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Hamish Blakely, 1968 | Figurative painter

British painter Hamish Blakely was born in Canterbury and developed an interest in art from an early age.
He recalls: "I was approximately seventeen and seeing the paintings up close, noticing the luxuriant, sometimes messy concoction of paint, the washes, the texture and nuance, spoke to me in a way that I found sacred and spellbinding. I just wanted to use paint and see where it would take me".

He studied illustration at Wimbledon School of Art and completed his degree at Kingston University shortly after which he became a professional illustrator.
During this time his clients included The Body Shop, British Telecom and Cable and Wireless and he was chosen to paint two front covers for the world renowned author of ‘Schindler’s List’, Thomas Keneally.

At the same time, he and his wife Gail set up and curated their own shows in London, leading to a solo display in the Thomas Kettle Gallery in Covent Garden.

The show, entitled ‘Do not Disturb’, explored genetic manipulation and its effects on its patients.
The entire collection showed an increasing interest in physicality and lighting that was to become the hallmarks of his later work.

Awards: Benson and Hedges Gold Award for Illustration, Manhattan Arts International Award.

Il pittore Britannico Hamish Blakely è nato a Canterbury e ha sviluppato l'interesse per l'arte fin dalla tenera età.
"Avevo circa diciassette anni e vedere i dipinti da vicino, notare la miscela lussureggiante, a volte disordinata, della pittura, i lavaggi, la trama e le sfumature, mi ha parlato in un modo che ho trovato sacro e affascinante. Volevo solo usare la vernice e vedere dove mi avrebbe portato" - racconta il pittore.

Ha studiato illustrazione alla Wimbledon School of Art e poco dopo ha conseguito la laurea alla Kingston University, diventando illustratore professionista.

Durante questo periodo i suoi clienti includevano The Body Shop, British Telecom e Cable and Wireless e fu scelto per dipingere due copertine per l'autore di fama mondiale di "Schindler’s List", Thomas Keneally.
Allo stesso tempo, lui e sua moglie Gail hanno allestito e curato le proprie mostre a Londra, che hanno portato ad una mostra personale alla Thomas Kettle Gallery di Covent Garden.
L'intera collezione mostrava un crescente interesse per la fisicità e l'illuminazione che sarebbero diventate i tratti distintivi del suo lavoro successivo.