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Camille Claudel | La donna implorante...

L’Implorante, fa parte del gruppo scultorio L'Âge Mûr - L'età matura, una delle sculture più conosciute della Claudel🎨, sia per lo stile che per la maestosità di cui vi è una versione in gesso ed una in bronzo. Richiestale dallo stesso Auguste Rodin 1840-1917🎨 nel 1895, l'opera fu messa in mostra nella versione gesso nel 1899.
Il gruppo scultoreo fa richiamo al Rodin🎨 stesso indeciso fra le sua prima compagna, che poi sposerà e Camille -divenuta sua amante dall'età di 18 anni- che nel gruppo scultoreo è simboleggiata dalla figura che tenta di trattenere il "vecchio" amante che ormai si sta rivolgendo verso la sua futura sposa dimostrando comunque un che di esitante.

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Michele Van Cotthem, 1939

Michèle Van Cotthem est née le 5 novembre 1939 à Revin (Ardennes). Ecole des Beaux-arts de Lyon. Première exposition à Lyon en 1962. Sociétaire du Salon d'Automne de Paris. Vice-présidente de la Société Lyonnaise des Beaux-arts.Participe aux principaux salons et obtient les plus grandes récompenses.

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Joaquín Sorolla | Impressionist painter

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923) was a leading Spanish painter of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Born in Valencia in 1863 but orphaned as an infant, he was raised by an aunt who recognised and encouraged his precocious artistic talent.
He was studying drawing by eleven, painting at the Academy in Valencia in his late teens, and soon exhibiting in Madrid.
Not yet 21, his first large history painting was acquired by the Spanish government in 1884.

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Frida Kahlo: "Dipingo i fiori così non moriranno"

"I fiori della primavera sono i sogni dell'inverno raccontati, la mattina, al tavolo degli angeli".
Khalil Gibran

Pierre Auguste Renoir 1841-1919

"Chi cerca di possedere un fiore, vede la sua bellezza appassire, ma chi lo ammira in un campo, lo porterà sempre con sé.
Perché il fiore si fonderà con il pomeriggio, con il tramonto, con l'odore di terra bagnata e con le nuvole all'orizzonte".
Paulo Coelho

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Benozzo Gozzoli | Late Gothic / Renaissance painter

Benozzo Gozzoli, also called Benozzo di Lese (born c. 1421, Florence [Italy]-died Oct. 4, 1497, Pistoia), early Italian Renaissance painter whose masterpiece, a fresco cycle in the chapel of the Medici-Riccardi Palace, Florence, reveals a new interest in nature (a careful study of realistic detail in landscape and the costumed figure) and in the representation of human features as definite portraiture.

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Alexander Saidoff, 1970 | Magic realism painter

Alexander Saidoff was born in Pavlovsk, Dagestan, Russia. Alexander’s family belonged to a clan which at one point ruled the mountainous region in Dagestan, but which eventually dissipated through a long series of feuds with other clans.
His family abounded with artistic talent; many of its members were dancers, singers, musicians, and painters.

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Georgia O'Keeffe: "Non basta essere gentili nella vita. Devi avere coraggio"

"Un fiore è relativamente piccolo. Ognuno ha molte associazioni con un fiore - l'idea dei fiori. Allunghi la mano per toccare il fiore - ti pieghi in avanti per annusarlo - forse lo tocchi con le labbra quasi senza pensarci - o lo dai a qualcuno per compiacerlo. Eppure - in un certo senso - nessuno vede un fiore - davvero - è così piccolo - non abbiamo tempo - e per vedere ci vuole tempo, come per avere un amico ci vuole tempo... Così mi sono detto - Dipingerò quello che vedo - cos'è il fiore per me, ma lo dipingerò in grande e loro saranno sorpresi nel prendersi del tempo per guardarlo - farò in modo che anche i newyorkesi indaffarati si prendano del tempo per vedere quello che vedo dei fiori.. . Beh, ti ho fatto prendere del tempo per guardare ciò che ho visto e quando ti sei preso del tempo per notare davvero il mio fiore.".

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Georgia O'Keeffe | Abstract painter

For several decades Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was a major figure in American art who, remarkably, maintained her independence from shifting artistic trends.
She painted prolifically, and almost exclusively, the flowers, animal bones, and landscapes around her studios in Lake George, New York and New Mexico, and these subjects became her signature images.
She remained true to her own unique artistic vision and created a highly individual style of painting, which synthesized the formal language of modern European abstraction and the subjects of traditional American pictorialism.

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Alex Levin, 1975 | Surrealist painter

Levin comes from Kiev, Ukraine, where he was born and later on attended Art Academy, which he graduated with honors.
In 1990 Alex Levin immigrated to Israel, where he continues to live in a city of Herzeliya.
With most productive and hectic schedule, Alex Levin finds additional time to grow as an artist and studies new techniques with Professor Baruch Elron who was the Chairman of Israel Artist Association.
The main painting styles are Surrealism and Realism.
Artworks of Levin admired worldwide and were purchased for numerous private, corporate and institutional collections in the United States of America, Israel, France, Italy, Ukraine, Switzerland and Belgium.

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Vadim Suljakov 1960 | Urban landscape painter

Вадим Суляков was born in the cultural center of Moscow. His parents gave him an excellent home education and he began painting at the age of seven. He continued with Russia's most rigid and traditional art education. The schools were very strict and difficult, and only a few were chosen to go on to the next level.

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Morgan Weistling, 1964 | Romantic painter

Morgan studied art at an early age with his father, a former art student. His parents both met at art school. His father, Howard, a POW in Germany, entertained his fellow American prisoners in Stalag 1 with a daily comic strip that he created and drew to keep morale up. Drawn on scraps of paper found on the prison grounds, he crafted a humorous world of characters that managed to bring a smile to imprisoned soldiers. In the last days of the war and feeling the Russians would be coming, his talents with painting saved his life. Using some paints supplied by the Geneva Convention, he painted a American Flag on the shoulder of his prisoner uniform so that the Russians invading Germany would identify him and not shoot him. It worked.

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François Joseph Bosio | Neoclassical sculptor

Baron François Joseph Bosio (19 March 1768 - 29 July 1845) was a French sculptor who achieved distinction in the first quarter of the nineteenth century with his work for Napoleon and for the restored French monarchy.
Born in Monaco, Bosio was given a scholarship by prince Honoré I to study in Paris with the eminent sculptor Augustin Pajou.
After brief service in the Revolutionary army he lived in Florence, Rome and Naples, providing sculpture for churches under the French hegemony in Italy in the 1790s.

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William Powell Frith | Victorian Era painter

Frith [1819-1909] was an British painter, specialising in Genre subjects and panoramic narrative works of life in the Victorian Era.
He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1852.
He has been described as the "greatest British painter of the social scene since Hogarth".

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Jacques-Laurent Agasse

Born at Geneva, Agasse [1767-1849] studied in the public art school of that city. Before he turned twenty he went to Paris to study in veterinary school to make himself fully acquainted with the anatomy of horses and other animals. He seems to have subsequently returned to Switzerland.
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Scott Mattlin, 1955

American painter Scott Mattlin is an artist with a deep and passionate appreciation for beauty in the natural world and within the human spirit. This enthusiastic and sensitive joy is reflected strongly in his artwork. His work is executed in a vibrant, impressionistic style, which - while still retaining its representational roots, incorporates abstract elements, resulting in a uniquely contemporary union.
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Vladimir Hozatski, 1955

Well-known in his native Russia, as well as abroad, Hozatski has received numerous accolades for his work. One of the major commissions he received was a request, in 1985, from then-President Mikhail Gorbachev for Hozatski and his father Guenrich to paint the interior walls of the President's Black Sea summer dacha in the Crimea.

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Émile Friant | Genre painter

Émile Friant (1863-1932) carries out primarily portraits and scene paintings of the everyday life. Its fabrics draw their instantaneous character in the photographic process.
Émile Friant is born in Dieuze in 1863. Its family, of modest origin, settles in Nancy at the time of the annexation of the Alsace-Moselle. Émile Friant begins his formation at the School of the Art schools of Nancy and exposes as of the fifteen years age to the local Show. Friant continues his studies in Paris in the workshop of the painter Alexandre Cabanel and becomes at twenty years second price of Rome. Paris where the Friant young person finds other Lorraine artists like Aimé Morot, Jules Bastien-Lepage and Victor Prouvé.

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Lovers in Art | Painting and sculpture

Ti amerò finchè il cielo non avrà più lacrime da piovere,
ti amerò finchè le stelle si tufferanno dal cielo dritte dritte nelle nostre tasche...

I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens
Stop the rain.

I'm gonna
Love you
Till the stars
Fall from the sky
For you and I

Love is a dream. Dreams are good, but do not be surprised if you wake up in tears.
Jim Morrison

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)

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Ladies with flowers

Cogli questo piccolo fiore,
prendilo! Non indugiare!
Temo che appassisca
e cada nella polvere.
Se non può trovare posto
tra i fiori della tua ghirlanda
onoralo almeno
con il tocco della tua mano
anche se doloroso.

Pierre Auguste Cot (1837-1883)

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William Harnett | Trompe-l'œil still lifes painter

William Michael Harnett

William Michael Harnett (1848-1892) was an Irish-American painter**, known for his trompe l'oeil still lifes of ordinary objects.
Harnett painted musical instruments, hanging game, and tankards, but also painted the unconventional Golden Horseshoe 1886, a single rusted horseshoe shown nailed to a board.
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Jean Béraud | Belle Époque painter

Jean Béraud (January 12, 1848 - October 4, 1935) was a French painter renowned for his numerous paintings depicting the life of Paris, and the nightlife of Paris society.
Pictures of the Champs Elysees, cafés, Montmartre and the banks of the Seine are precisely detailed illustrations of everyday Parisian life during the "Belle Époque". He also painted religious subjects in a contemporary setting.

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Beppo Zuccheri, 1973

Beppo Zuccheri, Italian painter, graphic designer and video-manipulator was born from the Tagliamento river in 1973. After his classical studies he pretended to attend the Fine Arts' Academy in Bologna and the Faculty of literary and philosophical studies in Bologna, too. He got his diploma at the International graphic-advertising School in Venice. Since 2006 he has been cooperating with the “ONOFF” group, which was founded by himself.
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Harbin Snow Sculpture Festival, 2012

In frigid northeastern China, in the city of Harbin is hosting its 26th annual International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. Massive buildings built of ice from the frozen surface of the nearby Songhua River, large scale snow sculptures, ice slides, festival food and drinks can be found in several parks in the city. At night, visitors who endure the bitter cold will see the lights switched on, illuminating the sculptures from both inside and outside.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Still life

The Impressionism, a movement, first in painting and later in music, that developed chiefly in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Impressionist painting comprises the work produced between about 1867-1886 by a group of artists who shared a set of related approaches and techniques.
The most conspicuous characteristic of Impressionism in painting was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and colour.
In music, it was to convey an idea or affect through a wash of sound rather than a strict formal structure.

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Paris 1925: Art Dèco gazzled the World / L'Art Déco abbagliò il mondo

Art Déco Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes - Esposizione internazionale delle arti decorativi e industriali moderni, tenutasi a Parigi nel 1925 - e per quest'ultimo motivo noto anche come Stile 1925 - viene considerato un fenomeno del gusto che interessò sostanzialmente il secondo ed il terzo decennio del secolo XX: riguardò le arti decorative, le arti visive, l'architettura, la moda.
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Kate Lightfoot - Pop Surrealism painter

I'm a self-taught Aussie artist who lives in a quiet Melbourne town-house with my lovely boyfriend, two demanding cats and a bright blue Siamese fighting fish called Jet Li.
During the day, I work in the creative department of an advertising agency. At night, I draw my girls.
I like to work in pencil as I have absolutely no patience and I hate waiting for paint to dry. Watercolour is also great fun (and dries quickly!) - it has a mind of its own and I love the surprise results you can get from it.
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Italia Ruotolo | Pop Art painter

Italia Ruotolo born in Naples, Italy.
After Classic Literature studies graduated at the Fine Arts Academy of Naples.
For many years she worked as goldsmith and jewel designer.
Ruotolo's work is a broad range of pop art and Art Nouveau.

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Lennette Newell ~ Fashion photographer

Naturalist fashion photographer Lennette Newell channels a lifelong passion for Earth’s biodiversity and the magical wonder of the natural world into compelling animal portraits that afford viewers an intimate glimpse of creatures large and small.
Lennette Newell | Naturalist fashion photographer