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Trish Biddle | Art Déco painter

American artist Trish Biddle studied at the Dallas Institute of Art, before beginning her career as an illustrator and textile designer.
Trish Biddle is published internationally, and is collected around the world.
Her process of drawing, painting and designing eventually melded onto canvases, creating romantic images and her unmistakable Art Déco figurative paintings.

Her expertise in capturing nature and light creates richly colored, breath-taking canvases.
With a well-defined style, broad, romantic strokes and vibrant color, Trish paints figurative, floral, fashion icons and children’s art. She travels the world and enjoys translating her experiences into oil on canvas.
Showcasing her sense of design, Trish captures the Art Déco style of fashion, elegance, sophistication and the simplicity of the era.

Tamara De Lempicka who defined Art Déco painting as we know it, Argentinean tango dancers and depression era dance marathons have all inspired Trish’s vintage, figurative paintings.
The faces are obscured purposely to allow the viewer to identify with the images of the graceful dancers their own romantic notions.
Backgrounds are evidence of textile, ironwork and architectural designs extracted from her own designs and travels.
Trish currently resides in Westlake Texas.

"Do you ever have one of those days when you see a commercial on TV, or a travel magazine ad where the image either makes you sigh or dream and imagine?
You imagine.....
You imagine you're on your way to the airport because getting there is half the fun, Prada bag in hand.
You arrive to your luxury suite opening the French doors to the incredible view and ocean breezes".

"Inspired for a cocktail? Mojito, or perhaps something with coconut.
Suddenly, we are rudely transported back to reality by a telemarketer....oh well..
Next scene Paris, or is it Milan?
A little history culture or shoe shopping couture....you decide".

"Wherever your dreams may take you, reality can wait.
Escaping from the daily grind under the Eiffel tower or the Louvre, Highway 1 and Rodeo Drive, NYC... and Cappuccino in Florence.
Dressed and ready for anything in my vintage convertible with a girls best friend, my Italian greyhound.

This is where I find inspiration... I imagine".

- Trish Biddle

Trish Biddle è un artista di fama internazionale che dipinge figure in stile vintage retrò, paesaggi, arte per bambini ed altro ancora.
Nata a Minneapolis, Minnesota, l'artista americana Trish Biddle ha studiato presso l'Istituto d'Arte di Dallas, prima di iniziare la sua carriera come illustratore e designer tessile.

Il suo processo artistico è fatto di disegno, pittura e progettazione, poi fusi su tele, dando forma ad immagini romantiche ed alle su inconfondibile stile in Art Decò nei suoi quadri figurativi.
Lei viaggia per il mondo ed ama tradurre le sue esperienze in olio su tela.
Nei dipinti figurativi di Trish, le facce sono oscurate appositamente per consentire allo spettatore di identificarsi con le immagini.

Con uno stile ben definito, larghi tratti romantici e colori vivaci, Trish dipinge quadri figurativi, floreali, icone della moda ed opere d'arte per bambini.
Trish attualmente risiede a Westlake Texas. Le opere di Trish Biddle sono pubblicate a livello internazionale.