Marcos Damascena was born in Poções Bahia and rooted in São Paulo, where he began his artistic career studying with what was considered the biggest names in art education in his country.
He studied drawing technique and live figure drawing with professor Luis Alberto, in the Association Paulista of Fine Arts. Afterwards, he studied the theory of color and anatomy of animals, with emphasis on the study of horses with the master, Jorge Abraham Esteves.
His talent developed with surprising speed.
Damascena defined his style by painting in thin layers and depicting extraordinary details, a quality that has enabled him to be honored with several awards**.
Deciding to depict recognizable forms, he then began a new phase of his career using the human being as the basis of his work.
He focused on the soul of the subject in various stages and the expressions and intimate moments intrinsic to each individual. The characteristic details drew the attention of several critics and dealers, marking his presence in Brazilian realistic painting.
He is praised by critics as being both classical and modern. Damascena is a legacy in Brazil, hailed for his technical and creative skill. He is one of the founders of the vanguard realistic movement of ARV.
- First Art Salon of Embu: gold Medal;
- International Salon of gauge NAFA line: Gold Medal;
- APBA Hall of Nature Dead: Silver Medal;
- APBA Hall of Thumbnail: Bronze Medal;
- APBA Hall of Spring: Rosa Bronze;
- Art Salon of Pine Trees: Bronze Medal;
- International Salon of Rome: Gold Medal;
- International Salon of Vienna: Gold Medal.
Nato a Poções Bahia, Marcos Damascena si stabilì a San Paolo, dove ha iniziato la sua carriera artistica, studiando con i più grandi nomi dell'arte figurativa. Realizzato con il disegno del modello dal vivo e maestro Luis Alberto, l'Associazione Paulista di Belle Arti, poi studiando con il maestro Jorge Abraham Esteves: teoria del colore e anatomia degli animali, soprattutto cavalli.
Con la rapida formazione e lo sviluppo sorprendente, impostare il proprio stile con un bel quadro è estremamente dettagliato, vincendo diversi premi. Ha iniziato una nuova
fase della sua carriera: l'essere umano come base del suo lavoro attraverso una forte espressività che cattura il momento intimo di ogni essere. L'anima degli esseri umani in varie fasi. I suoi dettagli caratteristici sono all'attenzione di molti critici e commercianti, segnando la sua presenza nel dipinto iperrealista brasiliano.