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Le Gallerie di Piazza Scala, Milano

Gallerie di Piazza Scala Milano
Canova - La giustizia, 1792
Situato nel cuore di Milano, il complesso espositivo Gallerie di Piazza Scala propone un viaggio affascinante nell'arte del XIX e XX secolo. Il polo museale si snoda attraverso quattro edifici storici della città. Negli storici Palazzo Anguissola e Palazzo Brentani sono esposti 197 dipinti e sculture che partono da bassorilievi neoclassici di Antonio Canova, per toccare quindi le altre correnti che hanno caratterizzato le arti figurative italiane ottocentesche:
- Il Romanticismo, con Francesco Hayez. Gerolamo Induno e Sebastiano De Albertis, Giuseppe Molteni, Giovanni Migliara, Luigi Bisi, Giuseppe Canella, Angelo Inganni;
- Il Naturalismo con Mosé Bianchi e Lorenzo Gignous;
- Il Divisionismo con Giovanni Segantini, Filippo Carcano, Giovanni Sottocornola, Angelo Morbelli;
- Il Simbolismo con Luigi Rossi, Emilio Gola, Lorenzo Bazzaro, Gaetano Previati, Giulio Aristide Sartorio.
Si aggiungono opere di Telemaco Signorini, Lorenzo Delleani, Federico Zandomeneghi, Vincenzo Irolli, Antonio Mancini.
Entro la fine del 2012, il Palazzo Canonica e Palazzo Beltrami ospiteranno invece la sezione dedicata al Novecento, un percorso da Kandinsky ad Andy Warhol.
Gallerie di Piazza Scala

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Pol Tergejst ~ Flame-shape digital painter

Pol Tergejst Fire Art
Pol Tergejst is an artist from Ekaterinburk, in Russia, who decided to play with fire, literally. He uses flame shapes to create some kind of flame-shape paintings, he composes different images of them. All this involves a lot of photographing.
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Seward Johnson | The Awakening, 1980

The Awakening, is a 21 m statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself, located at National Harbor in Prince George's County, Maryland, USA, just outside the District of Columbia.
The statue consists of five separate aluminum pieces buried in the ground, giving the impression of a distressed giant attempting to free himself from the ground.
The left hand and right foot barely protrude, while the bent left leg and knee jut into the air.
The 5.2 m high right arm and hand reach farther out of the ground. The bearded face, with the mouth in mid-scream, struggles to emerge from the earth.

Seward Johnson Jr - Awakening - Roma

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Giorgione | High Renaissance painter

Giorgione, also called Giorgio da Castelfranco (born c. 1477/78, Castelfranco Veneto, Republic of Venice, Italy - died before November 7, 1510, Venice), extremely influential Italian painter who was one of the initiators of a High Renaissance style in Venetian art.
His qualities of mood and mystery were epitomized in The Tempest (c. 1505), an evocative pastoral scene, which was among the first of its genre in Venetian painting.

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Pam Hawkes | Portrait painter

Full-time painter Pam Hawkes was born in Birmingham, England, and still lives in the Midlands. She received her bachelor’s degree in fine art from Coventry University/Solihull College and her master’s in fine art from the University of Central England.

From 1998-2011, Hawkes was Visiting Lecturer in Fine Art at Solihull College and University of Wolverhampton.

Since 2001, Hawkes has exhibited her work in several dozen group and solo shows. Her paintings were included in the 2011 British Art Fair in London and at Catto Gallery and Flying Colours Gallery in 2012. Hawkes was given a solo exhibition in September 2013 at Celia Lendis Gallery, Moreton in the Marsh, England.

Pam Hawkes | British portrait painter

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Ignacio Zuloaga | Genre /Realist painter

Ignacio Zuloaga, in full Ignacio Zuloaga y Zabaleta (1870, Eibar, Spain - 1945, Madrid), Spanish genre and portrait painter noted for his theatrical paintings of figures from Spanish culture and folklore.
The son of a successful metalworker, Zuloaga was a largely self-taught artist who learned to paint by copying Old Masters in the Prado Museum in Madrid.
Beginning about 1890, he split his time between Paris and Spain.

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Brent Lynch ~ Fashion painter

A powerful landscape and figurative painter, Brent Lynch pursues the abstract quality of mood, light, color and composition. The mystery and energy of a landscape or the human form are hallmarks of his work. For over 25 years, Brent has enjoyed an influential and award-winning career in the arts. He was best known for his unique illustrations for event posters representing performance arts such as ballet, opera and theater as well as sporting events including the Olympic Games. Brent is a natural visual story teller. It is through his unique perspective that his personal handwriting shines. He is a highly respected painter and instructor that has received many international awards. His work is represented by galleries found in private and corporate collections both nationally and abroad.
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Brenda Burke | Classical realist painter

Award-winning artist** with works in the collection of the British Royal Family and with notable collectors worldwide.
Internationally recognized as a brilliant and sensitive portrait painter, classically trained in Europe, Brenda Burke sees every aspect of life as a creative challenge.
Her collectors avidly wait for each new series she creates, as she applies the various skills of the old masters to create fresh and exciting contemporary masterpieces.

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Antonio Basoli ~ Pictorial Alphabet

Antonio Basoli (Castel Guelfo, 1774-1848) was an Italian painter, interior designer, scenic designer, and engraver, active mostly in Bologna. His first teacher was his father, Lelio Andrea Basoli. His education was motivated by an insatiable and constant interest in classic art, classic and contemporary literature, and the works, decorations and inscriptions of Piranesi. He often worked alongside his brothers, Francesco and Luigi Basoli. In 1803 till his death he became docent of ornamentation and the next year, professor at the Accademia delle Arti di Bologna until 1826. During his time at the Accademia he developed a close friendship with fellow pupils Domenico Corsini and Pelagio Palagi. He worked for a time in the studio of Petronio Fancelli.
In 1801-1803, he painted frescoes at a few sites in the Friuli, including casa Muratori in Triesti and a palace in Spilimbergo.
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Eva Antonini | Figurative sculptor

Eva Antonini was born in Rapperswil-Switzerland, the place of her childhood and adolescence.
As a young girl, Eva reveals a natural proneness for molding clay, matter that later will be privileged in the creation of sculptures of medium and large dimensions.
From 1981-1985 she lives in Geneva, where she takes her first steps in the working world, following her diverse and complex education: language studies; singing, music and dance; a horizon of journeys, stays in England, Italy and United States with stops in the Middle and Far East.

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Brigitte Teman, 1969 | Figurative sculptor

Brigitte Teman was born in Châlons-en Champagne. From her studies in dental surgery she learned anatomy and the precision of movement. Her passion for art being stronger, she gave up dentistry and devoted herself entirely to sculpture.
Under the double influence of Rembrandt Bugatti and François Pompon, the two great masters of 20th-century animal sculpture, Brigitte Teman developed a style where she favours the beauty of line and forms by basing herself on a premise of smooth/taut which allows them to be starkly brought out.

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Il Dio di Capo Artemisio

Il Cronide di Capo Artemisio, meglio conosciuto come  il Dio di Capo Artemisio - è una statua bronzea dell'antica Grecia, databile al 460 avanti Cristo circa ed é conservata nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene. Fu ritrovata nei fondali marini antistanti al Capo Artemisio, nell'odierna Eubea, ed è una delle pochissime opere bronzee originali che ci sono giunte. Il ritrovamento della statua avvenne nel 1926, mentre il recupero fu completato nel 1928. Essa si trovava nei pressi di un relitto databile intorno al 200 a.C., del quale si sa poco, in quanto la spedizione di recupero fu interrotta a causa della morte di un sub e mai più ripresa. Si presume che la nave fosse di origine romana, una delle tante navi che all'epoca solcavano quei mari per portare elementi di arte greca verso Roma. Anche se così fosse, a causa dell'interruzione dell'operazione di recupero, non è ancora chiaro se la statua fosse imbarcata sul vascello o meno. Si è cercato senza successo di accostare il Cronide a uno degli grandi bronzisti greci dell'epoca, i cui nomi ci sono stati tramandati dalle fonti: Onata di Egina, Pitagora di Samo o Calamide. La mancanza però di opere certe e l'inesistenza di accenni diretti al dio di Capo Artemisio rendono impossibile formulare un'attribuzione sicura.

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Hervé Loilier, 1948 | Figurative painter

Hervé Loilier was born in Paris. From 1965, he works in Jullian Academy, then enters in 1967 in Polytechnic School where he works with Pierre Jérôme and Lucien Fontanarosa.
He obtained a diploma in 1970 at the Ecole Polytechnique.

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Marc Chapaud, 1941 | Paris painting

Marc Chapaud was born in Paris in 1941. He studied at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux Artes of Paris in 1958-59 Architecture section and 1960-61 Peinture section, which he left in 1962 after having completed several studio courses. Main Themes Venice, Bruges, Paris, Corsica, Sologne, Amsterdam, Brittany, Provence Villages, Landscapes, Japan, Route Jacques Coeur, flowers and gardens, the streets of Paris at the time of Victor Hugo, Rome and italian landscapes.

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Marie Paule Deville Chabrolle, 1952

Marie-Paule Deville-Chabrolle è una pittrice e scultrice, nota per aver lavorato in stile figurativo.
È nata a Meknes, in Marocco, vive e lavora in Francia.
Marie-Paule Deville-Chabrolle è stata influenzata dall'Asia perché ha fatto molti viaggi lì e ha studiato in Cambogia.
Rende omaggio alla femminilità.
Il corpo umano è l'unico oggetto del suo lavoro.
Disegna, scolpisce, nasconde e poi trasforma i suoi pezzi in bronzo.

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LaShun Beal, 1962 | Impressionist Figurative painter

LaShun Beal has spent his entire career working to perfect his art and the ability to express himself as an artist, while working across multiple mediums.
He refuses to be confined to any certain medium or subject matter and challenges himself by exploring many mediums.
Beal discovered that each canvas has its own distinctive character, its own matchless capacity to give voice to his work in a way that no other medium can.

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Guy Dessapt, 1938 | Paris autumn

As a child, Guy, Impressionist painter- showed an enthusiastic aptitude for painting which led him to the highly acclaimed Art Decoratifs School in Paris.
Here he learned about the masters of genre and grew to respect the impressionists of the 1800's.
At this time, Guy spent many days painting in the streets of Montmarte which provided him with direct exposure to a thriving arts community.
He began painting his favorite subjects from cities and countrysides of Europe, which would later become his trademark expression.

Guy Dessapt 1938 | French Impressionist painter | Paris autumn

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Cao Yong, 1962 | Romantic cityscapes painter

Cao Yong 曹勇 is a Chinese artist🎨 whose work depicts Tibet.
He spent a year alone in the mountains of Tibet, and the paintings he produced were exhibited in Beijing in early 1989.
He was subsequently arrested by the Chinese Authorities with the Beijing Police burning seven of the paintings.

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Will Wilson, 1957 | Allegorical painter

Will Wilson began his career with the John Pence Gallery in 1980. Since then, he staged thirteen highly successful one-man shows at the gallery.
In addition to his shows in San Francisco, he has exhibited with Baltimore Life Gallery, Baltimore, MD; Schuler School Of Fine Arts, Baltimore, MD; Salmagundi Club, New York, NY; St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD; Society of Illustrators, New York, NY; Denver Rotary Show, Denver, CO; Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY; Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH; Memorial Art Museum, Rochester, NY; The Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, NY, The National Postal Museum, Washington DC; The Triton Museum, Santa Clara, CA; and The Smithsonian, Washington DC.

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Paola Epifani | Rabarama, 1969 | Figurative sculptor

Rabarama, pseudonym of Paola Epifani, was born in Rome in 1969. The daughter of an artist, from her early childhood she showed an inborn talent for sculpture.
She started her artistic education at the Arts High School in Treviso, followed by the Venice Academy of Fine Arts where she graduated with top marks in 1991.