Born in Bellingham, Washington, Amy Brown is the first Fairy Artist in America.
As a child she spent countless hours drawing fairy princesses at an old, dark wood table in the living room of the beach cabin her parents rented.
The doodling continued throughout her adolescence and at the age of 21 she began to take her art seriously, specializing in painting the fairy realm.
Amy started working with water-colors and found a deep love for the translucent qualities of the paint.
"Kick off your shoes and hang out a while.
Just stay away from the goblins...they bite.
If you feed them popcorn, they might leave you alone...or follow you home.
So offer snacks with caution".
"I've been painting faeries for more than 25 years.
I work primarily in watercolor, but I also use ink, colored pencils, metallic paints, gel pens...whatever I can find to achieve the texture I'm looking for.
I hope to create images that inspire others to create, make people happy, and generally brighten your mood.
Sometimes we all need to believe in a little magic, even if it's just for a short while" - Amy Brown.
"Toglietevi le scarpe e rilassatevi un po'.
"State lontani dai goblin... mordono.
"Se gli date i popcorn, potrebbero lasciarvi in pace... o seguirvi fino a casa.
"Quindi offrite gli spuntini con cautela".
"Dipingo fate da più di 25 anni.
"Lavoro principalmente con gli acquerelli, ma uso anche inchiostro, matite colorate, colori metallizzati, penne gel... qualsiasi cosa riesca a trovare per ottenere la consistenza che cerco.
"Spero di creare immagini che ispirino gli altri a creare, rendano felici le persone e, in generale, rallegrino il tuo umore.
"A volte abbiamo tutti bisogno di credere in un po' di magia, anche se solo per un breve periodo" - Amy Brown.