Andrius Kovelinas is an Lithuanian artist, living in Poland. He received prizes in varroius competitions. In Lithuania, he ran his own art school. He lived in France and Ireland. From years of experience in oil painting. There are many exhibitions on his account. The main theme of his work are women.
Andrius Kovelinas has been living in Ireland for almost 6 years now. His extraordinary style and imagination has been on show at The Green Gallery shortly after he set foot on these shores.
For many years Andrius had travelled throughout Europe producing his masterly works everywhere he wen “I travelled a lot in Europe through Countries such as Sweden, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Spain. My sister lives in New York I go there two or three times a year and organise small private exhibition for collectors”. Before I moved to Ireland I was living In Northern France in the City of St. Michel.
Among traces of Kovelinas still visible there is a large fresco for the supermarket chain L’eclerc. He returned there for a short time in 2007 to take up a similar commission.
At the beginning of 2008 he had his most recent solo exhibition in Austria, in the beautiful city Gmunden. In summer time every years, traditionally, he participates in the international Art Camp in France. This year was excellent for Andrius.
After two weeks 5 days travelling thru the French Normandy where he was inspired with new ideas for his pictures. The final exhibition was in Sorbay.
Andrius Kovelinas has been at the forefront of the international contemporary art scene for many years now.
Most recently winning the coveted second prize in the most prestigeous Anglo-Italian Academy of Art biennial at the Chianciano Art Museum, Italy with his painting 'Red Dance'.
Andrius Kovelinas, pittore surrealista Lituano, dipinge la donna giocando con gli sguardi, le apparizioni, gli stati d'animo.
I suoi lavori sono tutti ad olio su tela, ma lo stile e la tecnica non sono per Andrius così rilevanti.
La preparazione - l'idea - è per lui essenziale e richiede molto tempo. Prima di iniziare un'opera su tela, Andrius si crea un disegno su carta. Lui stesso dice di non essere in grado di creare un'opera velocemente. A volte per terminare un lavoro impiega anche 3 mesi. Il risultato è la bellezza e la perfezione estetica.
Fin dal 1980, Andrius Kovelinas ha esposto in Paesi come Lituania, Polonia, Slovacchia, Svezia, Francia, Ungheria, Italia ed Irlanda.
Ad Andrius è stato riconosciuto un importante Premio dall’Accademia delle Arti Anglo-Italiana. Le sue opere sono esposte in Collezioni Pubbliche e Private di tutto il Mondo.
Nel 2012: Esposizione presso la Galleria Gagliardi di Londra (UK); AAF Roma 2012; Museo MACRO, Roma, Italia, (Ottobre 26-28) con l’Agenzia di arte contemporanea: Gall’Art Roma - con l’Agenzia di arte contemporanea: Gall’Art Roma - Italia; 14th International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurigo, Svizzera, con l’Agenzia di arte contemporanea: Gall’Art Roma - Italia; per il 2013 è in programma AAF Bruxelles - Belgio - 2013 con l’Agenzia di arte contemporanea Gall'Art Roma - Italia.