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Luis de Leõn, 1950 | Fashion painter

Son of Spanish political refugees, Luis De Leõn was born on July 14, 1950 in Oujda, Morocco.
He arrived in France at the age of 13 and continued his studies at the Ecole d'Art des Tissages in Lyon.
He became a designer, graphic designer and professor of plastic arts.
He has always been a painter...
Numerous solo and group exhibitions have marked his career in France and abroad: Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the United States, China...
Inspiration principale: The beauty. His work is technically flawless.
Her gesture is sure, and the chromatic palette responds perfectly to her visionary impulses, whose inspiration is obviously the mystery of feminine sensuality..
Love is there but it cannot be seen, it can be guessed.

It is both decorative and fascinating, an invitation to a permanent and inspiring reverie.
Idyllic vision of a breast or a croup deliciously and barely revealed, an often transparent silk.
Everything is more suggested than visible, and when it is visible, what we do not see, leaves it to our imagination to create it in the image of what we would like.

Luis de Leõn, figlio di rifugiati politici spagnoli, è nato il 14 luglio 1950 ad Oujda, in Marocco.
Arrivò in Francia all'età di 13 anni e continuò gli studi presso l'Ecole d'Art des Tissages di Lione.
Diventerà Designer, Grafico e Docente di Arti Plastiche.
Numerose mostre personali e collettive scandiranno la sua carriera in Francia e all'estero: Svizzera, Germania, Belgio, Stati Uniti, Cina...