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Antoine Jossé, 1970 | Surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Josse is a French artist, born in 1970.
His paintings and sculptures express an irrepressible desire for lightness, escapism and to be able to dream the impossible.
The use of captivating and revealing motifs, along with the presence of human beings immersed in a dream-like landscape, convey a unique charm to his work.
His paintings are alluring for their atmosphere, evocative colours, and tumultuous skies.
The minuscule beings are settled in a desolated and dangerous world where the vegetation rapidly spreads, bringing to life dramatic reds, blues and greens, creating spectacular yet enigmatic feelings.

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

He comments, "I imagine my paintings and sculptures as the moments of a story and it's up to you to create the whole story.
There are several different scenarios, and that's what I appreciate: the diversity of your looks.
You are an actor of this exhibition: Look! Imagine! Speak! Exchange your opinions!

A work exists only by the spectator's gaze, my paintings exist only thanks to your imagination".
For almost 20 years, Antoine Josse has exhibited his works all over the world, from his native Brittany (in France) to Normandy, Paris, London, Switzerland, Chile, Stockholm, Luxembourg, and New York.

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist painter and sculptor

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Jossé 1970 | French surrealist sculptor and painter

Antoine Josse è un artista Francese, nato nel 1970. I suoi dipinti e le sue sculture esprimono un irrefrenabile desiderio di leggerezza, di evasione e di poter sognare l'impossibile.
L'uso di motivi accattivanti e rivelatori, insieme alla presenza di esseri umani immersi in un paesaggio da sogno, conferiscono un fascino unico al suo lavoro.
I suoi dipinti sono seducenti per la loro atmosfera, i colori evocativi e i cieli tumultuosi.
Gli esseri minuscoli sono sistemati in un mondo desolato e pericoloso, dove la vegetazione si diffonde rapidamente, dando vita a rossi, blu e verdi drammatici, creando sensazioni spettacolari ma enigmatiche.