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Ron Hicks, 1965 | Impressionist Figurative painter

Ron Hicks was born in Columbus, Ohio but spent most of his childhood growing up in the modest and friendly neighborhood of Park Hill in Denver, Colorado.
He shared a dream with a close childhood friend early on... "He just always knew he would go to college and become an artist", remembers Ron's friend.
Ron's family later relocated back to Ohio where, during his high school, he was awarded* several awards and honors for various art shows and competitions.

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Charles Hawthorne ~ Portrait and Genre painter

Charles Webster Hawthorne (1872-1930) was an American painter and a noted teacher who founded the Cape Cod School of Art in 1899. He was born in Lodi, Illinois and his parents returned to Maine, raising him in the state where Charles' father was born. At age 18, he went to New York, working as an office-boy by day in a stained-glass factory in New York, and studying at night school and with Henry Siddons Mowbray and William Merritt Chase, and abroad in both Holland and Italy.
Charles Webster Hawthorne 1872-1930 | American Portrait and Genre painter
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Daniel Garber | Impressionist painter

Daniel Garber (1880-1958) was an American painter and member of the art colony at New Hope, Pennsylvania.
He is best known today for his large impressionist scenes of the New Hope area, in which he often depicted the Delaware River.
He also painted figurative interior works and excelled at etching.

Daniel Garber 1880-1958 | American Impressionist painter

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The Crescent Moon Tower, Dubai

The Crescent Moon Tower is the architectural design project submitted to the 11th ThyssenKrup Elevator Architecture Award by the California-based firm Transparence House. In response to the challenge to design a tall emblem structure for Za’abeel Park, one that should signify the modern face of Dubai, Transparence House chose a larger than life crescent shape that has a two-fold statement. First it boldly identifies Dubai as part of the Islamic world, and second, because of the technical difficulty of building such a structure, it proclaims Dubai’s advanced level of technical and economic development.
The Crescent Moon Tower is designed to accommodate a children’s library, a conference facility, a restaurant, multiple cafes, and an open-air observation platform.
The Crescent Moon Tower | Dubai
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David Gilliver, 1979 ~ Psychadelic Light painter

David Gilliver started to experiment with long exposure photography in hours around dusk and after sunset, allowing the camera to keep on exposing for longer time, producing images and effects incapable for the human eye to see.
The technique used by the artist, involves the photographer using a long - duration shutter speed on the camera, while he walks into the picture frame adding the lights he wants, using glow sticks, light orb or torches. The shoot may last as longs a 30 minutes. The effect also makes moving objects blurry, while stationary object remain sharp.
David Gilliver 1979 | Scottish Psychadelic Light painter
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The Albert Einstein Memorial, 1979

Albert Einstein Memorial | Washington DC 1979

The Albert Einstein Memorial is a monumental bronze statue depicting Albert Einstein seated with manuscript papers in hand by sculptor Robert Berks. 
It is located in central Washington, D.C., United States, in a grove of trees at the southwest corner of the grounds of the National Academy of Sciences at 2101 Constitution Avenue N.W., near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
The memorial, situated in an elm and holly grove in the southwest corner of the grounds of the National Academy of Sciences, was unveiled at the Academy's annual meeting, April 22, 1979, in honor of the centennial of Einstein's birth. 

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Albert Einstein | L'Autobiografia scientifica

Anthony Falbo 1953 | American Cubist painter | Albert Einstein 1879-1955

  • La mente è come un paracadute. Funziona solo se si apre.
  • L'immaginazione è più importante della conoscenza. La conoscenza è limitata, l'immaginazione abbraccia il mondo, stimolando il progresso, facendo nascere l'evoluzione.
  • Le persone sono come le biciclette: riescono a mantenere l'equilibrio solo se continuano a muoversi.
  • L'uomo che è convinto dell'esistenza e della operatività della legge di causalità non può concepire l'idea di un Essere che interferisce con il corso degli eventi. A patto naturalmente che egli prenda l'ipotesi della causalità veramente sul serio.
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Edwin Herde, 1951 ~ Figurative painter

Edwin Herder, American painter and illustrator, was born in Pennsylvania. He has lived most of his life close to his childhood home in Bryn Athyn.He graduated from the Tyler School of Art in 1975 and jumped right into a freelance illustration career. In fact, instead of attending his graduation ceremony, he was in New York in a meeting with John Berg, the art director for Columbia records.
Edwin Herde 1951 | American Figurative painter
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José Villa Soberón, 1950 | John Lennon Memorial, Havana, 2000

José Ramón Villa Soberón is a Cuban sculptor, particularly known for his public sculptures around Havana. He studied at the The National School of Art in Havana, Cuba and the Academy of Plastic Arts in Prague. He is a professor at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana.
His sculptures, paintings, engravings, drawings and designs are held by the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana, and in 1996 he was one of the selected artist in the second Trienal Americana de Escultura in Argentina.

José Villa Soberón 1950 | Cuban Figurative sculptor | John Lennon Memorial | Cuba 2000

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Franz's Kafka Memorial, Prague 2003 | Public Art

Si tratta di una statua di bronzo dedicata a Franz Kafka 1883-1924, scrittore ed aforista boemo di lingua tedesca, una delle maggiori figure della letteratura del XX secolo. Fu cittadino dell'impero Austro-Ungarico fino al 1918 e, successivamente, cecoslovacco.
La scultura è stata inaugurata nel 2003 e nel 2004 ha vinto il premio Grand Prix dell’Associazione degli Architetti per la categoria Opera d’arte nell’architettura.
Jaroslav Róna 1957 | Franz's Kafka Memorial | Prague 2003

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Helene Knoop ,1979 | Apollo and the Muses

Helene Knoop, Norwegian painter, lives and works in Oslo, Norway. Her oil paintings are authentic representations of humans with a sensual touch where the light comes from the inside.
Knoop handcrafts every painting, creating high quality paintings using a long process often up to a year until completion. Her paintings are within a classical manner with influences from the Renaissance and Symbolism.
She uses materials like the Old Masters did; oil painting on canvas, and she paints from life.

Apollo and the Muses | Helene Knoop 1979 | Norwegian Figurative painter
Apollon - Apollo and the Muses

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Ernest Hemingway | Il vecchio e il mare, 1952

"Il vecchio e il mare" fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1952.
Vinse il premio Pulitzer nel 1953 ed il Premio Nobel nel 1954.
Motivazione: "Maestria nel formare lo stile dell'arte della narrazione moderna".


Santiago è un vecchio pescatore che da 84 giorni non riesce a pescare neanche un pesce.

Ernest Hemingway at the bar in El Floridita, Havana -  Sculpture by Cuban sculptor José Villa Soberón, 2003
Ernest Hemingway at the bar in El Floridita, Havana by Cuban sculptor José Villa Soberón, 2003

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Lorenzo Quinn, 1966 | Figurative sculptor

Contemporary Italian artist Lorenzo Quinn is a leading figurative sculptor whose work is inspired by such masters as Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin.
Exhibited internationally, his monumental public art and smaller, more intimate pieces transmit his passion for eternal values and authentic emotions.
He is best known for expressive recreations of human hands:
"I wanted to sculpt what is considered the hardest and most technically challenging part of the human body", he asserts.
"The hand holds so much power - the power to love, to hate, to create, to destroy".

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Lesley Harrison ~ Wildlife painter

Painting Animals that touch the heart, by popular wildlife artist Lesley Harrison, American painter, will help artists portray the emotion and "feelings" of certain popular animals, as well as the wonderful textures of luxuriously soft fur and glistening eyes. Lesley Harrison's, California girlhood was shaped by animals and art. "I was born loving animals, she says. "It seems to be in my blood". She remembers an ongoing menagerie from cats to chickens.
Lesley Harrison | American  Animal painter
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Boris Indrikov /Борис Индриков, 1967 | Unicorn Dream

Boris Indrikov [Борис Индриков] - Russian  Magical Realism painter

Борис Индриков is an Russian painter🎨, known for working in the Magical Realism style.
Boris Indrikov was born in was born in Leningrad and lives and works in Moscow.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Boris Indrikov see:

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Charles Warren Mundy, 1945 | Still life

Charles Warren Mundy, b. 1945, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Master Signature Member, Oil Painters of America.
- Master Status, American Impressionist Society.
- Signature Member, American Society of Marine Artists.
For biographical notes and other works by Charles Warren Mundy see:
Still life | Charles Warren Mundy 1945 | American impressionist painter

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Bartolomeo Veneto | High Renaissance painter

Bartolomeo Veneto (1502-1555) was an Italian painter who worked in Venice, the Veneto and Lombardy.
During his time in Venice, he studied under Gentile Bellini.
The little information available about Bartolomeo's life has been derived from his signatures, dates, and inscriptions.
His best known works are portraits or pictures with portrait-like character.
Bartolomeo's later works, and especially those done on commission in Milan, indicate an influence from the artist Leonardo da Vinci.

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Andres Barrioquinto, 1975 ~ Surrealist painter

Andres Barrioquinto, Filipino painter, was born in Manila but his family kept on switching residencies due to the nature of his father’s job who was a writer/editor. He spent his teenage years in Hong Kong, studying at Royden House School. Then he went back to Manila to get his college education.
Shadow Dancer | Andres Barrioquinto 1975 | Filipino Surrealist  painter
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Eric Montoya, 1968 ~ Surrealist painter

Eric Montoya is an American painter who has had several gallery and museum exhibitions. Continued education through Seattle Art Museum lectures and UW Experimental courses, Technology Project Manager for The Ackerley Group 1996-2001, Journeyman Pictorial Painter, The Ackerley Group 1987 through 1996. Art Institute of Seattle, 1987. "In my work I tend to blend the boundaries between man and nature".
Eric Montoya 1968 | American Surrealist painter
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Karen Wallis | Mist of Dreams

Karen Wallis, british painter, was born in Middlesbrough and studied at Teesside University and Durham University.
For many years she combined art and design and teaching but now devotes herself entirely to painting.
Karen paints in oils and acrylics using several glazes of thin paint overlaid with impasto to create hazy and evocative images.
The concept of combining fine art and abstract elements creates a unique image which is traditional in manner, but has a very contemporary edge.

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Elvira Amrhein, 1957 ~ L'Ange Rebelle

Amrhein transports her viewers to mystical, ethereal realms with her intriguing paintings. Born to an artistic family, Amrhein now lives in France. Previously a hobbyist, she became a full-time painter in 2002. Amrhein’s paintings expertly fuse light and texture with elements of spirituality and melancholy, and have won many awards in France.
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Lovilla Chantal | Romantic Venice

Romantic Venice painting by Lovilla Chantal [Ловилла Шанталь]

Vi presento i dipinti dell'artista figurativo Lovilla Chantal /Ловилла Шанталь con tema principale la Venezia.
Lovilla Chantal risulta essere l'alias di un pittore Italiano che riscosse un enorme successo grazie alla sua individuale tecnica moderna. Comunque, non vi è dubbio alcuno: l'autore possiede un innato senso del colore ed abilità nel utilizzare e mettere insieme stili e tecniche diverse.

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Robert Heindel | Ballet dancers

Dancers in White - Robert Heindel 1938-2005 - American painter

Robert Heindel (October 1, 1938 - July 3, 2005)* was an American painter*, illustrator, and stage designer best known for his paintings of dance and performing arts.
Heindel created over 1300 paintings and drawings of dance and performing arts during a twenty-five year period in the late twentieth century.
He was described as the best painter of dance of his time.

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Robert Heindel | The Royal Ballet dancers

The Royal Ballet | Robert Heindel 1938-2005 | American painter

Robert Heindel (1938-2005), American painter and illustrator was born in Toledo, Ohio, in 1938.
Heindel´s reputation for capturing the spirit of dance and dancers is legendary. ´Opera House´, the magazine of The Royal Ballet, proclaimed ´from the toil and sweat of the gruelling preparation to the theatrics and spectacle of costume and colour, it´s not difficult to spot a Heindel. The artist´s talent is a singular ability to pour movement and emotion onto the canvas or blank sheet before him´.
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Joseph Lorusso, 1966 | Figurative painter

American painter Joseph Lorusso was born in Chicago, Illinois and received his formal training at the American Academy of Art.
He went on to receive his B.F.A. degree from the Kansas City Art Institute.
Born of Italian descent, Lorusso was exposed to art at an early age.
Through several early trips to Italy, his parents introduced him to the works of the Italian Masters.
Lorusso would look to these influences throughout his early artistic development and they are still evident in his work today.

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Steve De La Mare | Fantasy painter

Steve creates concepts and visualizations internationally, backed by a wealth of artistic and brand experience.
Born in the tranquil Channel Island of Guernsey, between England and France, British painter and designer Stephen De La Mare studied in London as a Set, Costume and Lighting Designer for the Theatre; he continues to be actively involved in Theatre on both an amateur and professional level.
De La Mare combined his Theatre and Art together by exchanging a comfortable chair for scaffolding.

Steve De La Mare | British Digital Fantasy painter

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Valery Vetshteyn, 1966 | Figurative painter

Valery Vetshtein / Валерий Ветштейн was born in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Currently lives in Krivoy Rog (Ukraine).
Vetshtein is a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1993.
Valery Vetshtein's works were exhibited at The Meisner Gallery and Showroom in Farmingdale, NY in 2002.

Valery Vetshteyn [Валерий Ветштейн] 1966 - Ukrainian Figurative painter

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Antinoo, il fascino della bellezza | Mostra alla Villa Adriana di Tivoli

Dal 5 Aprile al 4 novembre 2012, la Villa Adriana di Tivoli, circa 28 km da Roma, aprirà al pubblico in occasione della mostra "Antinoo, il fascino della bellezza".
La Villa Adriana, residenza dell'imperatore Adriano riscoperta nel 1450, è uno dei 47 siti italiani inseriti dall'Unesco nella World Heritage Listè.

Antinoo, il fascino della bellezza | La Mostra della Roma Barocca

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Goyo Dominguez, 1960 ~ Romantic/Realist painter

Goyo Dominguez, Spanish-born British painter, is a romantic realist who paints figuratively with a unique sense of vision, beauty and imagination. His compositions, depicted with great technical skill and style, are compelling and serene, often with enchanting subject matters.
Goyo Dominguez 1960 | Spanish-born British Romantic/Realist painter | Still life
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Jane Whiting Chrzanoska, 1948 | Surrealist painter

Intrique | Jane Whiting Chrzanoska 1948 | American painter

Jane Whiting Chrzanoska, American painter, began drawing and painting at such an early age that by 14 she felt confident enough to attempt her first mural, an 8’x12’ depiction of Napoleon at Waterloo on her bedroom wall.
Two years later she convinced he best friend to provide he own bedroom wall so that Jane could paint “The Ride of the Valkyries” from Wagner’s Ring Cycle.
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Craig Tracy, 1967 | Fine-Art Bodypainting

Never one to be satisfied with conventional art, Craig Tracy has created mesmerizing images using human bodies as his canvases since 2001.
Tracy was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The city’s colorful and vibrant culture played an integral role in developing Tracy’s passion for art, including his family’s tradition of painting each other’s faces in celebration of Mardi Gras. His parents nurtured his individuality and creativity, with Tracy attributing their "Flower Power" and “Power to the People” mentalities as being responsible for how he views art and life.

Tracy received his first airbrush at the age of 15 from his parents, and one year later, at the age of 16, he took his first steps into the professional art world by working nights and weekends as an airbrush artist.
The experience taught him how to paint detailed works on a myriad of surfaces. He would later hone his artistic abilities by attending and graduating from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale in Florida.
The gallery allows even the most seasoned art collectors and novices alike to see and experience first hand what Body-painting is ultimately capable of expressing.

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Kaspar von Zumbusch | Beethoven Monument, Vienna, 1880

Kaspar [Clemens Eduard] Zumbusch (1830-1915), 1888 Ritter von Zumbusch (a nobiliary particle), was a German sculptor, born at Herzebrock, Westphalia, who became a pre-eminent sculptor of neo-Baroque monuments in Vienna.
He went at the age of eighteen to study in Munich at first unsuccessfully at the Academy and then Polytechische Schule under Johann Halbig.
He continued his studies in Rome.
He won the competition in 1866 for a monument to Maximilian II of Bavaria, for the Maximilianstraße, Munich (unveiled 1875).
In 1873 he was called to Vienna as professor in the academy, a post he held until he was made Professor Emeritus in 1901.

Beethoven Monument, Vienna 1880 | Kaspar von Zumbusch 1830-1915

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Goyo Dominguez, 1960 | Romantic / Abstract painter

Goyo Dominguez🎨's compositions, depicted with great technical skill and style, are compelling and serene, often with enchanting subject matters.
His fascination with works of the 16th and 17th centuries inspires his favourite themes; still life, the human body and landscape.
The intriguing result is a contemporary fusion of Renaissance Europe and the Classical World, often combined with elements of the abstract, transcending the classical past and the present day.

Goyo Dominguez 1960 | Spanish-born British Romantic Realist painter

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Rachel Ferguson | Figurative painter

Solitude | Rachel Ferguson - American Figurative painter

Rachel Ferguson, american painter: "Solitude is a form of self protection. It is a place where one can avoid responsibilities to others and deny any need for approval. It allows time to escape from the demands of day to day life. It is simple, contained and still.
My paintings are meant to convey the comfort of solitude, but they also reveal its limits. The figures are confined by the space they occupy and their bodies are rendered inactive by their thoughts.
Ultimately, the security their contained poses suggest should lead one to think of entrapment. My work attempts to communicate both a dependence on solitude and a yearning for some outside force to break it".

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Craig Tracy ~ Body Art painter

Born and Raised in New Orleans La, Craig Tracy, American painter, has always been an Artist. Craig credits New Orleans with it's authentic and vibrant culture as a significant factor in what is at the heart of his passion, creativity and bliss. His parents and their “Hippie” nonconformist principles were instilled firmly in the young artist. Coincidentally, it was that same hippie movement that re-ignited the soon to be interest and practice of Bodypainting in the western world. 
Craig Tracy | American Body Art Illusions painter