António Pedro Urbano Veiga de Macedo is a Portuguese painter, born in Oporto, Portugal.
I attended the local art school, the "Escola Superior de Belas Artes" in 1973-74.
In 1975 I moved to London, where I continued to research into all kinds of painting techniques so as to develop my own style. Over the years, the close proximity to the great Art collections in the Capital, the study of so many great images, and contacts and friendships with artists in the U.K. and Portugal did much to help me learn what cannot be taught at Art School.
I attended the local art school, the "Escola Superior de Belas Artes" in 1973-74.
In 1975 I moved to London, where I continued to research into all kinds of painting techniques so as to develop my own style. Over the years, the close proximity to the great Art collections in the Capital, the study of so many great images, and contacts and friendships with artists in the U.K. and Portugal did much to help me learn what cannot be taught at Art School.
The craft is a difficult one; learning it, a labour of love. I fell under the spell of particular artists work successively. Curiously, I first learnt to love the primitive flemish painters, then the Renaissance Masters, then Velazquez, Vermeer, Ingres and so on, progressing through the history of European Painting to the present day figurative painters such as Dalí or Antonio Lopez.
All these have been my real masters, much more than any present day teacher, and much can be learnt through the difficult but
fascinating study of their work, if only one can see. But to see, to really SEE, one must love, and I am passionate about my Teachers, for I owe them my craft. There comes a time though when one must follow one's own path, and accept the shortcomings and potential gains of one's choices.
António Pedro Urbano Veiga de Macedo è un pittore nato nel 1955 ad Oporto, Portogallo.
Ha studiato alla scuola superiore delle Belle Arti per poi trasferirsi a Londra dove ha approfondito lo studio delle varie tecniche di pittura.
Come risultato di anni trascorsi a Londra e in altre parti del Regno Unito, il suo lavoro mostra chiare influenze della cultura anglosassone.
Lavora principalmente come pittore e scultore, con uno stile realista figurativo, ed è anche conosciuto come un ritrattista. Preferisce la pittura a olio realizzando diversi ritratti che includono la figura femminile, i tendaggi, le nature morte, il realismo simbolico e magico, così come scene di vita ordinaria.
Il suo punto di riferimento è il maestro del surrealismo, Salvator Dalì.
La sua pittura è stata ispirata anche dal grande pittore del '600, Jan Vermeer.