Belgian painter🎨 Pol Ledent, self-taught painter, was born in Wallonie, french speaking part of Belgium.
He came to painting in 1989. He started with watercolor but felt rapidly that oil painting would make him progress more efficient in his search for light.
After a few years, because he was disappointed by the fact that he didn't succeed in painting good watercolors, he went to work again.
And then, it came as a revelation, he found his personal way of painting watercolors.
Nevertheless he took some drawing lessons in a Belgian academy.
After taking part into numerous group exhibitions, some galleries in Belgium proposed to him to exhibit his works.
Pol Ledent è un artista Belga. Egli è venuto alla pittura nel 1989.
Ha iniziato con l'acquerello, ma ha sentito rapidamente che la pittura ad olio lo avrebbe reso più efficiente nella sua ricerca della luce.
Ha partecipato in mostre in Belgio, Francia e Taiwan. Creando paesaggi figurativi, nature morte e opere astratte e saltando regolarmente tra l'uso di acquerello ed olio, ogni dipinto di Ledent appare pensoso ed avvincente, luminoso ed equilibrato.