Lennette Newell ~ Fashion photographer
Naturalist fashion photographer Lennette Newell channels a lifelong passion for Earth’s biodiversity and the magical wonder of the natural world into compelling animal portraits that afford viewers an intimate glimpse of creatures large and small.

Having grown up on the high plains of western Nebraska as the
daughter of a veterinarian and cattleman, Lennette creates images that
explore the innate connections between subject and photographer, the
common ties between the world of humans and that of animals.
black-and-white photographs are simultaneously stark in composition yet
rich in detail. Again and again, the viewer comes face to face with
animal subjects that display an unexpected emotionality that lends new
insight into the inner lives of these creatures. As she explains, “This
work is the result of my passion for the animal kingdom; it is a
celebration of the unique spirit and character of each species. These
images pay homage to our shared commonality”. Newell currently lives and works in northern California, where she is committed to fighting for environmental causes.