Ricardo Celma was born in Buenos Aires. His artistic vocation showed up at the early age of 5 when he started attending to an art workshop and he continued to do so for 20 years.
At the end of high school he entered the National School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón, where he obtained the title of national professor of drawing and painting, with excellent grades.
And a few years later, he received a degree, Bachelor of Visual Arts at the National University of Art (UNA).
His works are part of permanent museum´s collections and also private collections around the world.

His paintings have been exhibited in many important international places: New York City, Tokyo, Shangai, Spain, Italy, Holland, Taipei, Bangkok, Belgium, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, etc.
"I try to convey a spiritual message in the work, which is a bit the reflection of my own search, my encounters and doubts, I try to make something sacred and magical happen in ambiguous scenes, and sometimes everyday ones"- he says.
He likes to work with a live model, although he often uses photographs:
"I have the enormous fortune of being married to María Gracia, a talented photographer who makes me miss the live model a little less, as well as being my constant muse and source of inspiration. many times… " - he confesses.

Ricardo Celma è nato a Buenos Aires.
La sua vocazione artistica si sviluppa immediatamente: a 5 anni frequenta un laboratorio d'arte, a 16 anni ha realizzato la sua prima mostra personale, e cosi ha continuato ininterrottamente per 20 anni.
Al termine del liceo è entrato alla Scuola Nazionale di Belle Arti Prilidiano Pueyrredón, dove ha conseguito il titolo di Professore nazionale di disegno e pittura, con ottimi voti.
Pochi anni dopo, ha conseguito una laurea, Bachelor of Visual Arts presso la National University of Art (UNA).
Le sue opere fanno parte di collezioni museali permanenti ed anche collezioni private in tutto il mondo.
I suoi dipinti sono stati esposti in molti importanti luoghi internazionali: New York City, Tokyo, Shangai, Spagna, Italia, Olanda, Taipei, Bangkok, Belgio, Messico, Perù, Uruguay, Argentina, ecc.