The British painter Hamish Blakely explains: "Art in any form, in any media, can be so many things that it can be in danger of being too many.
It can be intellectual, conceptual and political, but I am steadfast in believing that Art is at its best when simply emotional. You see something and you are moved.
Before analysis or a full understanding, the viewer can just enjoy the emotional sensation".
Hamish Blakely was born:in Canterbury.
Lives and works: Warwickshire;
Education: Kingston University London;
Awards🎨: Benson and Hedges Gold Award for Illustration.
His clients included The Body Shop, British Telecom and Cable and Wireless and he was chosen to paint two front covers for the world renowned author of ‘Schindler’s List’, Thomas Keneally.
Il pittore Britannico Hamish Blakely🎨 spiega: "L'arte in qualsiasi forma, in qualsiasi media, può essere così tante cose che può essere in pericolo di essere troppe cose.
Può essere intellettuale, concettuale e politico, ma sono fermamente convinto che l'arte sia al suo meglio quando è semplicemente emotiva.
Vedi qualcosa e ti commuovi.
Prima dell'analisi o della piena comprensione, lo spettatore può semplicemente godersi la sensazione emotiva".

Also from Hamish Blakely: