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Shin Jong Sik | Watercolor painter

Watercolorist Shin Jong Sik is famous for expressing clean, transparent colors and his still life paintings express colorful, dignified and deep feeling.
Taking flowers, dishes and hemp cloth as materials, he does not compose as they are seen but recomposes with new ideas.
His excellent talent of lighting the hue reaches the vivid expression of emphasizing points of main materials according to hue and the background of his paintings are usually left blank.

Delicacy and boldness are coexisting in his composition, raising affections of appreciators.
Shin Jong Sik paints exclusively with Mission Gold Watercolors, a new premium line of watercolors distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Martin F. Weber Company.

Mr. Jong-sik Shin is an artist and is the first time user of Mission watercolor in Korea.
He had used 3 different brands of imported watercolor paints until 2009, when he wholly turned to Mission after monitoring Mission watercolor.

L'acquarellista Coreano Shin Jong Sik è famoso per esprimere colori puliti e trasparenti ed i suoi dipinti di nature morte esprimono sentimenti colorati, dignitosi e profondi.
Prendendo come materiali fiori, piatti e stoffe di canapa, non compone come si vede ma ricompone con nuove idee.
Il suo eccellente talento nell'illuminare la tonalità raggiunge la vivida espressione di enfatizzare i punti dei materiali principali in base alla tonalità e lo sfondo dei suoi dipinti è solitamente lasciato vuoto.