Douglas Hofmann🎨 was born in Baltimore. Hofmann originally attended business school but only lasted a few short months, realizing it wasn’t for him.
He began working in a department store as a window trimmer, learning about design and color theory, which inspired him to try his talent at fine art.
He enrolled at MICA (the Maryland College Institute of Art) which, at the time, was his local art school. He received his BFA from MICA and moved to the International Fine Art Gallery in Washington, D.C.
In 1977, Douglas began his relationship with Circle Fine Art Gallery, exhibiting across the United States and Canada.
Working with Jack Solomon at his galleries pushed Hofmann to learn the medium of lithography - a brand new experience for him.
Used to working alone, with lithography, Hofmann relied on the expertise of the printer.
Eventually Hofmann mastered the medium, awarded by the Society of American Graphic Artists.
Hofmann received numerousawards🎨 for his works, including: first prize at the Perle Museum in Baltimore, 1970; "Best Paintings in the Traditional Manner",at the Baltimore Museum, 1971, "Best in Show" at the Washington County Museum, Hagerstown, Md., 1972, "Best in Show," at the center Club in Baltimore, 1973 and 1978.
In 1988 he was awarded a Certificate of Merit for his painting The Secret by the Salmagundi Club at the Eleventh Annual Non-members Juried Exhibition. Hofmann's works have been exhibited in numerous group and one-man shows at prestigious galleries and museums, in every major city in the U.S. and Japan.
Hand-produced lithographs have introduced Douglas Hofmann's work to a wide range of collectors.
Beautifully produced, they are the epitome of fine-art publishing, utilizing traditional methods to create original paintings of the highest standard.
The rarity of Douglas' original paintings has meant that the only access to his work has been through such lithographs.
Douglas Hofmann🎨 è nato a Baltimora nel Maryland nel 1945.
I dipinti di Douglas Hofmann sono acclamati dalla critica per le loro superfici incandescenti, i dettagli e le forme leggermente illuminate.
Hofmann combina sapientemente i suoi metodi di pittura con le tecniche dei vecchi maestri che ha imparato da Joseph Sheppard al Maryland Institute College of Art, dove ha conseguito il suo diploma di laurea in belle arti. La bellissima aura di luce e atmosfera che si ritrova nei grandi dipinti barocchi pervade le opere di Hofmann.
DÃ meticolosa attenzione ai dettagli e crea composizioni armoniose con colori e forme superbamente bilanciati.
Ha ricevuto numerosi premi🎨 per i suoi lavori. Le sue litografie hanno introdotto il lavoro di Douglas su una vasta gamma di collezionisti. Splendidamente prodotti sono l'epitome dell'editoria d'arte, utilizzando metodi tradizionali per creare stampe originali di altissimo livello.