Vito Loli, Peruvian painter, is a self-made artist who knows how to effectively combine various techniques and materials to depict his passion for nature and women figures. Besides, he is committed to fighting for environmental sustainability, particularly in his country, Peru, which has the largest biodiversity in the world in its many species. Most of his work merges these two passions, achieving very personal images, full of magic and a direct and provoking message. Through his work, the artist shares his introspective journey, using nature as a metaphor.
Vito Loli has partaken in several international auctions since 2005. There he had the honor of attaining the highest price, which increased his fame. The same happened in the auction at the Peruvian Congress, where he was included with the 20 most important painters in Peru in 2008.
Vito Loli was invited to exhibit in Paris at Comparaison "Art en Capital" in the Grand Palais, on November 2009. He was also invited to the Great Gala of the U.S. Archeological Institute in New York in April 2010 and to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on June17 with the Jananpacha Project (Heaven in Earth / Avatar) in the Biodiversity, Ecology and Peru's Cultural Legacy to Humankind Heritage. He has current invitations for individual exhibits in Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, as well as in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.