Italian artist Sergio Cerchi was born in Florence, where he still lives and works.
He was educated at the Art Institute d'Arte di Porta Romana and studied at the Cherubim Conservatory courses.
From childhood, Sergio Cerci was "torn" between music and the visual arts: two indivisible passions cultivated with tenacity and determination, forcing him to simultaneously attend the workshops of local artists and play in various musical groups.
He began painting at the age of 15, trying different techniques and approaches before his personal style matured.
"Figures and Geometry" form the basis of his special vision of reality, which received an ethical impetus, as a result of which his paintings began to express not only artistic, but also philosophical, historical and psychological values.
Sergio Cerci's early works (landscapes and other surrounding views) developed under the influence of the concept of "cubism", the artist interpreted in his own way moments from his own past, which, over time, radically changed the material and coloristic attitudes.
The objects and background in his painting grow like musical signs on the stave, blurring the horizon line and volumes, where figures of people and details of faces mix to form the original.
Shades of oil paints, warm undertones of red carmine mixed with shades of ocher, green and blue backgrounds, with elaborate shading, enliven the stone materials and sculptural forms of the Renaissance masters on which he "feeds".
Sergio Cerchi è nato a Firenze, città' in cui tuttora vive e lavora. Le figure e le geometrie compongono la sua visione del reale, contrassegnata da una spinta etica che esprime valori non solo artistici, ma filosofici, storici e psicosociali.
Dai primi lavori pittorici con paesaggi e vedute, si è evoluto verso evocazioni "cubiste" e rielaborazioni del proprio vissuto, che hanno radicalmente mutato l' impianto materico e coloristico.
Soggetti e sfondi si moltiplicano nella sua pittura come su di un pentagramma musicale, sfumando orizzonti piani e volumi, in cui figure e particolari emergono leggibili e composti in modo affatto originale.
Cromie di colori ad olio, dalle calde tonalità' di rossi carminio, mescolati a sfumature ocra, a verdi antichi e blu con sapienti ombreggiature di grigi luminosi, danno corpo ad elementi petrosi, scultorei, emblematici delle materie e sostanze dei più grandi maestri dell'arte dai Primitivi al Rinascimento, di cui si nutre appunto la poetica e la pittura di Sergio Cerchi.