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Ken Hamilton, 1956

Born in Nigeria, West Africa, Irish painter Ken Hamilton returned to Ireland at the age of eleven where he eventually went to Art College in Belfast.
Seeking to learn about the science of art, Hamilton spent a lot of time researching and experimenting in order to learn as no one else had done it before.
On the contrast to other painters, Hamilton’s works did not so much portray his own emotions; instead they revealed the world we live in today and what we know about our world today.
Rejecting the trends of so-called contemporary art, he has sought to restore some of the ancient values of painting now discarded by so many.

His paintings do not openly deal with the angst of the artist's own soul or with the 'human condition' but rather seem to be a celebration of the visual pleasures of the world in which we live.
By pointing towards these pleasures he is also reminding us of their fleeting nature, not to create in us a sense of despair but so that we may savour the moment and enrich our lives by taking our time and drawing our attention to them.

Nato in Nigeria, nell'Africa occidentale, il pittore irlandese Ken Hamilton è tornato in Irlanda all'età di undici anni, dove ha poi frequentato l'Art College di Belfast.
Cercando di conoscere la scienza dell'arte, Hamilton ha trascorso molto tempo a ricercare e sperimentare per imparare come nessun altro aveva fatto prima.
Al contrario di altri pittori, le opere di Hamilton non ritraggono tanto le sue stesse emozioni; invece hanno rivelato il mondo in cui viviamo oggi e ciò che sappiamo del nostro mondo oggi.
Le opere di Ken sono state esposte a Belfast, Dublino, Londra e New York.