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Vladimir Kush, 1965 | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism
The Founder of Metaphorical Realism, Vladimir Kush once showed enthusiasm for the German Romanticism of Caspar Friedrich, admired works of the Impressionists from Édouard Manet to Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne, and took interest the Russian Symbolists, Kandinski, Petrov-Vodkin and Filonov. From reproductions, Vladimir, for the first time, learned about Surrealist painters - René Magritte and Salvador Dali. But Vladimir sought his own direction, his own creative method.Vladimir remembered a percept given by Dali: “Any rewarding painting is grasp and retention of the Unknown”. But, in order to retain the Unknown, one should, first and foremost, perfect his skill. Only then is it possible to represent even the most amazing dream.
Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism
We live not in a world of facts, but one of meanings and symbols. Our thinking is naturally metaphorical within the limits of our existing cultural medium. The artist transfers a metaphor from the linguistic system to the visual system of painting. Presenting the evasive and ever-changing world through allegory and metaphor makes it possible to bridge two widely separated subjects, two seemingly incompatible things. Kush believes that realistic paintings display the artist’s professional skill, drawing the viewer in to accept the impossible images enough to see the metaphors in them and explore the different layers of meaning. The skill of the artist to paint realistically allows this interrelation of different things to be convincing. This is Kush’s method, “Metaphorical Realism”.
Possessing the art of metaphor is the only art that could not be learned from the others…Real metaphor is the intuitive perception of likeness in the things that are different”, Aristotle.
It was in 1997 that Vladimir Kush painted his piece entitled “Wind” in which many other paintings have evolved. This is where the artist found his voice as a “Metaphorical Realist” painter and he resolved to follow it: metaphorical principle in content; clear, deep coloring; attention to detail; perfect technique.
Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism

Vladimir Kush 1965 | Russian Surrealist painter | The Metaphorical Realism