Daiva Staškevičienė was born in Vilnius. In 1986 graduated from secondary school in Vilnius. 1993-1995 Daiva studied at Justinas Vienožinskas art school in Vilnius. In 1995 entered Vilnius Academy of Arts to study stenography, however after a year and a half once and for all she was attracted by graphic arts specialty. Daiva studied graphic arts leaded by professor Leonas Lagauskas.
In year 2000 she gained bachelors degree in arts and entered Master
studies in Vilniaus Academy of Arts placard specialty, leader by
professor Juozas Galkus. 2002 she gained Master degree in arts. Member
of Lithuanian Artists’ Associations since 2002. The best of the author's
work reflects the hypnotic power pulsed graphics and paintings. Daivas
works are deep poeticize and very aesthetics, done in figurative style,
full of symbols. Drawings are especially elegant, subtle and complicated
in same time, manifold. The depth graphic compositions are easily
breathing in sheet of paper.