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Tanja Doronina | Modern Pin-Up illustrator

Tanja Doronina is born in Kazakhstan, Karaganda where she studied at Pedagogical Institute.
In 2000 she moved to Russia and worked as a designer at an advertising agency.
Since 2007, working on freelancing as an artist and illustrator.

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Danielle Duer

Danielle Duer is a professional artist living and working from her studio in Nashville, Tennessee. Her unusual pieces have been described as haunting and romantic. She uses bold, beautiful color combinations and layers the main images with dainty details so that the viewer can stare for hours and always see something new. These narrative paintings are quite feminine and successfully possess both realistic and fanciful charm. She includes symbolism to tell lighthearted stories that are metaphors for deeper truths and philosophies in her own life.
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George Frederic Watts ~ Pre-Raphaelite painter

George Frederic Watts [1817-1904], British painter, was a popular Victorian painter and sculptor associated with the symbolist movement. Watts became famous in his lifetime for his allegorical works, such as Hope and Love and Life. These paintings were intended to form part of an epic symbolic cycle called the "House of Life", in which the emotions and aspirations of life would all be represented in a universal symbolic language.
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Michael Parkes, 1944 ~ Sculptures

Michael Parkes studied graphic art and painting at the University of Kansas and then travelled for three years throughout Asia and Europe. In 1975 he settled definitively in Spain, where he still lives. Numerous international exhibitions underline the importance of Parkes' work.
For biographical notes and painting works by Parkes', see Michael Parkes, 1944 ~ Magical Realist painter.
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Thomas M. Thomson, 1968

Specializing in fantasy and custom portraiture, Thomas M. Thomson was born in Rota, Spain.
He has been surrounded and inspired by art from a very early age.
He attended Florida State University, where he focused on the fundamentals of composition, perspective and figural accuracy.
He has pursued an exciting career in art following his graduation in December of 1993.
His mediums of choice are Oil on Canvas and Pencil on Paper.

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Come inserire foto/link in una pagina Fan di Facebook...

Per inserire una foto/link, nella propria bacheca, quella di un amico o di una pagina Fan di Facebook, per primo, bisogna cliccare sul campo di testo - Foto 1 - dove di solito inseriamo il nostro status.

Foto - 1

A questo punto, ci appare il sotto-menu con i collegamenti: Link, Foto e Video.

Clicchiamo su Foto - Foto 2 - ed apparirà il menu dove potremo scegliere:
se Caricare la Foto direttamente dal PC o Scattarne una dalla Webcam.
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Come personalizzare l’indirizzo web su Facebook

E' possibile personalizzare l’indirizzo web su Facebook utilizzando il cosidetto Facebook Vanity Url, consentendo di sostituire i vari codici dell’indirizzo URL con un nome più efficace e semplice da ricordare, da utilizzare se lo si vuole inviare a qualcuno per posta elettronica o utilizzarlo nei forum, blog e posta elettronica come propria firma, usarlo su biglietti da visita e tutte le applicazioni che vi possono venire in mente.
Non solo l’indirizzo del proprio profilo ma anche l’indirizzo delle pagine fan può essere modificato con questo metodo.

Per poter modificare il vostro indirizzo cliccate questo link: http://www.facebook.com/username.

Entrando, Vi verrà chiesto di indicare il vostro nuovo indirizzo, stando attenti che potrete scrivere solo lettere, numeri e punti, non sono previsti ne trattini ne spazi ne altri tipi di carattere.

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Erica Hopper ~ Impressionist Figurative painter

American painter Erica Hopper was born in Kansas City, Missouri, studied graphic and industrial design at San Diego State University, and continued her art education at the University of The Americas in Puebla, Mexico. During the 70's and 80's she was a successful illustrator with many published works in national periodicals. Today Hopper concentrates on oil media and textile design. It is clear one influences the other by the rhythm and texture found in her paintings.

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Alexander Hodukov | Video

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Wolfgang Lettl ~ Surrealist painter

Wolfgang Lettl [1919-2008] was a surrealist painter who was born in Augsburg, Germany. Success with his freelance art led him to develop his surrealism, and he participated in the 1963 Grosse Kunstausstellung München - the "Grand Art Exhibition Munich", becoming a member of the Neue Münchener Künstlergenossenschaft - "New Munich Artist Cooperative Society". One-man shows in Germany and abroad followed. In addition to his surrealism, the landscapes around his second residence in Puglia, Italy, inspired him to sometimes paint in an impressionistic style. In 1992, on the occasion of a retrospective exhibition at the Toskan Hall of Columns, he offered his paintings to the city of Augsburg on permanent loan. After the opening of the "Lettl Atrium - Museum for Surreal Art" in Augsburg in 1993, Lettl has concentrated on experiments in other media (including film) as well as continuing his painting. A major retrospective exhibition was held in Augsburg in 2000.

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Yuri Dubinin

Born in 1962. Since 1993 Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. Exhibited since 1991, participated in many regional, national and international exhibitions. Lives and works in the city of Zhitomir.
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Ric Nagualero | Symbolist painter

Nagualero has been immersed in the world of art for most of his life. A native of Portugal, at the age of two he moved to South America (Brazil) with his parents.
There he resided for the next 15 years, absorbing the exotic surroundings of the land and it’s people, a multiracial culture with its rich traditions and customs.

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Nathan Brutsky, 1963

Nathan Brutsky was born in 1963 in Kiev, Ukraina. Since childhood he was engaged in different aspects of art: painting, sculpture and art-design. From the age of 10, he dedicates to art at least several hours daily. Nathan graduated Art School and Kiev College of Industrial design. Since his college years he was characterized by a deep understanding of art styles and uniqueness.
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Luis De Leõn, 1950

Figlio di spagnoli rifugiati politici, Luis De Leõn è nato ad Oujda, in Marocco.
Arrivò in Francia all'età di 13 anni e continuò gli studi presso l'Ecole d'Art des Tissages di Lione.
Diventerà Designer, Grafico e Docente di Arti Plastiche.
Sempre pittore...
Ispirazione principale: La bellezza!
Numerose mostre personali e collettive scandiranno il suo percorso in Francia ed all'estero: Svizzera, Germania, Belgio, Stati Uniti, Cina...

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Bogusław Jagiełło, 1960 | Le Sfingi di Poznan

Bogusław Jagiełło 1960 | Polish symbolist painter | A Sphinx in Poznan

Bogusław Jagiełło was born in 1960. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, at Faculty of Painting, Graphics Arts and Sculpture. In '84 graduated in graphics arts techniques in studio of prof. Tadeusz Jackowski. Two-time holder of scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and Arts.
Now he lives and creates in Kłodawa - a village near Gorzów Wielkopolski. He have attended to painting, graphics arts, sculpture, poster art, book illustration and Theatre stage design.

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David Michael Bowers, 1956 | Symbolists /Surrealists painter

David Michael Bowers born 1956 in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and graduated from art school in Pittsburgh in 1979. He began working as a staff artist at various studios in Pittsburgh. Two years later, David began teaching at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh where he lectured for ten years. This job was perfect for Bowers at the time due to the short hours in the classroom. These short workdays enabled a lot of free time to perfect his painting technique before he entered the illustration field.

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Serge Marshennikov, 1971 | Realistic figurative painter | VideoArt

Realistic figurative art of Russian painter🎨 Serge Marshennikov portrays female beauty in its purest form. His painting skills take their roots in traditional Russian art of the 19th century.
Some of his artworks are on permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art (El Paso), in The Grace Museum (Abilene), as well as many important private collections in Russia, England, Denmark, France and Japan.
Serge Marshennikov’s paintings also have been sold on famous Christie’s (London) and Bonham’s (Knightsbridge) art auctions.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Marshennikov🎨 see:

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Givi Siproshvili

In 1971, graduated from Tbilisi Academy of Arts by specialty of painting. Since 1974, he became the member of the Union of artists of USSR and Georgia. Since 2000, he was the member of the International Federation of artists (UNESCO).
After graduating from the Academy of Arts, I participated both in numerous republic exhibitions and All-Union exhibitions. I have participated in more than 200-s group and in 7 personal exhibitions.