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Ciro Palumbo, 1965 | Surrealist / Symbolist painter

Ciro Palumbo was born in Zurich, currently resides and works in Torino.
His artistic career was originally influenced by the poetics of the Metaphysical school of Giorgio de Chirico and Alberto Savinio, reinventing however those foundations with a personal and completely original interpretation.
In his research, he proceeded through moments of contemplation and metaphyisical silences, contrasted by nocturnal and intimately wrought expressivity, where one can feel the clean break from the silent immobility which resides in the works of the Pictor Optimus.
His art represents therefore stages on which objects are carriers of oniric symbolism.

Ciro Palumbo is not just a painter, but indeed a poet who reflects, reacts and composes to unite metaphor, the elusiveness of time, and the immenseness of space, showing thus his ability to give a close observation not so much of nature, but rather the imaginative impressions that come from memory.
A curious researcher and scholar, he has in recent years been working on the theme of the Myth, interpreting classical mythology from an exquisitely modern viewpoint, giving it a deeply learned and impressive reading.
The artist manages to sublimate and contextualize ancient legends outside of a time context, showing their contemporary nature. He trained as a graphic designer in the advertising sector which led him to work for a number of years as Art Director in advertising agencies in Torino.

It was during this experience that Palumbo discovered and developed his visual and compositional skills.
Later, his experience in a modern art studio and meeting contemporary Masters led him to develop his velatura technique on oil painting.
The artist’s first exhibition was in 1994, e has had scores of solo exhibitions all over Italy.
In 2011, he participated in the 54th Biennale di Venezia, representing Piedmont. Among his international exhibitions, he work has been shown in New York, Miami, Providence (USA), Switzerland.
Some works by Palumbo are part of the collection of the “Fondazione Credito Bergamasco”, at the “Civica Galleria d’Arte Moderna G. Sciortino” in Monreale (Pa), and at MACS in Catania.
Among the critics who have written about his artistic work are Paolo Levi, Vittorio Sgarbi, Alberto Agazzani, Angelo Mistrangelo, Tommaso Paloscia, Alberto D’Atanasio, Stefania Bison, and Francesca Bogliolo.
His works have been published in important catalogues and sector magazines.

Ciro Palumbo è nato a Zurigo nel 1965. Fin da bambino ha mostrato una grande predisposizione per l'arte, mestiere che poi diventerà negli anni il suo pane quotidiano.
Dopo aver Frequentato a Torino le scuole superiori per apprendere le tecniche più professionali per svolgere la professione di disegnatore pubblicitario, si è specializzato sia nella grafica che come direttore artistico.
E' restato però sempre fedele alla passione pittorica e date le sue grandi capacità tecniche e soprattutto inventive ha cominciato ad operare presso una moderna “bottega d’arte” riscuotendo numerosi successi che gli hanno permesso di non mollare e andare sempre avanti verso una crescita più florida. 
Comincia così una lunga serie di sperimentazioni e ricerca che negli ultimi anni lo hanno portato a perfezionare la sua poetica, mettendo a fuoco il “mestiere” e come dice lui stesso: “…a cominciare veramente e con umile devozione a fare il pittore…