Ron Hicks was born in Columbus, Ohio but spent most of his childhood growing up in the modest and friendly neighborhood of Park Hill in Denver, Colorado.
He shared a dream with a close childhood friend early on... "He just always knew he would go to college and become an artist", remembers Ron's friend.
He shared a dream with a close childhood friend early on... "He just always knew he would go to college and become an artist", remembers Ron's friend.
Ron's family later relocated back to Ohio where, during his high school, he was awarded* several awards and honors for various art shows and competitions.

His talent became obvious and noted throughout his high school career and Ron was awarded a full scholarship to Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, OH.
He later returned to Denver and subsequently earned a degree in Advertising Design.
After college, Ron applied his degree and natural talent to working for Ad agencies, Magazines and as a Freelance Illustrator.
He would soon realize his true passion, and Ron's natural talent and his eye for beauty encouraged a shift in the direction of his style of painting.
- Art Students League of Denver, Denver, Colorado.
- Colorado Institute of Art, Denver, Colorado.
- Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus Ohio.
- Saks Galleries, Denver, CO;
- Gallery 1261, Denver, CO;
- Vail International Gallery, Vail, CO;
- Meyer East Gallery, Santa Fe, NM;
- Palm Avenue Fine Art, Sarasota, FL.


Ron Hicks, pittore Americano*, è nato a Columbus, Ohio. Incoraggiato dalla madre che era anche un' artista, Ron ha sempre saputo che voleva essere un pittore.
Ron ha ricevuto una borsa di studio per studiare arte al Columbus College of Art and Design - conosciuto per essere una delle migliori scuole d'arte del paese - dove si è laureato in Belle Arti. Si trasferisce poi a Denver, Colorado. Divenne artista e insegnante a tempo pieno.