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Katya Gridneva, 1965 | Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva is an Ukrainian painter.
As a child she loved to draw and paint, but this talent was set aside when she was selected to be a gymnast at one of Russia’s prestigious Sports Schools.
This career came to an abrupt end when she was injured in a fall from the bar.
Her significant artistic talent was recognised by her acceptance in 1993 to the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg, also known as the Repin Institute.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Best known for her figurative pastel works, several of Katya’s models are renowned ballerinas from the world famous Kirov company and Marrinsky Theatre.
Katya won first prize for her portraits at the end of her first year of studies in 1994.
Since completing her studies in St. Petersburg she has exhibited widely in Great Britain, exhibiting with the Royal Pastel Society at the Mall Gallery and the Alberti Gallery in at many of London’ Art Fairs and in the USA.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

As well as her well-known drawings and paintings involving the female figure as well as commissioned portrait work.
She works from life, capturing the flow of light across her figures.
Her work also shows her informed knowledge of the female body.
Since 1999 she has lived and worked in the UK. She has exhibited widely in the UK and elsewhere.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva [Катя Гриднева] 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva è nata in Ucraina.
Da bambina amava disegnare e dipingere, ma questo talento è stato messo da parte quando è stata selezionata per fare la ginnasta in una delle prestigiose scuole sportive russe.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Questa carriera si è interrotta bruscamente quando si è infortunata in una caduta dal bar.
Il suo notevole talento artistico è stato riconosciuto dalla sua accettazione nel 1993 all'Accademia di Belle Arti di San Pietroburgo.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Meglio conosciuta per le sue opere figurative a pastello, molte delle modelle di Katya sono famose ballerine della famosa compagnia Kirov e del Teatro Marrinsky.
Katya ha vinto il primo premio per i suoi ritratti al termine del suo primo anno di studi nel 1994.

Da quando ha completato i suoi studi a San Pietroburgo ha esposto ampiamente in Gran Bretagna, esponendo con la Royal Pastel Society alla Mall Gallery ed alla Alberti Gallery di in molte fiere d'arte di Londra e negli Stati Uniti.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

1991 ha frequentato corsi di disegno presso l'Accademia delle arti di San Pietroburgo.
1993-1999 ha studiato in studio di ritratti presso l'Accademia delle arti di San Pietroburgo.
Dal 1999 vive e lavora nel Regno Unito.
2000-2002 Artista residente nel castello di Highclere.

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter

Katya Gridneva Катя Гриднева 1965 | Ukrainian Figurative Pastel painter