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Lev Tchistovsky / Лев Чистовский | Classical painter

Лев Чистовский [1902-1969] was born in Pskov, Russia. Laureate in 1924 of the Fine Arts Academy of Leningrad with Savinsky and Eberling as professors, he left the Soviet Union in 1925.
He studied two years at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome where he met Irene Klestova🎨 who was also studying there. She became his companion until his death. They came both to Paris in 1926, settled there and worked together. Tchistovsky kept out of all the pictorial trends appearing in the twenties between Montparnasse and Montmartre.
The art historian Lukomsky called him an authentic resistant of the classical painting. His work and especially his figures and his large size watercolors attained a remarkable technical perfection. They include portraits of celebrities, figures, still-lives, mythological scenes, flowers and icons, these last ones being his passion.

To paint flowers he had a beautiful garden and a greenhouse where he grew orchids at his summer residence in Cenevieres in the south of France. His paintings were very much in demand by many French, English and American galleries.
He was member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts and of the Societe des Artistes Independants since 1930. He participated in many exhibitions of this Societe in the Grand Palais in Paris.
His talent earned him the highest honors a Russian painter can get: one of his large size water-colors (Sleeping Girl) and two of his paintings have been accepted by the Russian Museum in Leningrad and another of his paintings (Bathing Girl) by the Tretiakoff Gallery in Moscow. A watercolor of Suzy Solidor can be seen in the castle of Cagnes sur Mer and some other paintings at the museum of Villefranche de Rouergue near Cenevieres.

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter

Leo Smagardovich CHISTOVSKY nato a Pskov nel 1902, ha studiato pittura all'Accademia di Leningrado delle Arti, ma nel 1925 ha lasciato l'Unione Sovietica, emigrato prima in Italia, dove ha studiato pittura all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, e poi - a Parigi, che all'epoca era considerato un meritato questo capitale mondiale dell'innovazione nella cultura e nell'arte.
Ma Leo Tchistovsky non accetta le nuove tendenze nel campo delle arti visive, che possono essere riassunti come modernismo, e rimase sempre sostenitore dello stile classico. Nonostante questo, il dipinto Chistovskogo godeva grande richiesta nelle gallerie d'arte di Francia, Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti e in altri paesi.
Talento artistico è stato apprezzato non solo in Occidente, ma anche a casa. Così, i suoi dipinti sono visibili nel Museo Russo di San Pietroburgo e di Mosca Galleria Tretyakov.
Ma la maggior parte delle sue opere sono ancora in mostra nei musei di Francia, dove ha vissuto la maggior parte della sua vita e morì nel 1969, e di proprietà di collezionisti privati.
I principali temi: figure, fiori, paesaggi, nature morte, ritratti di celebrità e scene mitologiche.

Lev Tchistovsky Лев Чистовский 1902-1969 | Russian Classical painter