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Nora Kasten, 1937 | Still life painter

Nora M. Kasten is an American artist who was born in 1937.
"I am a self taught artist, married, the mother of four grown sons, a grandmother and now a great-grandmother.
The year that I painted my first painting under the tutelage of Indiana artist, Harold Buck, was 1987.
I was fifty years old.
The joy of painting that first canvas has remained with me through the years and I've been painting almost non-stop ever since" - Nora M. Kasten.

Nora Kasten 1937 | American Still life painter

Nora Kasten 1937 | American Still life painter

"Sono un'artista autodidatta, sposata, madre di quattro figli adulti, nonna e ora bisnonna.
L'anno in cui ho dipinto il mio primo quadro sotto la tutela dell'artista dell'Indiana, Harold Buck, era il 1987.
Avevo cinquant'anni.
La gioia di dipingere quella prima tela mi ha accompagnato negli anni e da allora non ho più smesso di dipingere".