the leading contemporary figurative painters working in Spain at that time.
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Richard Johnson ~ Morning Romance | VideoArt

"When I paint, it is my hope to reach beyond the canvas and engage the viewer, to connect on the shared plane of experiences, to nod together and say, "Yes, that is what youth is like, that is what a rose is like, that is what morning light feels like." I seek to create shared moments" - Richard Johnson
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Theodore Earl Butler ~ Impressionist painter | VideoArt

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Pierre Marcel, 1954 ~ Surrealist painter

Pierre Marcel Schmidt, born in Strasbourg, France, came to Florida in 1986 and resided in Miami Beach's Art Déco district for 15 years. While Pierre Marcel was originally brought to South Beach as a muralist to participate in the burgeoning renovation of the district, he quickly developed a reputation as one of South Florida's premiere decorative painters. In this regard, he was awarded the commission by the City of Miami Beach in 2000 to create the mural "ARTS" at the City's convention center depicting the renaissance of The Arts in Miami Beach.
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Debora Calicchia, 1998 | Figurative painter

I'm graduated at the Illustration Academy in Rome in 2003. Since that time i've been aimed to become an Illustrator for children's books but it's a difficult way and i am doing the best to reach my purpose.
At present, i invest my time in painting following the Impressionism🎨 art period inspiration - Renoir, Monet🎨, Lepage, Millet🎨, Carpentier..etc., that i love so much. For painting i utilize the slice rather then the brush, a technical that many oil painters don't use. It's more difficult but the effect makes me glad and really satisfied me.

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Léon Lhermitte | Naturalist painter

Léon-Augustin Lhermitte | The Gleaners, 1887 | Philadelphia Museum of Art

A part of the Realism movement and an avid realist painter, Lhermitte depicts the working class poverty in France.
Taking very obvious inspiration from Millet, a painting of the same name, Lhermitte in a series of works displayed at the Salon aims to capture this moment in time.
When comparing his work to Millet's, even the poses of the women are very similar if not the same.
In the foreground there are two women bent over picking up the grains left behind.
An obvious difference between this work and Millet's is that there is no large crowd of people working in the background.

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Po Pin Lin, 1970 ~ Impressionist Cityscape painter

Chinese-born American painter Po Pin Lin [born October 11, 1970, Taiwan] has won the Award of Excellent in the Oil Painters of America's national and regional exhibition in 2001 and 2002 and has been a signature member of Oil Painters of America for many years. He has been featured twice in Southwest Art Magazine and was named "one of the 21 finest American artists under 31". Po Pin Lin is also the cover story and the subject of a six pages feature article in The Artist's Magazine in September issue of 2003. He is featured in Fine Art Connoisseur magazine premier issue- "The Chinese Academic Tradition- Po Pin Lin: From Taiwanese Farm buy to American City-Dweller". Most recently, he is featured in Art of the West magazine in November/December issue of 2009, article "Young Guns- Po Pin Lin".
Po Pin's work is currently represented by Lee Youngman Gallery (Calistoga, CA), and Jones and Terwilliger Galleries (Carmel, CA).
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Giacomo Favretto | Genre painter

The Venetian painter Giacomo Favretto (1849-1887) is one of the most important masters of the Italian Nineteenth century, mainly depicting Genre subjects in his native city.
A true “innovator” of the Venetian school during the second half of the century, he both revived and modernised the unique aspects of great Veneto tradition, from Longhi to Tiepolo - that had been abandoned in the first half of the Nineteenth century in favour of paintings of history and landscape.

Born in Venice into a family of humble origin, Favretto enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in 1864, where he trained under Pompeo Molmenti. He was said to have been discovered in a stationer's shop cutting out silhouettes to make a living. By age 30, he had lost sight from one eye.

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Vincenzo Irolli | Genre painter

Vincenzo Irolli (1860-1949) was an Italian painter.
Vincenzo Irolli enrolled at the of Naples Institute of Fine Arts, where his masters included Gioacchino Toma, in 1877 and graduated three years later.
The work he presented regularly at the exhibitions of the Naples Società Promotrice di Belle Arti as from 1879 comprised portraits and Genre scenes.
He became a member of the Circolo Artistico Napoletano in 1890 and worked with Giovanni Migliaro and other local artists on decorations for the Caffè Gambrinus at the end of the decade.

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Muriel Dolemieux, 1954

"My life as an artist really began in 1973 when I graduated from “l’Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographique” - National Geographic Sciences Institute in Paris, as an Artist Cartographer. But I always knew I would be an artist.
When I was a kid I never asked myself if I was able to draw, I just did it ... It was in my blood!
Some of my ancestors and parents are famous artists, such as Guillaume Coustou, Nicolas de Largillière, Nicolas and Edouard Gatteaux, Henri Viot my Great-Grand-Father, Simone de Boutray my Grand-Mother, Martine Gayet my Mother..."

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Christian Rohlfs | Expressionist painter

German painter Christian Rohlfs (1849-1938) is one of the important representatives of German Expressionism.
Rohlfs was born in Gross Niendorf, Kreis Segeberg in Northern Germany.
He took up painting as a teenager while convalescing from an infection that was eventually to lead to the amputation of a leg in 1874.
He began his formal artistic education in Berlin, before transferring, in 1870, to the Weimar Academy.

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Washington Maguetas, 1942 | Impressionist painter

Innocence and beauty and also the impact of different aesthetic and emotional experiences which Washington Maguetas has had in the course of a long artistic career.
Many of his work hark back to a late 19th-century world of elegance and exquisite natural settings.
Brasilian painter Washington Maguetas is a prolific artist of great versatility who has absinfuences together with the spirit of his native land Brazil to produce paintings which reflect the best elements of both traditions.

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David Farrant, 1938 | Modern Impressionist painter

Born in London in 1938, David Farrant has built a reputation as one of the country’s finest figurative painters. Like Hopper or Vettriano, David is inspired by everyday scenes of human interaction, and he reproduces these against a living background of muted colors and complex shadows.
His early career was spent teaching art whilst also working very successfully as a portrait painter. He no longer paints portraits preferring to concentrate on his figurative painting.
David works in oil and acrylic; he likes to work on a fairly large format and tries to hint at a story in the composition of the paintings. He gets his inspiration from observing people in everyday situations and the impact of light, especially sunlight, is very apparent in his work.

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Mr. and Mrs. Garmash | Romantic Impressionist / Plein Air painters

Michael and Inessa Garmash are considered two of the finest Romantic Impressionists of our day.
Their incredible talent is only matched by their love and career stories.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Mr. and Mrs. Garmash, see:
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Leonardo da Vinci | Perché la pittura non è connumerata nelle scienze..

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /30

Perché gli scrittori non hanno avuto notizia della scienza della pittura, non hanno potuto descriverne i gradi e le parti. Ed essa medesima non si dimostra col suo fine nelle parole; essa è restata, mediante l'ignoranza, indietro alle predette scienze, non mancando per questo di sua divinità.
E veramente non senza cagione non l'hanno nobilitata, perché per sé medesima si nobilita senza l'aiuto delle altrui lingue, non altrimenti che si facciano le eccellenti opere di natura.

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Raffaello Sanzio ~ I sonetti

Sonetto I

Amor, tu m’envesscasti con doi lumi
de doi beli occhi dov’io me strugo e [s]face,
da bianca neve e da rosa vivace,
da un bel parlar in donnessi costumi.

Tal che tanto ardo, ch[e] né mar né fiumi
spegnar potrian quel foco; ma non mi spiace,
poiché ’l mio ardor tanto di ben mi face,
ch’ardendo onior più d’arder me consu[mi].

Quanto fu dolce el giogo e la catena
de’ toi candidi braci al col mio vòl[ti],
che, sogliendomi, io sento mortal pen[a].

D’altre cose io’ non dico, che fôr m[olti],
ché soperchia docenza a mo[r]te men[a],
e però tacio, a te i pens[e]r rivolti.
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Heather Arenas ~ Plein air painter

Art has been a constant for me since I was very little. I studied art through high school but also took 3 years of Latin because my goal was to become an orthopedic surgeon. I took a few classes in college to create balance while I worked on my biology degree. It was not until I was in medical school that I decided I was not cut out for that line of work since it would mean I wouldn't have time to paint!
When I left school, I tried many different careers including veterinary technician, database architect and alpaca rancher and continued drawing and painting tributes to my experiences. Ultimately it didn't matter what I did to pay the bills, I still found time to paint. Although I have painted many different subjects, I particularly love figure painting. Anatomy is still my favorite subject. Now that I am older and more settled, I can paint everyday, sometimes on location and often with a live model to keep my skills sharp.
My goal as an artist is to make beautiful art. I study art and techniques constantly to try to make that happen.
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Josep Teixido, 1956 | Abstract palette knife painter

Josep Teixido was born in Calella, Barcelona, and currently resides in Vilassar de Mar, also in the province of Barcelona, Spain. He has exhibited his work for over 25 years in Spain and France.

With warm colours, and his unique palette knife technique, his exotic paintings instantly capture the attention of the viewer, allowing them to dream and take a journey of the senses. Always playing with our perception, Josep subtly oscillates between the figurative and the abstract, while transporting us to gorgeous locations reminiscent of his homeland. 

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Oleg Oprisco, 1987 ~ Surrealist photographer

Ukrainian Fine Art photographer Oleg Oprisco is born in 1987.
Hi, my name is Oleg Oprisco and I live in Kiev, Ukraine. My motto is: “The photo - that feeling,” and every one of my picture tells a story and express my feelings and thoughts”.
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Norma Mascellani

La pittrice Italiana Norma Mascellani (1909-2009), allieva di Giorgio Morandi, Alfredo Protti, Guglielmo Pizzirani e Giovanni Romagnoli, è stata una pittrice figurativa -ritratti, nature morte, paesaggi- con qualche risvolto metafisico.
Ha partecipato alla Biennale di Venezia XXII, 1939; XXV, 1950 ed alla Quadriennale di Roma III, 1939; VI, 1951; VII, 1955, e varie personali in Italia o nel 2005 al Parlamento Europeo di Bruxelles.
Ha ottenuto diversi riconoscimenti, sia artistici che per meriti sociali (ha fatto numerose opere di beneficenza), fra cui la "Stella d'oro della bontà" conferitale dal cardinale Giacomo Lercaro nel 1962, il titolo di Cavaliere ricevuto dal Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giuseppe Saragat 1967, e altri. È morta, centenaria, il 7 dicembre 2009, dopo una breve malattia.
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Marci Oleszkiewicz 1979 | Impressionist painter

American painter🎨 Marci Oleszkiewicz-Taylor has been studying art and painting for some time, it wasn't until 2007 when things started to move forward and she began to see what the future might hold for her as an artist.
Upon entering several art competitions Marci was not only accepted in two of the top shows, The Oil Painters of America's national show and the American Impressionist Society's national show, but also received very substantial awards from both.
She received an award🎨 of excellence from the OPA and the best of show award from the AIS. Not long after, she was included in Southwest Art Magazine's 21 under 31 and had her first two man show at Gallery Russia in Scottsdale, AZ.

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Johann Wolfgang Goethe | Aforismi sull'Arte

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein

  • L'opera d'arte può avere un effetto morale, ma richiedere ad un artista uno scopo morale significa fargli rovinare il suo lavoro.
  • L'arte è lunga, la vita breve, il giudizio difficile, l'occasione buona passeggera.
  • La tecnica, alleata al cattivo gusto, è la più temibile nemica dell'arte.
  • Non c’è via più sicura per evadere dal mondo che l’arte, ma non c’è legame più sicuro con esso che l’arte.
  • Nell’arte, abbastanza buono è l’ottimo.

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Anna and Elena Balbusso | Surrealist illustrator

Italian twins Anna and Elena Balbusso are internationally recognized award winning illustrators live and work in Milan.
Since 1998 they have been working as a team freelance in Italy, France, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Republic of Korea.
Their works have been published by major publishers and companies through out the world on various media types such as book jackets, magazines, newspapers, in house corporate, ads, children’s books and classic novels.

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Gino De Dominicis

Gino De Dominicis (1947-1998) was an extraordinary Italian artist in terms of the sublime level of his works, but also in terms of his conscious ‘eccentricity’ with regard to the art world. A controversial and mystifying figure, even the news of his death was greeted with suspicion, as for years earlier he had reported his own demise in the mock conclusion to a biographical essay.
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Alexi Torres, 1976

Cuban painter Alexi Torres creates works that capture the creative powers of the universe as well as the problems facing it. He grapples with how to express the influences of the past, possibilities of the future and the responsibilities of the now. Torres creates woven canvasses which immortalize influential figures and emblems past and present.
He paints leaves, feathers, and other organic materials to create his works, which represent everything from Oprah Winfrey to Pablo Picasso to an unnamed soldier. His works are all-natural, fragile and ephemeral, serving as an answer to his own appreciation of Earth’s needs.
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Jacques Prévert | Paris at night..

Tre fiammiferi accesi uno per uno nella notte
Il primo per vederti tutto il viso
Il secondo per vederti gli occhi
L'ultimo per vedere la tua bocca
E tutto il buio per ricordarmi queste cose
Mentre ti stringo fra le braccia.

Stanislav Aristov
Stanislav Aristov

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Leonardo da Vinci | Parla il musico col pittore

Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /26

Dice il musico, che la sua scienza è da essere equiparata a quella del pittore, perché essa compone un corpo di molte membra, del quale lo speculatore contempla tutta la grazia in tanti tempi armonici quanti sono i tempi ne' quali essa nasce e muore, e con quei tempi trastulla con grazia l'anima che risiede nel corpo del suo contemplante.

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Michael Klein, 1980 | The Novorealism Movement

American painter Michael Klein is a bourgeoning artist in the NovoRealism Movement creating melancholic paintings that have a distinct, contemplative quality.
Klein grew up in the Midwest where he developed a special connection with nature and a desire to express himself accurately through his work.
He began his academic training at just 19 with Richard Whitney and subsequently enrolled in Richard Lack’s The Atelier in Minneapolis, MN.

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Juan Fortuny, 1939 | Impressionist / Realist painter

Juan Fortuny was born in Badalona, a small fishing town near to Barcelona.
A work of art signed by Fortuny is, first and foremost, a suite of details, each and every one of which is of primary importance. A surprising and outstanding composition, fruit of long years of experience with colours, canvas, techniques, visits to galleries and museums. The route that leads to Juan Fortuny today takes the traveller backwards in time, to his childhood. Four years later his affair with drawings, his passion, triumphed and started a new career as a painter.

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Dariusz Żejmo, 1966 | Fantasy /Venice painting

Dariusz Zejmo has graduated Fine Arts School and Fine Arts Faculty at Nicolas Copernicus University (painting) in Toruń, Poland under the guidance of prof. Janusz Kaczmarski. Zejmo is the author of illustration and artwork to several dozen books, publishing graphic designer, magazine covers and illustrations for children.