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Denis Oktyabr 1977 ~ Impressionist painter

Son of a popular Siberian artist Valery Oktyabr, Денис Октябрь was born in a Russian city Novoaltaisk to continue the family artistic tradition. In 1992 Denis finished Artists School and in 1997 graduated Artistic College of Novoaltaisk. Oktyabr paints portraits, landscapes, genre pictures. In his paintings Oktyabr tries to abstract his mind and brush from shapes and stereotypes to reflect feelings, emotions and to illustrate the sacred process of perception and meditation. Shapes and colors of his paintings are perfect instruments to explore and embody ideas and sensations. Looking at his pictures one feels that there is a vision of the way things are intended to be, but never are.

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Iban Barrenetxea, 1973 | Fantasy Art

Iban Barrenetxea is a Spanish graphic designer and writer. Iban lets his imagination run lose in his work, and creates hilarious and fantastic scenes overflowing with unique details and characters.
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Armen Gasparian, 1966 | Symbolist painter

Gasparian was born in South Armenia, where he studied art in George Ajrapetjana's workshop. He moved to St. Petersburg nearly two decades ago, and continues living and working there today.
His works are in private collections worldwide, including Germany, Holland, Finland, North America, and Russia.
His romantic images and use of symbolism convey nature with delicate lyricism. While the artist experimented with a bright palette in his earlier works, his later pieces are muted and convey a sense of calm and tranquility.
The refined quality of these pieces is characteristic of the northern school of art.
Gasparian has developed his own artistic language, combining the traditions of classical art and the new plastic form.

Armen Gasparian 1966 | Russian symbolist painter
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Ruth Sanderson, 1951 | Fantasy illustrator

Ruth Sanderson is an illustrator of many books for children and young adults.
Graduated from the Paier College of Art in Connecticut in 1974.
Since then, she has illustrated many books for children and young adults.
Sanderson is a member of the Society of Illustrators, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and the Western Massachusetts Illustrator's Guild.

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Eduard Hau | Interiors of the Hermitage Museum

Eduard Petrovich Hau / Эдуард Петрович Гау (28 July 1807 in Reval - c.1888 in Dorpat) was a Baltic German painter and graphic artist.
He was the son of painter Johannes Hau (1771-1838), who had emigrated from Northern Germany in 1795, and he grew up in the German community of Tallinn ("Reval" in German). His half-brother was the painter Woldemar Hau. From 1830-1832, he studied at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts.

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Theodore Robinson | Impressionist painter

Theodore Robinson (1852-1896) was an American painter best known for his Impressionist landscapes.
He was one of the first american artists to take up impressionism in the late 1880s, visiting Giverny and developing a close friendship with Claude Monet.
Several of his works are considered masterpieces of American Impressionism.

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Abraxsis Der Jen | Love stories in the Forbidden City

Abraxsis Der Jen is an Taiwanese painter.
Specialty: Portraits of traditional Chinese women, national character, national costumes.
Submitted works are included in a huge series of paintings under the general title: Illustration Collection of the Ancient Chinese People - The Zephyr-Love Stories of the Royal Manchu in the Forbidden City.

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Antonio Tamburro, 1948

Tamburro nasce nel 1948 ad Isernia. Frequenta l’Accademia di Belle Arti a Napoli seguendo i corsi del Prof. Giovanni Brancaccio e nel 1968 si trasferisce a Roma e conclude gli studi all’Accademia di Belle Arti diretta da Franco Gentilini.
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Virginia Palomeque, 1961 | Figurative Expressionism painter

Palomeque was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 1961. She has been painting and drawing since a very young age, attending various workshops and art schools. Later, she gained a place at the prestigious Manuel Belgrano National College of Fine Arts from which she graduated in 1989. Her work has been influenced by Expressionism and Realism, but it is the imprint of her own personality that makes it remarkable. The intensity of her painting and the singularity of her themes, developed through the bold use of colour in its purest expression, capture the imagination and enthrall spectators at all her shows. She has been exhibiting her work since 1990, has participated in many National, Provincial and Municipal art shows and has been awarded numerous prizes and honours.

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Angelo Bellini, 1938

Angelo Bellini was born in Mantova, Italy. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera (Milano) and a talented sketcher, his work became the precursor of a new style based on the fragmentation of time, space and light. Each work results in a kaleidoscope of colors, contrasts and emotions.
His art was soon recognized internationally and is featured in many European galleries and museums (Pinacotheque Friuli in Grosseto, Sassoferrato, Rome, Padova, Cagliari and Palermo Museums of Modern Art).
Angelo Bellini's highly sophisticated sense of culture appears in each of his paintings, while at the same time he keeps alive the sense of discovery and surprise of his childhood.

Angelo Bellini 1938 | Italian Landscape painter

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Julie Heffernan, 1956 ~ Magical Realism

American painter Julie Heffernan is an Associate Professor of Fine Arts at Montclair State University in Upper Montclair, New Jersey. She received a B.F.A., at the University of California, Santa Cruz and an M.F.A. in Painting and Printmaking at the Yale School of Art. Heffernan is a Professor of Fine Arts at Montclair State University in Upper Montclair, New Jersey. She is represented by PPOW Gallery in New York City, Catharine Clark Gallery in San Francisco, CA; and Mark Moore Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. She is married to Jonathan Kalb, chair of the Theater Department at Hunter College and theater critic, author of "Great Lengths". Heffernan is the mother of two sons: Oliver, the eldest, and Sam.
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Paul Robert Turner, 1975

Paul Robert Turner is a Canadian Figurative Oil Painter living and working in Toronto Canada and is a co-founder of AWOL Collective, Gallery and Studios. Paul is a recipient of the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant, and recently received the Viewers Choice Award for the 2007 Kingston Prize, Canada’s only national Portrait competition. His work can be found in private collections in Canada, England, France, Israel and the United States.

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Tomohiro Nakagawa 中川 知洋, 1974 | Surrealist /Visionary painter

Tomohiro Nakagawa 中川 知洋 is an Japanese painter born in 1974.  Nakagawa is known for working in the Surrealist* and Visionary style.

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Lelio Menozzi, 1935

Lelio Menozzi, pittore Italiano, è nato a Reggio Emilia nel 1935. Successivamente, da ragazzo, si è trasferito prima a Stradella, poi a Pavia. Ha cominciato quando non aveva ancora vent’anni come vignettista, collaborando con parecchie riviste settimanali quali Epoca, Le Ore, Visto e Radio Corriere, tanto per citare le più note.
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Terry Avon Redlin | Landscape Wildlife painter

Terry Avon Redlin (July 11, 1937 - April 24, 2016) was an American artist, popular for painting outdoor themes and wildlife, often pictured in twilight, as widely collected as prints. For eight consecutive years, 1991 through 1998, Redlin was named America's Most Popular Artist in annual gallery surveys conducted by U.S. Art magazine.

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Alan Giana | Fantasy painter

Born and raised in Connecticut, Alan Giana always wanted to be an artist.
One of his first works of art was at the age of four when he grabbed a magic marker and proceeded to scribble on the wall with it.
Needless to say his parents were not too happy, but a career was set in motion.
Alan's father is an accomplished ceramic artist.
Alan often watched his father apply glazes and different painting techniques to create his masterpieces.

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Sung Kim, 1940

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Sung began to exhibit his artistic talents early in childhood. Beginning in grade school, Sung entered and won various art contests by displaying his creativity and artistic imagination. He decided to pursue his passion for art and graduated with honors from Seorabol Art College in Seoul. Later he opened his own studio and worked as an illustrator for various magazines and children’s books. Sung’s artistic abilities were acknowledged when he was awarded the Grand Prize in an art competition by the Minister of Culture in South Korea and the Gold Medal prize in the art competition given by the Mayor of Seoul. He traveled throughout Europe before immigrating to the United States in 1980. For the last 20 years, Sung has worked with various fine art galleries and has produced over 400 original landscape paintings.
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Il Gruppo del Laocoonte | Roma Barocca, anno 200 a.C.

Il Gruppo del Laocoonte, scultura barocca ellenistica della scuola di Rodi (I secolo), è una scultura monumentale di marmo realizzata nel 200 a.C. circa e si trova a Roma, presso i Musei Vaticani, nel Museo Pio-Clementino. Raffigura il famoso episodio narrato nell'Eneide che vede il troiano Laocoonte ed i suoi figli che lottano coi serpenti marini.
Laocoonte, personaggio della mitologia greca, era figlio di Antenore, un abitante di Troia. Era un veggente e gran sacerdote di Apollo.
Si narra che, quando i troiani portarono nella città il celebre cavallo di Troia, egli corse verso di esso scagliandogli contro una lancia che ne fece risonare il ventre vuoto, proferendo la celebre frase: "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" - "Temo i Greci, anche quando portano doni". Laocoonte cercò invano di convincere i suoi concittadini a non far entrare nella città di Troia il cavallo lasciato dai greci che avevano sciolto l’assedio alla città. Atena, la divinità contraria ai troiani, per evitare che il suo consiglio trovasse ascolto, punì Laocoonte mandando Porcete e Caribea, due enormi serpenti marini che uscendo dal mare avvinghiarono i suoi due figli, egli accorse in loro aiuto e fu stritolato assieme ad essi. Secondo un'altra versione i due serpenti furono inviati da Poseidone, che punì il suo sacerdote per essesi sposato contro la volontà divina. I Troiani presero questo come un segno, tenendo così il cavallo tra le loro mura.
Il Gruppo del Laocoonte | Roma Barocca, anno 200 a.C.
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Kaspian Shore, 1983

Kaspian Shore is a self-taught painter, born in 1983. Most of the artist’s youth was spent in anguish and isolation, making poetry and art one of the few ways to comfort him in his grief and to communicate. Kaspian’s portraits of gentle, androgynous boys are haunting us like washed-out memories of the ghosts of our pasts, hiding the sadness of many untold stories behind their gloomy, questioning eyes.
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Manuel Nuñez, 1956 | Fashion illustrator

Manuel Nuñez began his career in art after leaving Art Center College of Design in 1979.
He started working primarily as an illustrator doing movie posters, album covers and editorial work.
Later he focused on fashion illustrations, working for companies such as, May Company, Lord and Taylor, Robinsons, Nordtroms and Woodward and Lohrop.

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Ronald Companoca, 1981 ~ Surrealist painter

Ronald Companoca nato nel 1981 in Perù è un promettente artista con una spiccata vena onirica, le sue opere hanno delle particolari tonalità brillanti che amplificano l'atmosfera sognante e fiabesca ricreata.
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Gennady Privedentsev/ Геннадий Приведенцев ~ Surrealist painter

Gennady Privedentsev | Surrealist still-life painter

I have been engaged in surrealism since the time when I aroused the interest of KGB rather than just amateurs of painting. Have a traditional career: art school, university faculty of graphic arts, the Union of artists of Russia, since 1991. Have five personal exhibitions behind myself, participation in zone and international exhibitions -Yugoslavia, Germany, Cyprus, Ethiopia. I live and work in Krasnodar.
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Victor Hagea, 1948 | Surrealist painter

Romanian painter Victor Hagea was born in Lupeni/Hunedoara, Romania. I have been interested in drawing and painting since youth, and had a rigorous arts education. I have been much influenced by the Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French great masters.
I saw in their multi-faceted work multiple windows toward the absolute. Then Dalí showed me what kinds of possibilities dwell within the domain of the "real" and what the artists can make of it.

Victor Hagea 1948 | Romanian Surrealist painter | Life is a dream

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La cattedrale di Orleans

La cattedrale fu fondata nel sec. III, dal vescovo di Orléan San Euverte e ha cominciato a essere un luogo di culto a metà dello stesso secolo. La distrussero varie volte durante le conquiste della città e le guerre e la ricostruirono, ma la grande ristrutturazione della cattedrale che vediamo oggi iniziò nel sec.XIII. I protestanti la distrussero un'altra volta nel 1568 durante un attacco e restò molto poco, ma i re successivi si impegnarono a restaurarla. La costruzione terminò nel sec. XVIII. Di stile gotico, la cattedrale è dedicata alla Santa Cruz. Le torri misurano 80 metri di altezza, e il pinnacolo centrale 115 metri.
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Erin Cone, 1976 | Figurative Realism painter

Known for her meticulously-composed realism, Erin Cone distills the emotion of traditional figurative painting into abstracted compositions, for a bold vision all her own. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting and working briefly in the design industry, Cone had her first solo show at the age of 24 and has been painting full-time ever since. From the beginning, Cone's paintings have captured a unique fusion of aesthetics - combining the evocative detail of magical realism with the simplicity of minimal abstraction to create something completely new.
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Pompei, la città sepolta dal Vesuvio

Pompei ha origini antiche quanto quelle di Roma: infatti la «gens pompeia» proveniente dagli Oschi, uno dei primi popoli italici, nell’VIII secolo a.C., fondò e diede il nome al primo aggregato urbano. Luogo di passaggio obbligato tra il nord ed il sud, tra il mare e le interne ricche vallate, ben presto Pompei diventa importante nodo viario e portuale e, pertanto, ambita preda per i potenti stati confinanti.
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Paul Roberts, 1948 | Figurative Realist painter

Paul Roberts was born in Tiverton Devon in 1948. Brought up by artist parents in Wales. He studied at Newport, Cardiff and Goldsmiths colleges of Art. Gaining early recognition in the 1970's his career as a painter was interrupted when he had worldwide success with the rockband Sniff'n'The Tears in 1978. Commitments to music meant that until 2000 time needed to develop his career as a painter was to some degree curtailed. In 1988 he moved with his family to Somerset, where he has continued to paint and make music.
His work can currently be seen at the Plus One Gallery London.

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Fabrice Backes, 1968 | Surrealist painter / iIlustrator

Fabrice Backes is a French artist** born in 1968 and lives in the Ardennes region.
Painter-independent illustrator registered at the Maison des Artistes since June 2005.
"The stories of my characters are intimate, secret, mysterious ... Even I do not know much, but I know their mindset. It's mine", says Fabrice.

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Paul David Bond, 1964 | Magic realism painter

Paul Bond's award-winning oil paintings live in the spaces between dreaming and reality.
Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, he draws from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, unveiling a world where anything is possible.
He often refers to then as "fairy tales for adults".
By merging and altering familiar objects - mixed with equal parts whimsy, wonder and mysticism - Bond’s works delight the imagination and stir the soul.

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Doris Joa | Watercolor painter

My name is Doris Joa and I am a watercolor and oil artist from Germany.
I started painting in 2002 and what began at first as a hobby turned into one of the greatest passions in my life. In Summer 2003 I decided to become a professional artist.
My mediums are watercolor and oil.
My two favorite subjects are Roses and Figurative work. I paint roses and also other flowers in oil and watercolor.

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Catrin Welz-Stein, 1972 | Pop-Surrealist painter

Catrin Welz-Stein graduated from Graphic Design in Darmstadt, Germany and then worked for different advertising agencies in Germany, USA and Switzerland.
In 2009 Catrin started to create digital images by collaging old illustrations and photographs.
At the same time she discovered online social networks and her private images were then open to the public.
The positive responses Catrin got there were her motivation to go on with her art until now.

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Derek Gores, 1971

Derek has gained national attention for his collage portrait series, recycling magazines, labels, and found materials to create the works on canvas. The series showcases Gores' contrasting interests in the natural beauty of the figure, the angular design aesthetics of fashion (and machinery), and a fearless sense of play. A successful commercial designer and illustrator for 15 years, clients include ESPN, Lenny Kravitz, Lucasfilm, Kings of Leon, U2, NASCAR, Adidas, Madonna, Harley Davidson, 321 Agency, Van Halen, the National Football League, LiveNation, SEIU, Love Haight Apparel, and JCPenney. Derek lives and works in Melbourne, Florida, surrounded by the intellect and culture of the Space Coast.
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Bob Barker, 1954

Bob Barker is a UK based artist, born and bred in Yorkshire. It’s taken Bob Barker twenty years for his long time love of painting to evolve from a hobby to the point where interest in his work has taken on worldwide awareness. As a gift one Christmas he received an oil painting set. Bob Barker was immediately struck by what he could create with basic tools and he has been painting ever since, “I eat, breathe and sleep painting”, he says “I love every minute of it”. Bob Barker was born and brought up within the textile industry of Yorkshire; he reflects, “the subjects I paint, most people would just see soot-blackened stone and polluted skies - I see colour”.
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Michael Maczuga, 1957

Michael Maczuga considers himself a native Arizonan. Although born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1957, he and his family moved here in 1964. Michael paints daily wherever and whenever time allows. He became a member of the Oil Painters of America in 2004. He is also the founding director of the one and only major plein aire painters show in Scottsdale, “The Wild Wild West Show,” an invitational and juried show. The plein aire show is extremely important to Michael because it allowed him to incorporate a mentorship initiative for local high school art students.
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Rita Kirkman | Pastel painter

Rita Kirkman was born an artist. She has been using pastel since she was 11 years old and had her first paid portrait commission at 17. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1988. Meanwhile, in 1986 she began a 12 year career sketching quick portraits at amusement parks.

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Dmitry Patrushev / Дмитрий Патрушев, 1969

Dmitry Patrushev / Дмитрий Патрушев was born in city Glazov. Has graduated Glazov's Art School in 1982. Was engaged in sculptor, painter, watercolourist and teacher Leonid Mordvin and prepared to act in V. Surikov's Institute, and has acted in the Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow, parallelly visited S. Andriyaka's School of Watercolor, and also N.Smirnov's workshop.

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Jeff Faust, 1952 | Surrealist painter

Jeff Faust, American painter, has fond memories of spending hours getting lost in art books that his parents kept round the house as a child.
Each page told a story, both about the artist themselves, and of their work and this fed his eager mind that to create art is not just an amazing ability to possess, but that it was also his calling.

Jeff Faust 1952 | American surrealist painter

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Hiroko Sakai | Surrealist painter

Japanese artist Hiroko Sakai has been living and working in San Francisco California since 1998. The intense passion that she conveys in her art has inspired deep expressions of emotion in viewers over the years.
In the early 90's, her professional art career started in the graphic arts field in Japan. After graduating from Nihon interior design school with a BA degree in design and rendering, she founded "Atelier Yume-Tsumugi Ltd".

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Mahira Ates, 1960 | Surrealist painter

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Maxfield Parrish | Romantic Painter / Illustrator

Not long ago, Tutt'Art@ published the colorful and romantic landscapes of American artist* Maxfield Parrish and continue to familiarize with his work.
Maxfield Parrish (July 25, 1870 - March 30, 1966)* was an painter and illustrator active in the first half of the 20th century.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Parrish see:

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Roger Alexandre, 1942

Roger Alexandre, Canadian painter, was born in Montreal. Roger Alexandre taught for a few years before studying painting for two years with Brother Jérôme. This teacher passed on automatist techniques and Borduas’ teachings to his student, a largely self-taught artist. Since then, his work has been featured in many exhibitions in Quebec, the United States and Europe. In recent decades, Roger Alexandre’s style has matured: a stylized and pared down approach with soft colours in camaieu. His canvases encourage contemplation and introspection. This deeply humanist artist creates and directs a boundless world.
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Richard Ramsey ~ Digital painting

Richard is the owner/operator of Ramsey Photography. For over 35 years Richard has used his talents to produce some of the Mid-South’s finest portraiture. He is one of the highest awarded portrait photographers in the state of Tennessee and has been honored eleven times with the prestigious title of “Photographer of the Year”. Richard holds the Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman degrees from the Professional Photographers of America and the Tennessee Certified and Tennessee Service Degrees from the Tennessee Professional Photographer Association.
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Sandra Bierman, 1938 ~ Figurative painter

Sandra Bierman 1938 | American painter
American painter Sandra Bierman, grandmother of five, was born in Brooklyn, New York, but from age 4 grew up in Oklahoma, Texas and Maryland. Her father was a Swedish immigrant and her mother a Texas farm girl. She was nurtured as a child by her part-Cherokee grandmother. Art scholarships began at age 11. Sandra is married to retired physics professor Arthur Bierman, and they have lived in Boulder, Colorado since 1988. Her oils are widely collected and are published and distributed worldwide.
Influences: 16th Century Italian masters, Mexican masters, Chinese and Japanese classical art.