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André Martins De Barros, 1942 | Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins de Barros: "The conflict of man fighting his fellow man, the role of nature, and the struggle for existence are all constant themes in my imaginative paintings: from simple joys and beauty to troubling scenes of apocalyptic proportions.
Yet, in each piece, a sense of optimism and even whimsy is readily apparent".
André Martins de Barros was born in Pau, a small town in the foothills of the Pyrenees near the Spanish border.
He started to paint from the age of 15 and just after completing his military service decided to devote all his time to passion- Painting.

Curious by nature and a perfectionist he has always enjoyed a challenge and one can see that over the years he has constantly experimented with different styles, starting with classic, expressionism moving on to more abstract work and eventually returning to the classic style which currently motivates him.
As a self-taught artist he draws from his own imagination while working in harmony with these influences culminating in a very personal style revealing constantly evolving styles and techniques.

The artist's ultimate aim is to lead us in his world of dreams and fantasy and in so doing offers us the opportunity to be surrounded by and confront our own philosophical thoughts and beliefs inspired by travels through the subconscious.

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins De Barros 1942 | French Surrealist and Fantastic Realism painter

André Martins de Barros è nato a Pau, una piccola città ai piedi dei Pirenei vicino al confine spagnolo. Ha iniziato a dipingere dall'età di 15 anni e appena terminato il servizio militare ha deciso di dedicarsi tutto il suo tempo alla passione-Pittura.
Curioso per natura e perfezionista ha sempre goduto di una sfida e si può vedere che negli anni ha costantemente sperimentato stili diversi, partendo dal classico, dall'espressionismo passando a lavori più astratti per poi tornare allo stile classico che attualmente lo motiva.
Come artista autodidatta attinge dalla propria immaginazione mentre lavora in armonia con queste influenze culminando in uno stile molto personale che rivela stili e tecniche in continua evoluzione.
L'obiettivo finale dell'artista è condurci nel suo mondo di sogni e fantasia e così facendo ci offre l'opportunità di essere circondati e confrontarci con i nostri pensieri e convinzioni filosofiche ispirate dai viaggi attraverso il subconscio.