Born in London, Heathcote* spent his childhood living in both Britain and Dubai where his imagination was free to flourish as he witnessed an international jet set culture. Hence it is no surprise that the artist's imagery reflects a provocative Silver Screen theatrical quality.
In 1995, Peregrine* graduated from the Florence Academy of Art and since that time he has been profiled by the BBC in a documentary about his portraits resulting in international exposure.
In 1995, Peregrine* graduated from the Florence Academy of Art and since that time he has been profiled by the BBC in a documentary about his portraits resulting in international exposure.

Heathcote's images of beautiful women stepping off bullet trains in addition to his Gatsby-esque characters embarking on luxurious voyages via vintage aircrafts and cruise ships, conjure a world of intoxicating glamour and intrigue. The artist uniquely blends a sense of nostalgia with the contemporary world while creating narrative stories in paint.
Notably, he has exhibited at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the Royal Academy, and Hampton Court. In addition his paintings have been auctioned at Christie's Auction House, King Street, London. Presently Peregrine is including Newbury Fine Arts as a primary source for his artwork in the East Coast of the United States.

Nato a Londra nel 1973, Peregrine Heathcote* ha trascorso la sua infanzia in Gran Bretagna ed a Dubai, dove la sua immaginazione è stata libera di crescere, influenzata da una cultura internazionale che ha stimolato la sua fantasia e che si riflette nei suoi quadri.
Nel 1995 Peregrine si è diplomato all'Accademia d'Arte di Firenze.
Le sue immagini di belle donne che intraprendono viaggi di lusso con aerei d'epoca e navi da crociera, evocano un mondo glamour ed intrigante.
L'artista accosta un senso di nostalgia con il mondo contemporaneo, creando storie narrative nelle vernici.
La Belle Epoque vista attraverso gli occhi ed il pennello dell'artista Peregrine Heathcote che in questa selezione di dipinti ad olio trasmette bellezza femminile, l'arte ed il vigore di un periodo economico di grande fervore.