
David Riedel, 1956 | Still life painter

David Riedel was born in Indiana and lived there until moving to Tempe, Arizona to study art.
He fell in love with the Southwest, graduating from Northern Arizona University in 1982 with a BFA in printmaking.
David still lives in the Southwest near Taos, New Mexico with his wife and daughter.



In 1986 David began attending courses at the Art Students League in New York City and continues to retreat there every year for an intense month of drawing and painting.
It was at the Art Students League that David first met and studied under internationally-acclaimed artist David Leffel.

It is easy to see the influence that Leffel has had on David.
Similar to the Old Masters’ style of chiaroscuro painting, most of Riedel’s works are characterized by their deep background color, lending a certain vibrancy and energy to his subjects.


His use of dramatic lighting and rhythmic color, combined with a sense of solid composition, produces work that is timeless in its appeal.
During 1993-1994 David lived for six months in Nepal, India and Tibet, traveling and studying the culture and language.

Walking and sketching along the way, Riedel found the spontaneous portraits done in tea shops, amid roadside landscapes and in the bustling monasteries to be the most exciting and rewarding usage of his skill and talent as an artist.


"I hope someday to return to Tibet and wander, doing portraits.
This would be a great counterpoint to the very quiet, contemplative time in my studio".


Riedel has collected beautiful objects from his many travels; those from India and Tibet are among his favorite for still life arrangements.

"Many of the objects I choose to paint have a powerful meaning for me personally. The chain of antique Tibetan bells, the conch, the Shiva statue, or even the bone-like quality of a living white onion are very beautiful, yet they also have great symbolic value for me.
This awareness subtly works with me while I paint - this is a very personal search for meaning and there is no intent to ‘say’ anything to the viewer - but this meaning changes me as a painter and so becomes a part of the painting".


David Riedel’s work is shown nationally and collected internationally.
In 2009 Riedel won the first place American National Award of Excellence in the Oil Painters of America National Show in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
He also won the Still Life Merit Award in the Salon International Show sponsored by Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio, Texas.
Mr Riedel has also won awards with the OPA western region in 2013 and 2014, as well as the Greenhouse Salon in 2013 and 2014.
Moving to Portland has inspired David to explore his love of landscape painting and the northwest outdoors.










David Riedel è nato nel Indiana e ha vissuto lì fino al suo trasferimento a Tempe, in Arizona, per studiare arte.
Si è innamorato del sud-ovest, laureandosi alla Northern Arizona University nel 1982 con un BFA in incisione.
Per molti anni David ha vissuto nel sud-ovest vicino a Taos, nel New Mexico.
Nel 1986 David ha iniziato a frequentare corsi presso l'Art Students League di New York City.


È stato all'Art Students League che David ha iniziato per la prima volta a studiare seriamente la pittura sotto gli insegnanti di fama internazionale.
Simili allo stile degli Old Masters, le opere di Riedel sono caratterizzate dal loro chiaroscuro e dal colore di sfondo profondo, che conferisce una certa vivacità ed energia ai suoi soggetti.
Il suo uso di luci drammatiche e colori ritmici, combinato con un senso di composizione solida, produce opere che sono senza tempo nel loro fascino.
David ritiene che la sua istruzione principale provenga da David Leffel, ma sente anche l'importanza di molti colleghi artisti sia a Taos che a New York.


L'eccitazione di interagire con altri artisti crea un ambiente in cui trova opportunità di crescita artistica.
Nel 2009 Riedel ha vinto il primo premio American National Award of Excellence all'Oil Painters of America National Show di Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Ha anche vinto lo Still Life Merit Award al Salon International Show sponsorizzato dalla Greenhouse Gallery di San Antonio, Texas.


Il signor Riedel ha anche vinto premi con l'OPA western region nel 2013 e 2014, così come il Greenhouse Salon nel 2013 e 2014.
Trasferirsi a Portland ha ispirato David a esplorare il suo amore per la pittura paesaggistica e gli spazi aperti del nord-ovest.
