Collector's know him for his images of Native Americans, often solitary figures of women.
- "I try to convey a spirituality in my art that the viewer must interpret for himself. I want my paintings to show a peaceful contemplation and express a depth of serenity that comes only with quiet inner peace".
Drawing, painting and picturing life are among Lee Bogle's earliest memories. A native Northwesterner, his art has always been more than a pastime. For many years he has described his art as a passion. Bogle continues to live in the Northwest, where he is surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Lee Bogle can't remember when he wasn't an artist. Drawing, painting, and picturing life are among his earliest memories and have always been more than a pastime. For many years he has described his art, prints and posters as a passion.
"Painting defines me," he says from his home in Kirkland, Washington, where he lives with his wife, Sherri, and their two sons.
"It's who I am, not just what I do". Bogle received his degree in art from Central Washington University and pursued graduate study at the University of Washington.
His art, prints and posters are exhibited widely in galleries and museums throughout the country.

With a growing number of avid collectors, his limited edition prints sell out soon after release. Collectors know him for his art, prints and posters of Native Americans, often solitary figures of women whose beauty far surpasses the superficial.
Other works depict men and women, who appear as soulmates rather than mere romantic couples.
While his paintings artistically speak for themselves, they also reflect his appreciation for the organic. Working with muted, atmospheric colors, he is a master at depicting the expressive quality of light.

"La pittura mi definisce", aferma l'artista che vive a Kirkland, Washington, con la moglie, Sherri ed i loro due figli.
"E 'quello che sono, non solo quello che faccio".
Bogle ha conseguito la laurea in arte alla Central Washington University e perseguito gli studi universitari presso l'Università di Washington.
La sua arte, è esposta in gallerie e musei in tutto il paese.
Con un numero crescente di collezionisti, le sue stampe in edizione limitata si esauriscono subito dopo il rilascio.
Lavorando con colori tenui e suggestivi, è un maestro nel rappresentare la qualità espressiva della luce.