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Erwin Guillermo, 1951 | Expressionist painter

Guillermo was born in Guatemala City in 1951. He is actually one of the best representatives of Guatemalan Art. His style: expressionist, figurative, and symbolic glows in themes such as, traditions, politics, festivities, popular icons, social contradictions; like anguish, despair, and love. Colorful works where fruits, animals, the exuberance of the Guatemalan Tropics, and a particularly stylized sensuality of the human figure, mesh to transmit emotions and establish a dialogue between spectator and the artist. He lives and works in Guatemala City and studied art at The National School of Arts. He has shown internationally in places such as Germany, London, Taiwan, New York, San Antonio; Texas, Mexico, and Central America. He has also received numerous prizes, awards and distinctions for his work.

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Francis Sevitt, 1942

Sevitt born in 1942 in Dublin, Ireland. Sevitt Francis art works are predominately women, not associated with any particular time or place -although Renaissance and Moorish influences are evident, writing alone or reading in groups of two mounting golden staircases, holding bouquets of lilies, or meditating near a vase of roses by a open window. The artist's studies of life and ambiance long gone are filled with gentle passion and sensuality. Through intricate details and rich, lustrous, yet somehow muted colors, each canvas conveys a personal imagination that suffuses everything it beholds - and represents - with quiet magic. Sevitt Francis work has been the feature of many exhibitions throughout Europe, Israel, Canada and the United States.
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Boyan Bolyarski

Occupation - portraitist. I paint mostly with oil paints, but I did and "pastel" period. Destination of the workplace - Sunny Beach. While the profession "street artist" is despised by the guild, to the dismay of my teacher Gregory Spiridonov - light his finger, despite 15 years I was there. And no scruples I can say that this job has taught me things that would not be going to university, things that everyone must find for yourself. Small secrets beyond academic stereotypes. They always let you step ahead. Well, I am grateful to this period, although it was very difficult and full of experiences. This period has made me what I am. Now it's time to work to your soul.
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Clarence Underwood | Postcards, books, magazines Illustrator

American artist* Clarence Frederick Underwood (1871-1929) studied at the Art Students League and the Academy of Julian in Paris with J. P. Laurens, Constant and Bouguereau, in 1896.
Underwood create images for magazines Saturday Evening Post, Ladies’ World magazine and others, as well as works by many literary works.
Underwood was born in Jamestown, NY, during his studies took place in Paris, after which he chose for himself a career illustrator.
Underwood was a member of the Society of Illustrators in New York City in 1910 and was on staff of the New York Press.

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Peregrine Heathcote, 1973 | Figurative painter

Born in London, Heathcote* spent his childhood living in both Britain and Dubai where his imagination was free to flourish as he witnessed an international jet set culture. Hence it is no surprise that the artist's imagery reflects a provocative Silver Screen theatrical quality.
In 1995, Peregrine* graduated from the Florence Academy of Art and since that time he has been profiled by the BBC in a documentary about his portraits resulting in international exposure.

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Angela Betta Casale, 1954 | Figurative / Symbolist painter

Angela Betta Casale was born in Turin, Italy, she’s a free spirit with artistic vocation.
After her studies she dedicated herself to a career as a graphic artist, yet never completely leaving behind painting, first as Maestro Amerigo Carella’s apprentice, then totally devoted herself to art, since 1999. She pursued her own path of enrichment, comparison, and no emulation, heading more and more to a totally personal style, which is used to convey her ideas and feelings through her works.

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Michael Shapcott, 1982

Michael Shapcott, born in Hartford, Connecticut, is a Central Connecticut-based painter, known for his daring color palette and emotionally charged portraits. His work deals with highly detailed graphite underdrawings which he then paints with colorful washes in oil and acrylic paints. In addition to painting, Shapcott creates art videos that track the process of painting a painting and show his unique style of working. Shapcott studied illustration for two years before switching to fine arts for the remainder of his studies at Paier College of Art in Hamden, Connecticut, graduating in 2007 with a diploma in Fine Arts. He credits his education for basic technical experience but feels that only in breaking some of the traditional methods he was taught and experimenting on his own did he develop the confidence, unique voice and style he continues to expand upon today.
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Liz McKay, 1974

Australian painter McKay is a contemporary figurative artist who's vibrant works draw their essence from smoky bars, sultry jazz singers, romantic couples, European cafes and childhood memories. Her work is about love, childhood imagination and music. Liz McKay has exhibited paintings in most Australian capital cities, New York, LA, Singapore and New Zealand.
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Ling Jian / 凌健, 1963 | Pop Surrealism painter

Ling Jian / 凌健 was born in Shandong Province, China.
Ling Jian graduated with a BA from the Fine Arts Department of Tsinghua University Art College, Beijing, in 1986.
​Ling moved from China to Europe in the late 1980s, a geographical transition which led to the artist’s experimentation with the body and performance art. Ling circles his practice around mass consumerism and society’s hypocritical stances on beauty ideals through various painting methods.

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Klaudiusz Abramski, 1971

Studies at the Art faculty at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. Diploma in 1991 at Painting Workshop of prof. M. Wiśniewski. Practises painting and drawing. Takes part in collective exhibitions and competitions. His numerous works are in the private collections in Poland and abroad. His own gallery and studio in Toruń.

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Vlad Kravchuk / Влад Кравчук, 1977 | Venice painting

Влад Кравчук was born in Dubna Russia, approximately 75 miles north of Moscow. He graduated from Venecianov Art Lyceum and followed it up studying and graduating from Moscow's Stroganov Art University. Since 1995, Vlad has taken part in many exhibitions within Russia and abroad. Vlad's paintings can be found within galleries and private collections in Russia, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Poland and Slovakia.
Vlad's subjects are often floral, landscapes and cityscapes and occasional seascapes all of which are compatible with his style of painting with a painting knife versus a brush.
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Roberto Ferri / Pablo Neruda | Your Laughter / Il tuo sorriso..

Toglimi il pane, se vuoi,
toglimi l'aria, ma
non togliermi il tuo sorriso.

Non togliermi la rosa,
la lancia che sgrani,
l'acqua che d'improvviso
scoppia nella tua gioia,
la repentina onda
d'argento che ti nasce.

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Georges Barbier | Art Déco painter

Born in Nantes France on October 10 1882, Barbier [1882-1932] was 29 years old when he mounted his first exhibition in 1911 and was subsequently swept to the forefront of his profession with commissions to design theatre and ballet costumes, to illustrate books, and to produce haute couture fashion illustrations.

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Nicoletta Tomas / Pablo Neruda | Ormai sei mia..

Ormai sei mia. Riposa coi tuo sonno nel mio sonno.
Amore, dolore, affanni, ora devono dormire.
Gira la notte sulle sue ruote invisibili
presso me sei pura come l'ambra addormentata.

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Pal Fried | La Belle Époque

Pál Fried was a Hungarian-born American painter.
He studied at the Hungarian Academy under the instruction of Hugo Pohl and in Paris under Claude Monet and Lucien Simone.
He was heavily influenced by the French impressionist school of Renoir and Degas.
Pál Fried excelled in portraits of high society Parisian women, ballerinas, Oriental and western scenes, seascapes, primary working with oil and pastels, experimenting with light and movement in his work.

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Ancient Greek | Legacy

The civilization of ancient Greece has been immensely influential on language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. It became the Leitkultur of the Roman Empire to the point of marginalizing native Italic traditions. As Horace put it,
Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artis / intulit agresti Latio (Epistulae 2.1.156f.)
"Captive Greece took captive her uncivilised conqueror and instilled her arts in rustic Latium".

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Anatoly Solovtsov, 1957

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Hall Groat II, 1967 | Impressionist painter

Hall Groat II was born in Cazenovia, New York.
In 1992 he received a Master of Fine Arts Degree from Brooklyn College.
He currently lives in Endwell, NY, and is an Associate Professor at Broome Community College.
Groat has had one-person exhibitions at Roberson Museum of Art, Everson Museum of Art, Jasper Rand Art Museum, Finger Lakes Community College, Cazenovia College, Lemoyne College, Simon's Rock College of Bard, Tyringham Art Gallery, Tyringham, MA, Westbeth Gallery, NY, NY, Adams Art Gallery, Dunkirk, NY, and Austin Harvard Gallery, Rochester, NY.

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Katherine Blackwell | Surrealist painter

"For me, art is like breathing. It's a necessity. Some people enjoy art for its inherent statement. I truly enjoy the process of creating that statement". It is this love for her craft that drives Katherine to paint.

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Caprice De Meló

Meló lives and works as a painting artist in Berlin/Germany. Education: Art education: Graphic arts and design in the institute of creativity and media in Hamburgo.
....Painting of the heart. This name appropriately characterises the essentials of the works of Meló: They come from her deepest inside and offer to the viewer an amount from astonishing and original approaches of situations, people and moods". This is a part of the text from the art historian Elena Rempel about the artworks of Caroline Caprice de Meló.
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Jacob Christian Poen de Wijs, 1948 | Realist painter

Dutch painter Jacob Christian Poen de Wijs born in Nijmegen.
Studied at the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in the Hague, 1966-1971.
He lives and works in the Hague.
Poen de Wijs is a contemporary, realistic fine painter.

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Natasha Milashevich /Наталья Милашевич, 1967

Наталья Милашевич was born in Dushanbe in the former Soviet Union. She started her studies locally, graduating from the Art College of Dushanbe in 1989. She continued her studies in St. Petersburg in the studio of the renowned artist Vasili V. Sokolov at the Repin Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture - widely considered the finest art academy in Russia from which she graduated in 1995. Since that time, she has been a member of the Russian Fine Artist’s Association. Her work has been included in more than 30 exhibitions in Russia, Finland, Holland, France, Chile and Kazakhstan.
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Victor Tchetchet ~ Pin-up Art

Tchetchet [1891-1974] was one the earliest pioneers of the modern multihull; he also said to have coined the word 'trimaran'. He was born in Kiev, Ukraine and in 1923 became a Russian émigré living in New York. While still in the Ukraine he was building boats and, inspired by South Pacific outriggers, connected two 18 ft (6.3 m) canoes to make a catamaran.
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Eugene J. Paprocki, 1971 | Plein Air Impressionist painter

Eugene J. Paprocki 1971 | American Impressionist painter

American painter Eugene J. Paprocki was born in Chicago, IL. An avid painter since childhood, he studied Business and Fine Art at Loyola University in Chicago. After receiving his bachelor's degree, Paprocki augmented his formal art studies with extensive travels in Europe, painting and visiting the great museums. Exhibited widely, he has been geatured in 14 one-man exhibitions and many prestigious group shows on two continents.
His work has received critical acclaim and has been featured in several national magazines including Art of the West, Southwest Art, and Gulfshore Life. Paprocki exhibits annually at the prestigious Great American Artists Exhibition. His impressionist paintings hang in more than 1000 public, private and corporate collections in over a dozen countries around the world.

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Peter Panov

Panov was born in Izevsk, Ural. Graduated at Stroganoff Academy of Fine Art, Moscow. To tell about the theme of Peter Panov’s paintings is just to enter the small door into his vast and incredible imagination. He depicts Paris around 20s of 20th century. But this specific is just the decoration of the idea “Man and the City”. Some of his characters are easy to recognize. You have met them in the café and on the streets of your own city. That is why all the images are so alive despite the style of Peter’s paintings which is more cubistic then realistic.
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Isabel Guerra, 1947 | Hyperrealist painter

Isabel Guerra was born in Madrid and it seems her interest in painting was sparked at age 12 when someone gave her a box of oil.
She is completely self taught and loves the great masters whom she has seen often in the Prado Museum in Madrid, especially Velázquez.
At 23 he entered the Cistercian monastery of Santa Lucia in Zaragoza and from that time has lived her life trying to combine her two vocations: painting and religious life.

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Vladimir Ezhakov, 1975 | Impressionist Figurative painter

Vladimir Ezhakov /Владимир Ежаков** a member of Russian** Union of Artists, one of the most promising, brilliant and successful modern painter of Russia.
Vladimir Ezhakov is a winner** of the festival "Prague Autumn" 2004 year.
Is the winner** of the contest in the nomination "The best portraitist" on the International Art Festival in Domburg 2007 year.

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Oscar Alejandro Casavalle, 1964

I studied design at the "Escuela Panamericana de Arte". In 1980 I started my first steps in a group called Friends of Performing Arts courses there with Manuel Fifth, the artist Tita Lemus And Professor Carlos A. Amico, there also participated in numerous group shows until 1986.
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Pietro Coppola

Pietro Coppola nasce il 18 febbraio 1960. Il suo interesse per la pittura e la sua produzione inizia nel 1999. La sua prima mostra personale nel 2005 allestita presso lo studio diaframma multimediaLAB contemporaneamente al suo esordio nel web con il sito nekiat.com, eccellente al premio web Italia 2005 nella sezione Arte e Cultura.
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Giovanni Auriemma, 1976

Sono nato a Napoli nel 1976. Nel 2000 conseguo il diploma di laurea in scenografia presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, coltivando parallelamente la mia passione per l'arte digitale. Abito e lavoro a Viterbo nel campo dell'editoria come grafico, illustratore e impaginatore. Attualmente insegno tecniche di grafica pubblicitaria presso la facoltà di scienze politiche dell'università della Tuscia a Viterbo.
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Jeff Roland, 1969 | Surrealist / Abstract painter

Jeff Roland (born 16 June 1969 in Longeville-lès-Metz, Moselle, France) is a French artist and curator, known for his characteristic bold, colourful pieces fusing aspects of the raw style with contemporary literary and visual references.
He is part of a group of artists known as neo-outsiders, a term coined by Dr. Melissa Westbrook, as a result of her research into the developments of Outsider Art in the 21st century, and the impact of the internet and social networks on Contemporary Art.
His work is part of the London Museum of Everything permanent collection, and the Barcelona Davis Museum collection.
He has exhibited in several countries in Europe and was recently invited to show his work at the University of Nancy in France. Roland is also curating for the city of Liverdun, and organizes shows at Chateau Corbin, specializing in outsider art.

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Brian Rolfe, 1972

I am a Johannesburg based artist. I create paintings that are unique to South Africa and Africa. My work focuses on the world around me. I do not always create a realistic representation of what I observe but often walk into a landscape and rather paint what I feel than what I see. “My work is a celebration of life and the power of the universe. We have such a strong connection with the universe but it is often masked by our strive for existence and survival”. ”I expect my audience, when they see my work, to be triggered by something they know so well but have neglected to acknowledge for some time. To awaken in them a feeling or memory, that will strengthen their connection with the earth and their reason for living”.
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Keith Perelli, 1968

Keith Perelli a visual artist working in painting, drawing and printmaking. He has participated in numerous, national and international invitation and juried exhibitions. He has exhibited his work at D.O.C.S. Gallery New Orleans, Found Gallery, Los Angeles and Steve Martin Fine Art in Miami. Mr. Perelli has been a recipient of The SURDNA Foundation Arts Teacher’s Fellowship, Louisiana Division of the Arts Fellowship and a Foundation Ratti Arts Fellowship. He has received six professional development grants from the Louisiana Division of the Arts.
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Michelangelo | Cappella Paolina, Vaticano

500 metri quadri decorati da un solo uomo in quattro anni di accanito lavoro e che rappresentano la piena espressione degli ideali artistici del Rinascimento.
Tra il 1537-1540 Paolo III fece costruire una nuova cappella privata da Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane con l'ausilio di Perin del Vaga.
Lo stesso papa, al termine dei lavori, vi celebrò personalmente la messa di consacrazione, dedicandola a San Paolo Apostolo.

Michelangelo Buonarroti Affreschi

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Laura Robb, 1955 ~ Still life

Laura Robb grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and entered art school at the age of sixteen. In 1974, Laura moved to New York City to study with Michael Aviano, and after returning to the Southwest, had the opportunity to receive critiques of her work by Richard Schmid. Since moving to Taos, New Mexico in 1986, Laura's art travels have taken her to France, Spain, Guatemala, and across the United States. She has exhibited in numerous group and one person shows and received many awards. Her paintings, in both watercolor and oil, portray a variety of subject matter. She continues to create still-life, figurative and landscape works from her studio near Taos, New Mexico.
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Klaus Kampert, 1953 | Figurative photographer

German photographer Klaus Kampert lives and works as a freelancer in Duesseldorf, Germany. As a photographer he is self-taught. After working for many well-known photographers in the advertising field, he established his own business in 1981 in Duesseldorf. His main interest is people-photography focussing on beauty, portrait, figures and dance.
He works for leading advertising agencies and companies but also indulges in artistic photography.
Many of his images, especially nudes and ballet-dancers have been printed in international publications and are very asked for among collectors. Membership in Bund Freischaffender Foto-Designer, BFF (leading german Photographers` association) since 1984.

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Alfredas Jurevičius, 1959

Alfredas Jurevičius was born in 1959 in Telšiai. He studied at Stepas Žukas Art Technical School in Kaunas, later K. Preikšas Pedagogical Institute in Šiauliai and in 1991 entered Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. The artist joined the Lithuanian Artists' Association in 2003.
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Pavel Guzenko, 1977

Guzenko Pavel Petrovich, Ukrainian painter, born in 1977. From 1987-1991 studied at art school Korosten. From 1992-1995 studied at the Republican Art High School. About five years worked as a designer, and from 2006 to today paints oil paintings, lives in Kiev. The works of Pavel are very colorful, peculiar, they do not convey the precise shape and color. He holds a master of abstract transfering and color saturation, thereby creating a visual impression, and his vision of painting as a whole.
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Mariana Kalacheva, 1977

Bulgarian painter and illustrator Mariana Kalacheva was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Education: 2003 - Graduates the AMDFA/ Academy of Musik, Dance and Fine Arts/ - Plovdiv, Master Degree - Speciality Graphics under the guidance of Associate prof. Vladimir Genadiev and Pedagogy of Fine Arts under the guidance of Prof. Bisser Damyanov. Since 2003 she is a Member of the Association of the Artists in Plovdiv /AAP/. Since 2007 she is a Member of the Union of the Bulgarian Artists /UBA/.
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Omar Galliani, 1954 | Renaissance style painter

Italian painter Omar Galliani was born in Montecchio Emilia, where he lives and works now.
Omar Galliani has graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and teaches painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
Central place in the work of Galliani takes the image of women.
Beauty, spirituality and energy-creating beautiful half of humanity inspired the artist.
In recent years, Omar Galliani turned his attention to the East.

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Andrey Chernysh, 1962 | Cityscape painter

Ukrainian painter Andrey Chernysh /Андрей Черныш was born in Ukraine. At a young age he started drawing and soon his talent was noticed by his parents and he was sent to the Art College. After graduating he continued his studies at the Kiev Academy of Fine Arts.
When Andrey first visited Prague in 1993 he was fascinated with the beauty and mystery of that fantastic city and created a series of works dedicated to Prague.

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Jeffrey Terreson, 1955 | Abstract painter

Born in Bronxville, NY, Jeffrey Terreson has been published for many Fortune 500 companies including Mobil, IBM, NBC, the United Nations and the PGA.
His work has also appeared in Time, Newsweek, TV Guide and Readers Digest.
In 2005, Terreson was presented the National Award** of Excellence, American Juried Art Salon.

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Nady Gepp, 1954 | Fashion painter

In 1974-1979 Nady Gepp [Надя Гапп] obtained higher artistic education from Moscow Textile Institute, Moscow, Russia, on faculty of applied art.
Since 1988 she is a member of Artists Unions of Belarus and Russia.
Nady Gepp works in techniques of pastel, tempera, watercolor, oil painting etc.
Artist has participated in various Festivals and Group Exhibitions in Czech Republic, Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria and USA.
Her paintings are kept in Private collections in Czech Republic, Germany, UK, Israel, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, USA.

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Cecelia Webber ~ Human Flowers

Webber was born in a forest town of only 1,500 people and spent much of her childhood in fields catching orange salamanders. She was a shy, socially awkward child who enjoyed reading and spent hours searching for small fairy creatures in abandoned maple sugar huts and dilapidated stonewalls.
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Mario Mariotti | Conceptual art | Hand painting

The remarkable Italian artist** Mario Mariotti (1936-1997) was a conceptual artist who transforms his hands into odd, fantastic creatures.
He can turn hands into almost anything. His book "Animani" showcased a great variety of wild animals and birds -- all hands, adorned with a lot of paint, a few toothpicks, string and some button eyes.

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Joadoor | The Lord of the Desert

Joadoor, two Dutch painters, Ger Doornink and Hans-Jochem Bakker, became fascinated with vanished cultures, the ancient Classics and the mysticism of the Pharaohs during his extensive travels around the world.
Together, Joadoor explore ancient and classical art styles and develop new, contemporary images that are distinctively Joadoor.