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Ancient Petra | Hellenistic architecture

Petra is known primarily for its Hellenistic architecture.
The facades of the tombs in Petra are commonly rendered in Hellenistic style, reflecting the number of diverse cultures which the Nabataens traded, all of which were in turn influenced by Greek culture.
Most of these tombs contain small burials niches carved into the stone.
Perhaps the best example of the Hellenistic style is seen in the Treasury, which is 24 meters (79 ft) wide and 37 meters (121 ft) tall and references the architecture of Alexandria.

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Angel of Grief /L'Angelo del dolore, 1894

William Wetmore Story [1819-1895] was an American sculptor, art critic, poet and editor. Angel of Grief is an 1894 sculpture by William Wetmore Story which serves as the grave stone of the artist and his wife at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome.
A replica located in Palo Alto, California was made in 1901 to honor Henry Lathrop, brother to Jane Stanford, Stanford University co-founder, but was severely damaged in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, leading to its replacement in 1908. After years of neglect, the 1908 replacement was fully restored in 2001. This style of monument is also referred to as "Weeping Angel".

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Jake Baddeley, 1964 | Magic Realism painter

Baddeley combines a masterful technique with provocative imagery in which he invites the viewer into a strange and magical world of his own.
Artist Statement: "All is proportion. I am sitting, a cup of tea, some good music, a brush in hand and i am gone.
There is nothing better: I forget where I am, who I am, and all sense of time.
As Picasso once said: "I leave my body outside the studio." Or something like that...
I am working on a picture of a lady on a mechanical horse.

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Roger Arndt, 1959 | Landscape painter

Canadian painter** Roger D. Arndt has had a remarkable career since he began painting full time at the age of 14. He sold his first oil painting while still a teenager, and within a few years became a self-sustaining artist.
His unique style continues to evolve; recent paintings feature bolder colours and scenes from his native Okanagan, in addition to his preferred subjects, the mountains and forests of Western Canada.
Today, his work is featured in private and major corporate collections throughout North America, and his following extends as far as Japan.

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Boris Indrikov /Борис Индриков, 1967 | Magical Realism painter

Russian painter* Борис Индриков was born in Leningrad, Russia. He graduated from the Art School as graphic designer. He worked for the Scientific Journal of Chemistry as illustrator.
In 1994 he started his career as independent painter. His creativity is mainly expressed in a mystical realism, not seldom inspired by Eastern cultures.

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Antonio Masini (1933-2018)

Antonio Masini nasce a Calvello (Potenza) nel 1933. Compie gli studi classici e subito dopo frequenta lo studio di Domenico Spinosa dell’Accademia di BB.AA. di Napoli.
Nel 1960 si laurea in giurisprudenza.
Nello stesso anno partecipa alla Mostra Nazionale di Pittura “1º Centenario della Rivoluzione Lucana” e gli viene assegnato il primo premio.
Nel 1970 espone con altri sette pittori italiani al Palms Shore Club Gallery di New York.
Nel 1972 espone con un gruppo di artisti umbro-toscani al Palazzo dei Priori a Perugia.
Con la Galleria Sant’Ambroeus di Milano partecipa nel 1975 e ’76 al Salon International d’Art, Art 6’75 e Art 7’76 a Basilea (Svizzera).

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Victor Koulbak / Виктор Кульбак, 1946

Victor Koulbak was born in 1946 in Moscow, where he studied at the Art School from 1958-1964.
He then spent two years working as a draughtsman for various publishing houses. In 1966, he was admitted to the Polygraphic Institute of Moscow, where he studied for three years.
He then continued to work as an illustrator to earn his living. Five exhibitions in which he tried to show his work were closed down two-to-three hours after opening.

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Philippe Loubat, 1962 | Surrealist painter

Philippe Loubat was born in Montpellier and currently lives and works in Languedoc Roussillon, France.
He dedicates himself exclusively to painting since 1980, and after 10 years of intensive research and self-taught experimental work, he maintains an assiduous presence in several renowned stages of international contemporary art, such as: Lineart - Gand / Belgium, Europ Art - Geneva / Switzerland, Holland Art Fair - La Haye and Art Twente - Almelo / Netherlands, St’ Art - Strasburg, Artenimes - Nimes, Grenoble, D’art - Nice / France, and Art New York and Art Expo - New York / USA.
He is also represented in various private and institutional collections, as well as in the Museum of Contemporary Art MAC, in Bahia, Brazil.